I love these type of good news stories.
I Quit - hope you have a great weekend with your friend.
Best Wishes
i called a friend of mine who i hadn't seen since last labor day to see how he was doing.
we were in the watchtower together in the early seventies.
he quit going around that time.
I love these type of good news stories.
I Quit - hope you have a great weekend with your friend.
Best Wishes
i'm a really big eckhart tolle follower, and recently i was rereading a new earth and i showed my dubby this proverb he mentioned, which kind of bothered him when i explained it.. "the hand pointing to the moon is not the moon.".
he didn't quite get it, so i explained that it basically means that just because a man, or religion, is pointing out god to you, it doesn't mean you worship the man or religion.
he didn't seem to want to debate it because he didn't have an answer or counter point.. also while explaining the path tolle shows (pragmatic explainations of age-old beliefs, from jesus to buddah, they all said the same things), he said he didn't think tolle believed in god.
Well done Confuzzled. Sometimes just one little point like the one you made can become 'the splinter in the mind' that starts turning the cogs of independant thinking.
All the best
...........im gonna go have an anxiety attack now.
dances with smurfs - welcome it's good to have you here. You will find there is so much help and support and friendship to be found among the lovely people on this board.
All the best with your fade - so glad it's going to be an easy and painless one. I wish it had been like that for me.
Looking forward to hearing more of your stories when your ready.
let's start this over...in the right direction.. thanks to simon for providing this forum where we can discuss our experiences and issues with the wt society and the jw religion.
anyone that knows anything about me at all knows that i'm not an ass kisser, but i think we forget what a pain in the ass it must be to keep a forum like this going.
sure, most forums have flame wars and personality conflicts from time to time, but a forum about sports cars, motorcyles, basketweaving, and needlepoint don't have the same emotions and pain expressed in their subjects as this forum...as any ex-jw forum, as any ex-cult forum... does.. we're mostly a group of people who have been ostracized by family and so-called life long friends.
I would like to add my thanks to Simon also for providing this amazing place that we can come to any time of the day or night for support when we most need it.
Also a big thank you to the posters on here who have who have couragously told their incredibly painful stories of what they went through as JWs and the turmoil and grief they had to go through to leave the clutches of the WTS. I'm sure these experiences have brought much comfort to many of us when we realised we are not going through these things alone.
And as someone has already mentioned this place has been a lifeline for many of us - in fact there are probably some posters still alive today thanks to the support offered on this forum.
So thanks again Simon and family for making this possible.
Wishing you all the best
1:8; ps.
Thanks Blondie
I must say this comment of yours regarding para 16 gave me a real chuckle!
I'm surprised that the WTS is not suggesting burkas for the sisters to help the brothers' eyes.
Thanks for all the time and effort you put into doing this for us.
i wanted to say hello.
i knew i was gay.
i wanted to study and learn about everything i could.
Hello laverite
I just found this thread now and wanted to add my welcome. Thanks for sharing your story and congratulations on your achievements.
I like so many on this board missed out on further education as a young person - I left school in 1974 without even doing senior as the end was coming so soon, possibly even within the next year! By the time I woke up to the fact that 'the truth' is actually 'the lie' I was 46 years old.
The thing I am so grateful for is that my husband and I woke up while my son was still in school and that he will be able to go to university with our blessing and support.
All the best
hi gang, i would really appreciate if you could take a look at my blog about the book i've written re the witnesses.
i've aimed to have a laugh at all the madness that i experienced in the 20 years i spent in the 'truth'.. i'm using the blog to get some positive comments so i can get the book published.
i've already had lot's of help.
I really enjoyed reading the samples on your blog. It brings back such memories!
All the best with your book.
according to 2tricities.com, a "group of jehovah's witnesses saved 4 month old beulah from a watery grave" in old fort, w.virginia.. 17 year old autumn stoddard of marion said, "we just kept hearing this crying throughout the whole neighborhood.
i didn't even knock on the door because i could tell it was starting to go under".. the owners of the goat were very happy that the jehovah's witnesses saved the goat.. .
any comments??
I guess the fact the goat was mostly blind and not fully blind is the reason the JWs were able to rescue it. Satan obviously hadn't completed the job of 'blinding' it yet. No doubt the follow up newspaper article will be about these JW rescuers amazingly transforming this poor blind goat into a sheep with perfect eyesight.
well the district convention season is here!
dw and mil territory are due to go on the first weekend of july but that won't be happening as we are on holiday!.
add in that this weekend is a festival in town and the weekend after is a party the wife was more than keen to get the whole thing out of the way!.
mttm - that did make me smile.
well, some of you know that i have a 16 year old son who lives with his jw mother.
she has already mastered the art of guilt control on him.
i am most anxious that he not get baptized at all or at least unless he has really understood the whole truth, not just the watchtower truth.
Well done Aussie - so glad you are reaching your kids little by little. I'm sure those seeds you are planting will be remembered by your kids as they get older.
All the best