Just thought this article was interesting in view of what has been said in the last couple of years on the forum about the declining number of elders and servants and those reaching out. Add to that the large percentage of young teenage boys who leave 'the truth'. I can't ever remember this much space in a KM being devoted to converting men.
Para 2 states: "When a family head accepts the truth, he often influences others in the family to join him in pure worship". So firstly they think that by getting more males in they will get more females and their kids. (By the way isn't this thinking a bit outdated these days).
Then Para 9 under the subheading Train for the Future, it states: "Men who respond to the Kingdom message and reach out for privileges in Jehovah's service, may come to be among the "gifts in men", Christain elders who use their abilities and strengths in behalf of the congregations of Jehovah's people". So secondly, it appears that they want more males to solve their elder shortage problems.
There is also a push to get to unbelieving husbands.
So is it just me who thinks this or are the WTS really getting desperate for men?
Below are the scans of the article. By the way they are from the Australian KM.