Hi Tasting - It's great to see you and your family doing so well now that you are out. You and your wife both have great thinking and reasoning ability and it would have eventually destroyed you if you stayed in the WT cult that supresses thinking and reasoning skills.
And it is fantastic that you are out while your children are young giving them the opportunity to grow up normally without all the ridiculous boundaries, rules and pressures put on young people within the JWs.
The shunning takes a lot of getting used to. Even if you have prepared for it as you did it still can hit you like a ton of bricks. In my case with my whole family shunning me, it took me well over a year to go through the grieving process. It was like having your whole family wiped out. At least you have some non JW family to connect with.
One of the things I also 'discovered' very early in my fading (before I even realised I was fading) is that 'worldly' people are not the evil, horrible, selfish people that we were led to believe whilst JWs. There are so many lovely caring, genuine people out there and doing what you and your wife are doing, getting involved in groups and clubs is an ideal way to make new friends.
So well done to you and your wife for coming this far. It hasn't been an easy ride but certainly one that was well worth every painful minute.
Wishing you both all the best.
ps - I so enjoyed the couple of weeks I spent with you both last month.