Ya know, I'm embarrassed to say, I don't actually even know what the lightbulb moment for my best friend was. She knew that I had doubts and that I left...she always gave me unconditional love regardless. She was married to a jackass at the time, that much I know for sure. I will let you know what the lightbulb moment for my hubby and my bestie were. Now who have YOU known whose left the Troof? I'm so curious!
JoinedPosts by homeschool
Your version of a Loved one who left the Troof
by homeschool inwe all have our stories about how & why we left.
but every story has at least two sides.
there are so many people on here who say they were so strong in the jw faith, but then something (or many little things) started to not add up.
Your version of a Loved one who left the Troof
by homeschool inwe all have our stories about how & why we left.
but every story has at least two sides.
there are so many people on here who say they were so strong in the jw faith, but then something (or many little things) started to not add up.
We all have our stories about how & why WE left. But every story has at least two sides. There are so many people on here who say they were so strong in the jw faith, but then something (or many little things) started to not add up. Can you tell the story of someone you loved, whom you NEVER thought would leave the jw's, did? How were you an influence? Lookin' for success stories here...How'd you get 'em out?
When my husband & I met, he was a jw. He had it in his mind that he would show me the light and make me come back to the troof. I had no idea this was his scheme. Turns out, the way the elders, rank & file, and even my own family treated him and me after we started dating, it showed him just how unloving they can be. Not sure when his "lightbulb" moment was, though. He always had an issue with the blood doctrine change.
Now your story....
"The Wonders of Creation Reveal God's Glory" DVD -- watch on YouTube!
by inkling inok, so out of boredom and curiosity, i have unleashed the new.
dvd "the wonders of creation reveal god's glory" on the.
unsuspecting public!.
I just posted on the other thread that's like this one. While a jw, I felt like those people in the boy's imagination dressed in white.
I'm going to have a very full day, being with lots of people who live life to its fullest...but I will be back later to check out these videos! (if I can stomach it )
"Wonders of Creation" - new DVD
by Mickey mouse inif you haven't seen it and can stomach a short clip, check this out (especially the sequence from around one minute in):.
there should be a caption that says "if you are thinking of becoming a jehovah's witness, this is what you can expect from life".. .
Thats funny, because when I was a JW, I was exactly like they were at minute one of this video.
My sister was telling me about this new DVD, and how it "saves" her from having to watch ALL the other t.v. shows with talk about how we came about by evolution. I said "I've only seen one or two nature shows on t.v. that show we came from evolution" to which she scoffed "well, you obviously haven't seen many because they ALL say we came from evolution".(roll in the condescending tone! )
Everybody say hi to my husband...
by cognac inbecause we have a stinken spy on our hands!
oh, and he wants to let everyone know that he is unbreakable in the truth.
as a matter of fact, hes going out in service both saturday and sunday.
"Outaservice - Second. He's nice. "
IMO, spying on your partner is not nice.
Well, TECHNICALLY, when you're going to sites behind your spouse's back knowing they wouldn't appreciate it...that's not nice either. So where do you draw the line? I bet they both love each other very much & just feel outta control with the religious beliefs/disbeliefs. Cognac, I always appreciate your posts because they are heartfelt & I can relate to them.
Cognac's hubby....if there was anything I'd want you to know- Us "apostates" do not hate jw's. Most of us have been hurt by the Watchtower Bible and Tract Society & feel like they've lied to us regarding alleged "truths".
I wish you the best. This post initially made my eyes pop open and my jaw drop...
Last night conversation with wifey
by winstonchurchill inshe commented on how clear the blood components/fractions issue was stated in the new book (we studied it this week).
i went along and yes, the chart is very clear on what's allowed and what not.. we were having dinner.
after a pause i asked her: "if i can eat potato, and i can eat beets, and i can eat carrots... then why can't i eat the whole salad?
LoL... glad you interpreted that for me (the great character part, not the Salad part which was TMI )
Last night conversation with wifey
by winstonchurchill inshe commented on how clear the blood components/fractions issue was stated in the new book (we studied it this week).
i went along and yes, the chart is very clear on what's allowed and what not.. we were having dinner.
after a pause i asked her: "if i can eat potato, and i can eat beets, and i can eat carrots... then why can't i eat the whole salad?
you just said "she's slow" and "she didn't fight back as usual".... are these two separate things? when you say she didnt fight back as usual, are you implying she's finally coming around to your side? or that shes a weak person?
I think your beets, carrots, whole salad comparison is dead-on. good one...
So lets stop talking about what we can't do...
by Mickey mouse in...and discuss what we can do.. what could we reasonably do that may loosen the stranglehold the wbts has on it's membership?.
how can we effectively educate jws about other cults and the way they operate?.
is there a way to get this information into their collective psyche?.
I'll tell ya what I did....my sister was over at my house & she was looking at all the books I own. I gave her the one about Elissa Walls, entitled STOLEN INNOCENCE. It discusses the FLDS cult/church out in Utah & there are a LOT of similarities between them and jw's. Yes, of course, jw's dont believe in polygomy or child brides (although they tried to make me commit to marrying my boyfriend when I was 17). There were so many subtle similarities (which are covered in Steven Hassans Combatting Cult Mind Control). Its been a few months since I read it, but there were many times I cried for that author, and for myself. Ya just never know when that lightbulb moment will come for our loved ones. Obviously showing aggression and hatred towards the WTBT$ will not be beneficial, so maybe being as subtle as possible will work.
....I'm pretty sure nobody in my family watches YouTube
Do you Remember the Moment you Stopped Being a JW?
by Smoldering Wick in"it only takes a moment.
a moment of sanity.
just looking at some older posts and came across this one. Wow, great stuff. I remember my moment. I decided to tell on myself for commiting fornication. I felt terrible, guilty, humiliated. I cried and told on myself to three elders. I remember them telling me that, in the older days, I would've been stoned to death. I remember thinking, Huh? Ok, didn't need to hear that, but whatever, I guess I deserved that comment. they kicked me outta the room because they were 'leaning towards disfellowshipping'....but then they decided on public reproof. I sat in the Kingdum Hall the night of the announcement, and it was the most humiliating thing EVER.
It was at that moment, I realized this is not what true love is about. And god would not want me sitting here with everybody staring at me and judging me. Sure. they say they do not judge, which is great on paper. But reality shows a completely different story.
What Religion Are You?
by homeschool ini see that there are many people on here who've left the jw's and are still christians...but i wonder what type?
non denominational?
has anyone changed to something completely different like hindu or buddhism?
Interesting. Thanks. At this point in time, I would consider myself a pagan (because I simply do not believe wholeheartedly in Christianity, Muslim, Hindu, etc...) But there are very few people I would say that to, mainly because of the associated thoughts that go along with it. Most people are prejudice with that word.
I went to a Unitarian Church out in California once, and on that particular day, they brought in a Wiccan to teach us about their faith. It was the wildest thing! They were very kind, and I rememember thinking how the Wiccan AND the Uniterians were pretty stinkin' cool .
Maybe I'll try to find a Unitarian Church in my area next.