I guess JW's feel that 'somehow' Jah got in there and directed who should put what in there, eh?
JoinedPosts by homeschool
Do JW's believe that Moses wrote the 1st five books?
by homeschool inwell, i'm a few chapters into who wrote the bible, by richard elliot friedman (thanks, primate, for the suggestion!
)...there's no way i could explain the book to you, but i can see exactly what it's saying.
the author really puts it in layman's terms to show how many people/men wrote the bible.
Do JW's believe that Moses wrote the 1st five books?
by homeschool inwell, i'm a few chapters into who wrote the bible, by richard elliot friedman (thanks, primate, for the suggestion!
)...there's no way i could explain the book to you, but i can see exactly what it's saying.
the author really puts it in layman's terms to show how many people/men wrote the bible.
Interesting stuff, thank you for responding everybody!
Studying "What Does the Bible Really Teach?"
by homeschool ini can't believe it.
i've actually had two studies with my sister from that book.
yesterday, she told me i was being argumentative.
Tuesday you're so smart! Thanks for the advice! Truth is...my brain still feels like jelly from trying to play 'catch up' from the vacation. I'm having a real tough time gettin' it together...I'm getting there though!
I will definitely get more prepared next time and try to predict what her views will be. It's really not that hard I guess, since its actually the WT answers I should be expecting.
Studying "What Does the Bible Really Teach?"
by homeschool ini can't believe it.
i've actually had two studies with my sister from that book.
yesterday, she told me i was being argumentative.
Lur3r!!!! I've missed you!!! Yes, I always remember the jw's teaching me that no other people end prayers with "in jesus name"...and that couldn't be farther from the truth. Not only do most people pray before a meal but they also say 'in jesus' name'.....
And the fact that your friends first said God, and THEN 'in jesus name' certainly shows a distinction.
Studying "What Does the Bible Really Teach?"
by homeschool ini can't believe it.
i've actually had two studies with my sister from that book.
yesterday, she told me i was being argumentative.
Finished up Chapter 4 today....
Some interesting stuff came up. Today it was mostly talk about the trinity. I didn't really argue too much with her about it because I'm honestly not well rehearsed in the subject, but I said about 3 times-
"It really seems to me that my friends who believe in the trinity believe that there's god, the son, and the holy spirit...THREE SEPARATE THINGS, but that they form in unity & that they are together always". She asked me if I could grab my computer to google it. Then she said to look up the Catholic official website. (Are you eFFing kidding me?!) "Ummmm, sis, hang on...let me just google 'trinity definition'." The first 3 definitions that came up were exactly what i said. Even though I said that, her statements were said as though I hadn't said them at all. She just kept saying "its so crazy how people believe that they are all ONE. I just don't get it". ....
How do YOU jwn members feel about it? I know there's a bazillion topics on here about it, which is what I will be checking out in just a minute.
Much of the chapter also discussed the way Jesus was, and I felt comfortable saying "humble, empathetic, forgiving, compassionate, warm, impartial, and very obedient to his father."
Sis said, "Did you also notice how he treated women? He was very respectful of them even though most people didn't treat them with respect"
Off on another yet similar topic:
My sister and I are reading the Bible, cover to cover. We are now around Exodus 28....
I said "yeah, I did notice that. By the way, who was speaking in Exodus 22: 16 & 17? I wasn't sure if it was Jehovah or Moses, but it really threw me for a loop! It says:
Now in case a man seduces a virgin who is not engaged, and he actually lies down with her, he is to obtain her without fail as his wife for the purchase price. 17- If her father flatly refuses to give her to him, he is to pay over the money at the rate of purchase money for virgins."
She suggested looking at the WT Library, which I'd already done and came up without a satisfactory answer.
I also "accidentally" left out WHO WROTE THE BIBLE by Richard Elliot Friedman. "So WHO WROTE THE BIBLE, (snicker) Homeschool?"
"Oh , its actually a very interesting book! Do you believe Moses wrote the first 5 books of the Bible?" "Yes, of course" she replied.
"It's kinda fascinating how this author believes that it's actually a compilation from different writers. I really don't know anything about it, but he believes it was written by a couple different groups from completely different areas. It's crazy how he dissects all the verses (..as I opened the book exACTLY to where I was hoping for withOUT a bookmark....was I receiving divine help? ) The bold writing shows the writing of one group of writers, and if you look at the plain writing, its a completely different way of writing! I also wonder who was writing the different verses...was is Jehovah or Moses? Because where it appears that Moses is speaking, the writing says stuff like 'and then Moses did this and that'.....
Sis, so you think its weird that Moses wrote in 3rd person? you dont hafta answer...its just something I'm checkin' out."
My sister said, "Well, let me know what you find " (ohhhhhh, TRUST me sis, I certainly will).
I suppose that's pretty much it for today. She was telling me how science is finding out about how each person has a "god gene"....an inborn yearning to find god. I asked "what about atheists?"...." she said 'they're probably just turning off the natural switch in their brain' (Hmmmm, Suuuuure sounds familiar. JW CULT! *cough, cough* CULT!)
Have a great night
Do JW's believe that Moses wrote the 1st five books?
by homeschool inwell, i'm a few chapters into who wrote the bible, by richard elliot friedman (thanks, primate, for the suggestion!
)...there's no way i could explain the book to you, but i can see exactly what it's saying.
the author really puts it in layman's terms to show how many people/men wrote the bible.
Well, I'm a few chapters into Who Wrote the Bible, by Richard Elliot Friedman (thanks, Primate, for the suggestion!)...there's no way I could explain the book to you, but I can see exactly what it's saying. The author really puts it in layman's terms to show how many people/men wrote the Bible. He basically says the Bible was dissected and then put back together & shows examples of verses that had completely different writing styles (which could show that one man/Moses was not responsible for the first five books). What do YOU think? And what do JW's think? I haven't come to a conclusion yet, but I know which way I'm leaning
I'm reading the Bible cover to cover...
by homeschool in....what the heck have i gotten myself into .
as a sidenote, in genesis 21....abraham threw isaac a party on the day he was weaned.
check out the history on that and find out what other religions believe about that (i checked out the jewish & baptist websites).
I have gotten through quite a few chapters of WHO WROTE THE BIBLE....wow , so interesting. I couldn't even begin to explain what it says to you, but I could certainly understand it.
Also, if I were to live in the days when Exodus 22- was, I would NOT make it. Omigoodness, so many rules! "you must, do this, do that, you must, or die, or be cast out, you must do this exactly, you must you must you MUST". Sheesh.
My Boyfriend's not a Witness...
by Hikaru inalright, with my last post it should be obvious i'm in conflict...if it's not, then yeah.. my boyfriend is not a witness.
he understands that witnesses can't marry or date non witnesses.
but i guess could say we've been stalling...looking for a solution a gray area to that black and white situation...but with time getting as it is...stalling doesn't work anymore.
I'm with cognac on that....Hik- please post some of the things jw's believe that cause you such torment. ...besides your bf not making it past Armaggedon
I'm back... Updates about hubby...
by cognac inturns out, he really doesn't seem to like anything spiritual.
he hasn't been to a meeting in weeks.
we went out with a bunch of jws the other night and at the end he told me he was pissed they brought spiritual things up.
Welcome back! I always enjoy your comments on here ;-)
Your chance!!!........ to tell us your Mission Statement in life !
by caliber inmission statement is a brief written statement of the purpose of a company or organization.
ideally, a mission statement guides the actions of the organization, spells out its overall goal, provides a sense of direction, and guides decision making for all levels of management.. the mission statement of an organization is a short but complete description of the overall purpose and intentions of that organization.
it states what is to be achieved, but not how this should be done.. i will call it.... the three v's.... visions, values & views... what is your personal mission statement ?.
Ok, seriously, my mission:
Do unto others as you would have them do unto you (did you realize that this saying is basically in EVERY religion and Paganism?)
I like smiling at people to change their demeanor as well I've got a kickass smile and I know how to use it
Show EMPATHY. my mother always tells me this & I totally do not do it to her cuz I'm a total brat when I'm around my parents. I opened my own business (on my OWN, with no help but my OWN...and a bit from my handsome hubby)...showing empathy has kept me out of the recession. It shows people that someone still truly cares about them. So important.
Ask sincere questions. Quit trying to think of your next answer.