Oh, was that fred franz's voice?
JoinedPosts by homeschool
1975 -What the Watchtower doesn't want you to know, new Video
by JWMediaFilms inin light of the new convention going on; some of the topics were 1914 and 1975. the society is realizing their members are dropping like flies because of these lies.. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oaxbbvvoeeq.
to subscribe to our channel: http://www.youtube.com/user/jwmediafilms.
1975 -What the Watchtower doesn't want you to know, new Video
by JWMediaFilms inin light of the new convention going on; some of the topics were 1914 and 1975. the society is realizing their members are dropping like flies because of these lies.. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oaxbbvvoeeq.
to subscribe to our channel: http://www.youtube.com/user/jwmediafilms.
I am speechless (well, almost). Thank you for sharing. My sister and her husband recently came to my house the other day to discuss the "generation of 1914" issue with me. And my Brother-In-Law actually brought out these very points....stating 'ohhhh, there was talk and speculation but it wasn't coming from the headquarters"...my sister said "they even mentioned it from assembly platforms occasionally"..... my question is: the headquarters specifically tells those who are giving talks what to say. And I'm sure they knew what was being said from the platforms (yes, I know....my own speculation). did the headquarters tell them to knock it off and quit telling people that the end was coming by 1975? No, not until AFTER 1975. Once again, thank you for sharing.
The Trinity Video...will JW's watch it?
by homeschool ini had my extremist jw sister and her husband over the other day because i'd asked some questions regarding the new light and 'the generation'.
i've never heard her husband speak so much and i wish you could've seen how condescending they were.
"oh homeschool.....hmmmm....let me see how i can explain this so you can understand" (i was thinking 'oh boy, you have no idea').... .
Tuesday, I have already seen many of your youtube videos and have enjoyed them . I'll go back and check 'em out again.
I was asked to leave the table...an incredible shunning experience
by JustHuman14 inthere was a social event and i was invited to attend.
the event was by a kindergarden school that my 3 year old child had a play.
after the songs and theatrical plays by the kids food was served.. .
You wouldn't be making them leave the table if you stayed.
They would leave by their choice.
Very good point...one that a lot of jw's do not abide by for so many things. We are all responsible for our actions.
The Trinity Video...will JW's watch it?
by homeschool ini had my extremist jw sister and her husband over the other day because i'd asked some questions regarding the new light and 'the generation'.
i've never heard her husband speak so much and i wish you could've seen how condescending they were.
"oh homeschool.....hmmmm....let me see how i can explain this so you can understand" (i was thinking 'oh boy, you have no idea').... .
Thanks, now I'm kinda reconsidering showing the video to her. They've already left for the ASSembly, so it'll at least be next week.
The Trinity Video...will JW's watch it?
by homeschool ini had my extremist jw sister and her husband over the other day because i'd asked some questions regarding the new light and 'the generation'.
i've never heard her husband speak so much and i wish you could've seen how condescending they were.
"oh homeschool.....hmmmm....let me see how i can explain this so you can understand" (i was thinking 'oh boy, you have no idea').... .
ummmmmm, not quite sure what you are saying, gubberning ....are you calling ME an idiot? When/if my sister looks at the video, I wasn't planning on saying "HA! SEE??! You're wrong and the dude on the video is right! HA!!!"..... I just wanted to introduce the difference of opinion from somebody who seems 'in control', and not a raging apostate. The fact that he has all those old books does not tell me that he used to be a jw. I don't really know of any jw's who still have all of those books....he just seemed like a very passionate man who wants to show the jw's that they don't know what they're talking about.
The Trinity Video...will JW's watch it?
by homeschool ini had my extremist jw sister and her husband over the other day because i'd asked some questions regarding the new light and 'the generation'.
i've never heard her husband speak so much and i wish you could've seen how condescending they were.
"oh homeschool.....hmmmm....let me see how i can explain this so you can understand" (i was thinking 'oh boy, you have no idea').... .
I had my extremist jw sister and her husband over the other day because I'd asked some questions regarding the new light and 'the generation'. I've never heard her husband speak so much and I wish you could've seen how condescending they were. "Oh Homeschool.....hmmmm....let me see how I can explain this so YOU can understand" (I was thinking 'oh boy, you have no idea')....
There's a thread on here about the showdown going on about the Trinity & it's on YouTube. It fascinated me....so much so that I called my sister and left a message telling her about the video. I said "theres a guy whose never been a jw having a debate with two jw's about the trinity. Now I'm more confused than ever. Would you guys take a look at it and explain in further detail why you guys dont believe in it?"
She said, "homeschool, some time ago, you said you didn't even believe in the bible. Do you have an opinion one way or the other on the trinity? Why do you even care?" so I explained that I'm ready to open my mind and start looking for some answers these days.
What do you think? Should I have not mentioned the video? It's not like its an 'apostate' video....the guy was never a witness.
Must see video on Youtube where a JW is clearly defeated on the trinity subject...
by Tuesday inpersonally i hate bible ping-pong.
i don't think it ever gets anywhere, i don't think it solves anything and i don't think the participants ever make any head room.
however i will say in this case, i have been proven wrong.
Dang, this is a long thread. I'm gonna put my two cents worth in just so I can keep track of this thread through my profile. I watched this whole slew of videos last night. VERY LONG but Very interesting. I have a very tough time believing the bible is the real deal, so it was incredibly tough to follow each side of the arguments. I'm going to have to say that the gentleman claiming to be a TRUE Jehovahs Witness (it was cute how he kept doing that) had a much stronger argument. Thanks for posting! I've got a couple people whom I'm going to show this to...
No One Should Be Made to Choose ..LIES from July 09 Awake
by Hopscotch inthe following quote is taken from the article is it wrong to change your religion?
in the july 2009 awake p29:
no one should be forced to worship in a way that he finds unacceptable or be made to choose between his beliefs and his family.
So does anyone know when exactly this magazine issue will be out for the public??
just one of those days
by homeschool inhttp://i269.photobucket.com/albums/jj51/crys77/penguin_smacking_penguin.gif.
have you ever just wanted to do this to someone?
i'm having one of those kinds of days.
Just as a side-note....I've recently picked up the green book (Jehoobah's Witnesses, Proclaimers of God's Kingdom) at the request of a jw family member. I am shocked as to how lightly they play certain issues, such as 1914 & 75. I'm only a little bit through it, but jeez louise its kinda makin me wanna puke