jigga wha...?
Hey now! What could be more important than your fellow postersTruth be told, NOTHING is more important than my fellow posters, and I esPECIally love the ones who are on my facebook! hehe
sorry for the silly thread, but my facebook account hasn't allowed me to log on all day.
yes, i'm a bit of an addict....just wondering if you've had the same problem today?
jigga wha...?
Hey now! What could be more important than your fellow postersTruth be told, NOTHING is more important than my fellow posters, and I esPECIally love the ones who are on my facebook! hehe
i always wondered why jw's were always so afraid of ouija(pronounced as "wee-yaw" not "wee-gee") boards.
does anyone have any speculation about who started these jw myths?.
anyone who has actually tried the board and would like to give their opinions are welcome.
I've messed around with it quite a few times in my earlier 20's. MOST of the time, something crazy happened. The first time, I was with my best friend & his eyes got really big and he mentioned a spirit's name that was looking out over me ....and then he mentioned one who was out to get me. Everytime I messed around with it with him, crazy things were brought up...stuff from our childhoods. Then I was playing it with a girlfriend years later and she mentioned the same name of the guy who was out to get me. Yikes. A lot of crazy stuff came up. With the exeption of the two friends who came up with the same guy's name....I'd say its mostly your subconscious talkin'.
sorry for the silly thread, but my facebook account hasn't allowed me to log on all day.
yes, i'm a bit of an addict....just wondering if you've had the same problem today?
Well, whaddya know....it hasn't let me on ALL day, but it finally just did. Ok, nix this thread! On to more important issues...move along.
sorry for the silly thread, but my facebook account hasn't allowed me to log on all day.
yes, i'm a bit of an addict....just wondering if you've had the same problem today?
well, poop...
every morning i read the bible.. yypically i read everyday, in order, the nt, when i finish i start again and everytime i read it i find something the hits me, in a good way lol !.
today i read 1john and decided to post about it :).
john is probably my favorite writer of the nt, his writing is beautiful and eloquent and truly express the most important teachings of jesus (in my very humble view), that of love.. and nowhere is that more evident than in the frst letter of john.. john makes it clear from the very beginning that god is light and light is love and to walk with god is to walk with love and no love means no god.. john syas the man that does the will of god lives forever and that the will is love.. john speaks of those that deny that jesus is the christ,that he was made flesh, that there are the antichrists ( plural not single).. we are all children of god for god dwells in us if love dwells in us, love not only of words but of actions.. john reiterates jesus last comandment that we love one another as he loves us, to give up our lives for one another just as jesus did for us.. note: the loving part goes back to matthew too where jesus says to love those that don't love us, for if we love only those that loves us, what's the big freaking deal?
P, I really respect your opinion. But can you explain why you only read the NT? I'm so curious. As you know, I am reading the OT at this point and god does NOT seem loving. AT ALL. I don't want to judge or criticize...but maybe you can explain again. (?)
mission statement is a brief written statement of the purpose of a company or organization.
ideally, a mission statement guides the actions of the organization, spells out its overall goal, provides a sense of direction, and guides decision making for all levels of management.. the mission statement of an organization is a short but complete description of the overall purpose and intentions of that organization.
it states what is to be achieved, but not how this should be done.. i will call it.... the three v's.... visions, values & views... what is your personal mission statement ?.
"Before you criticize someone, you should walk a mile in their shoes. That way when you criticize them, you are a mile away and you have their shoes."
-from the infamous Jack Handy
sorry for the silly thread, but my facebook account hasn't allowed me to log on all day.
yes, i'm a bit of an addict....just wondering if you've had the same problem today?
Sorry for the silly thread, but my facebook account hasn't allowed me to log on ALL day. Yes, I'm a bit of an addict....just wondering if you've had the same problem today?
alright, with my last post it should be obvious i'm in conflict...if it's not, then yeah.. my boyfriend is not a witness.
he understands that witnesses can't marry or date non witnesses.
but i guess could say we've been stalling...looking for a solution a gray area to that black and white situation...but with time getting as it is...stalling doesn't work anymore.
When I was 16, I got one of the best pieces of advice from my boss: "the way you are at 16 is not the way you will be at 21. And the way you are at 21 is not how you will be at 27"..... It meant a lot to me & proved to be true. Also, you may want to check out some books on Interfaith relationships. Many of them give examples of couples who are of complete opposite faiths, and who make it work.
I really hope you can find peace in yourself
<< part v. .
part vi the great apostasy sets in.
if you ever leave the truth or get disfellowshipped thatll be that well be finished.
I respected him immensely for the way he handled himself in the lead up to his death, aged 72. I have often asked myself if I would have left the JW’s if my Dad was still around – I don’t know the answer to that yet. I wish I could have had a closer relationship with both my parents, particularly my Dad, but the way the chips fell it hasn’t been possible. The challenge I accept with relish is to break the cycle with my boys – be the man I want them to become. Oh dear – poor sods, God bless them. (that last part is a quaint figure of speech – God probably doesn’t exist) This struck me a bit close to my heart...my father is 72 & I feel very similar. Even with all the challenges, I believe you are being a great father to those boys
It was like nothing had happened – nobody mentioned anything and it was all sweetness and light....this is unfortunately something all too common within the jw's.
my mother would keep a nominal relationship active with me until a stranger 400 miles away would announce that I was no longer a Jehovah’s Witness, meaning she could not speak to me for the rest of my natural life, without feeling guilty about doing so.....
you sure she doesn't feel guilty?
You & your wife inspire me..thanks for sharing your story
and now...look at my grandchildren.
the youngest started kindergarten this year.
the best part, is he had no fear.
I was told that college wasn't important at all and that I shouldn't go...so I didn't do well in high school cuz I thought 'Whats the point?'. And then my parents were disappointed in me. Ohhhh, the neverending cycle of guilt.
Hey but guess what....I got my act together and now I own my own business (and no, its not window washing or janatorial work! ...not that there's anything wrong with that ...) And its a SUCCESS! The recession hasn't affected my biz at all
Lisa, you have every right to brag. Your grandchildren are beautiful!!