Mr. Flipper, will you and the Mrs. please adopt me? Wow! What a beautiful letter - I think you should mail it just as it is. I would love to receive a letter like that. I hope it helps you to reach her heart.
some of you probably read my jw daughter's letter to mrs. flipper and me a few weeks ago where she tried explaining to mrs. flipper why she doesn't have anything to do with me ( says i talk negative towards the organization ) .
in that letter though she showed some flashes of her authentic, kind personality and told us she loves us.
but much of the letter was proselytizing to us about how bad the system is and how jeovah will bring a paradise, etc.
Mr. Flipper, will you and the Mrs. please adopt me? Wow! What a beautiful letter - I think you should mail it just as it is. I would love to receive a letter like that. I hope it helps you to reach her heart.
thank simon not god...started to say thank god....trying to avoid that like saying "in the truth"...."worldy"....those two are hard to break........but up on what was a good marriage is a bitch....and i am not done yet....some of my now close jwd friends had mates that came out pretty fast.......some not.......i am of the not variety.
the one in thing one out is such a tightrope to walk and it takes a toll on both partners.
i think she would be so much happier without me...but she really loves me deeply.....unfortunately she also has the false hope her prayers will be answered and i will serve jah again........damm this is tough......thanks all...esp st. ann...i called you today, but no answer...did not leave message.
OOmpa....No fair - tell the rest of us what happened!
this is podcast 8 in the death or obedience series.. this was recorded on christmas day 2008.. after our last visit from two local elders my wife felt she could no longer be known as a jehovah's witness and had chosen to disassociate herself in november 2008.. we had been on a family holiday and had returned to find that one of the local elders who had visited us had warned off my mother-in-law from having anything to do with my wife - her daughter.
he also made false statements about one of my children.. i decided to confront this elder at the kingdom hall.
this podcast is the recording of our conversation.. notice how he denies making such statements to my mother-in-law and falsely accuses me of teaching her beliefs contrary to jehovah's witnesses.. i ask whether it's a sin to no longer be a jehovah's witness?.
Frankly, I am appalled that anyone on this board would criticize the way Ken and Lorraine have handled this entire situation. They have kept their composure while under tremendous pressure and have made their exit with their dignity and integrity in one piece - no small thing in my opinion. It's oh so easy to listen to something like this and pick it apart in every little detail from the comfort of your own home. It's quite another to actually be in the situation and "under the gun", having to think and respond under pressure. Everyone has to choose their own way to make their exit. For these folks this was the right way. Who knows - their handling of the situation may well have opened Ann's eyes and made it possible for her to escape too.
To imply that Ken had to come to Lorraine's rescue and confront the elder because she either wouldn't or couldn't do it, is hogwash. She obviously has the courage to stand up for herself. What is wrong with a husband or wife standing up for their mate? I say good for both of them.
Ken and Lorraine you have guts, intelligence and integrity and we thank you for sharing these podcasts. These turkeys are no doubt shaking in their boots, knowing that they have been exposed for the liars and ruthless lackies they are. Good for you!
for a while there was this arrangement, based on 2thess:3:14, wherby a talk was given on the service meeting describing a dangerous influence in the congregation, and reference was made to that scripture, thereby indicating to the congregation that this threat exists here, and that you should distance yourselves from anybody fitting that description.
frankly, it bothered me because even if somebody didn't know who was really being referred to, they felt like they might, so the congregation formed little fractures of suspicion.
i wrote to the society because of this divisive effect (that i'm sure wasn't the intended effect; creating a phantom "marked man," breaking up the unity in the cong...etc.).
Oh yeah, I remember. This was used as a club by some of the more self-righteous, gossipy ones in my cong. I had forgotten about this little gem!
the knights of malta are the militia of the pope, and are sworn to total obedience by a blood oath which is taken extremely seriously and to the death.
the pope as the head of the vatican is also the head of a foreign national power.. .
-encyclopedia of freemasonry and its kindred sciences by albert g. mackey 33rd degree mason, published by the masonic history company, chicago, new york, & london, 1925: (volume one, pp.
If they are smart they will!
yes how impressed i was 3 years ago at the district convention no less, when a pioneer family came out kids and all...the talk was on "sacrifice.
" the parents saying how dad works part-time in a crap job just for petrol money and bare necessities!
they relate how one day after witnessing the had no money left due to car repairs for food, but.....jehover provides...a vegetable truck must have taken a corner too fast and dropped some produce in the gutter....dinner said the pioneer kids....jehovahs blessing on us!.
Ninja, this is absolutely hilarious! I had to walk to school three the blinding snow three miles in each direction in my bare feet to get to school - and to make matters worse it was uphill in both directions.
my ds26 told me that he's getting his girlfriend an engagement ring for christmas.
how am i supposed to pretend until christmas that i don't know?
btw, yes, i'm sure she will say yes.
John Doe - our resident Mr. Cranky Pants.
hi all, i wanted to post to the original thread on this but have not able to find it.
anyway, the blog that follows the story about the conventions in tucson, arizona is still continuing.
a couple of us having been giving the jw defenders a thing or two to think about and keep responding to their feeble attempts at justifying their beliefs on dfing and other things.. you can check it out by going to:
Hi all, I wanted to post to the original thread on this but have not able to find it. Anyway, the blog that follows the story about the conventions in Tucson, Arizona is still continuing. A couple of us having been giving the JW defenders a thing or two to think about and keep responding to their feeble attempts at justifying their beliefs on Dfing and other things.
You can check it out by going to: Go to the search line and type in jehovah's witness convetion and you will get the link to the story and the blog.
I used to live there, so I have followed the paper regularly for years. They don't leave blogs up this long as a rule. I guess they think this one is interesting. Good chance for an anti-witness.
my ds26 told me that he's getting his girlfriend an engagement ring for christmas.
how am i supposed to pretend until christmas that i don't know?
btw, yes, i'm sure she will say yes.
St. Ann congrats on the good news. You are all lucky that you like this girl and are happy to see them planning to get married. That's a huge plus for them and you. John Doe, are you always so negative - or is that something you reserve for this forum?
just wanted to post here to say i am now 1 year sober.
funny thing is i don't miss drink at all, it took a 3 or 4 months of hard work about 18 months ago and have not looked back since.. this is my first thread about the aa, posted january 2008..
i would encourage anyone who thinks they may have a problem to get help, it is out there.. since i have become sober i am now doing a law degree, took up scuba diving, got my kids involved in snorkelling, scuba, horse riding and shooting.
Paul, good for you! Happy first anniversary. It takes courage to do what you have done - thanks for sharing.