Tell them what you have found in Bible :
i used to post here under the name nobleheart but forgot the old password, so put up a new account (nobleheart1).
was a jw (2002-2011), ended up writing a da letter.
i am a christian (since leaving the org).
Tell them what you have found in Bible :
why do jehovah’s witnesses say they are god’s organization so matter of factly as though such an audacious claim is an undisputable fact?
here is how one person sees this claim.. "the entire jehovah’s witness religion is founded on unsubstantiated hubristic claims which are continually repeated until they are assumed by adherents to be a proven fact.. never is this more evident than when the beliefs of a jehovah’s witness are successfully challenged.
the more compelling the evidence against them, the more they resort to repeating their convictions with a sense of insistence, as if they are chanting a mantra.. confirmation bias is prevalent in all religious ideologies, but particularly with jehovah’s witnesses.
i thought it was in 1914. silly me!.
w78 3/1 p. 18 par.
15 - when was god’s son made a king-priest like melchizedek?
-- Jesus became king after the resurrection and before the day of Pentecost,
more precisely at the "ascension" - or "after forty days" from the resurrection...
Let all the house of Israel therefore know assuredly that God has made him both Lord (King)
john said "...the truth came through jesus christ" ?
--------the kingdom of god---------- .
"the kingdom of god is near.
WHAT is God's Kingdom ?
According to Jesus words
Matthew 6 :
10. Thy kingdom come. Thy will be done , as in heaven, so on earth.
.. .we see that His Kingdom means the state where His will is done !
And surely it implies a certain order made by God .
This "order" means a certain structure of authority between God's heavenly and earthly creatures, of course , made by God, or according to His will ! "
End quote.
In fact God's Kingdom is God's (real) Organization !
And this Organization is Heavenly, and it is still in Heavens .. as long as we still pray for it to come on earth!
So, the fact of using the expression "organization" related to God's people is against the Scriptural rule ..
let's read it in 1 Corinthians 2:
9 But this is precisely what is written: God has prepared things for those who love him that no eye has seen, or ear has heard, or that haven’t crossed the mind of any human being.
10 God has revealed these things to us through the Spirit. The Spirit searches everything, including the depths of God.
12 We haven’t received the world’s spirit but God’s Spirit so that we can know the things given to us by God.
13 These are the things we are talking about—
not with words taught by human wisdom
but with words taught by the Spirit—
we are interpreting spiritual things to spiritual people.
14 But people who are unspiritual don’t accept the things from God’s Spirit. They are foolishness to them and can’t be understood, because they can only be comprehended in a spiritual way.
"but with words taught by the Spirit"— what are "these words" ?
2Timothy 3:16
"Every scripture is inspired by God and is useful for teaching..."
... inspired by God (through His spirit) ...
Therefore, what God calls "people", "my people", even if this is "organized" in a certain measure, it is unscriptural to call it "Organization" or "God's Organization" !
Using the word "organization" for what God calls "people" caused absolutely much confusion.
i personally have only attended a handful of meetings at kingdom halls.
i did not enjoy any of them nor was i impressed by anything that was conveyed.
perhaps others did not find them boring as i did.. nadia viotto has this to say about her experience.
I am interested how God sees the assemblies of the people who bear His Name...
Amos 5:
21. “I hate, I despise your feasts,
and I take no delight in your solemn assemblies.
12. For I know how many are your transgressions
and how great are your sins—
you who afflict the righteous, who take a bribe,
and turn aside the needy in the gate.
22. Even though you offer me your burnt offerings and grain offerings,
I will not accept them;
and the peace offerings of your fattened animals,
I will not look upon them.
23. Take away from me the noise of your songs;
to the melody of your harps I will not listen.
24. But let justice roll down like waters,
and righteousness like an ever-flowing stream.
just a shower thought came to mind.. while jesus was nailed to the stake/cross (take your pick) because of the witnesses lack of belief in hell.
does that mean according to witness doctrine that satan and his demons were in heaven while jesus was being executed?.
what about after jesus went to heaven?
I am glad you ask this question... any serious reader of Bible may find the answer.
I have searched this theme already, and posted it even on this forum ....
Jesus and his apostles gave us the answer ...
When we understand what the reality is, then we understand that the foundation for understanding the prophecies is other than that used by wt for building up the explanation of the prophecies ....
... by changing the foundation we will have a completely different form of the "body" of biblical prophetic explanations...
time goes by so fast.
who remembers 1975, the ray franz incident, the generation change in 1995, the blood fractions, alternative service, participation in ochr, aid afrique, the historical research by james pellechia, jolene chu and johannes stephan wrobel?
time goes by so fast.
who remembers 1975, the ray franz incident, the generation change in 1995, the blood fractions, alternative service, participation in ochr, aid afrique, the historical research by james pellechia, jolene chu and johannes stephan wrobel?
john said "...the truth came through jesus christ" ?
--------the kingdom of god---------- .
"the kingdom of god is near.
1) Are you saying that Jehovah's witnesses are The exclusive people of Jehovah as were the Israelites in Moses day?
the answer:
-- Not only the Jws.
The gathering that started with Russel marks the beginning of God's people -- in the "latter days".
The time has approached for God, to bring His Kingdom on earth , and that Kingdom has to start here within a people (of saints), so Jehovah God proceeded to gather His people.
For a certain man , or group of men , to be considered "alive" from God's point of view , they need to "eat" from "Heavenly bread" - John 6:32,33,35.
So , God gave it to them: Psalm 78:24 / 105:40b (prophetically shown here).
What is the Heavenly Bread ? -- It is Jesus' sacrifice together with the correct understanding of how it works (a teaching)!
It implies a correct understanding and knowledge about what is (both) the weakness and willfully sin !
As Jesus teaches, after one's baptism/consecration , that "ransom" cover only weaknesses , while the christian person is commended to "clean" his hearth : see Mark 7:18-23.
All these things listed by Jesus here are willfully sins , and are not forgiven after receiving "the truth"... see Hebrew 10:26!
Jehovah God through His Spirit helped br. Russel to understand this teaching - in 1872 - and so, this is the very year of starting "God's people history" -- a year found not by some kind of chronology , but as a result of the work/action of God !
God used Russel as "a prophet" ... see Hosea 12:13 !
Starting with that time many persons came to a good relation with Jehovah God to do His will, based on a good foundation.
So, from that time, all men that lived according to God's revealed requirement to keep "holy" (1Tess. 4:2,3,6,7,8,.) whether they call themselves Bible Students , Jehovah's Witnesses (included various eastern groups of Jws). or the disfellowshipped ones(still Christians), are God's people !
Now, God was expecting from His people to be "faithful".... Isaiah 63:8-10 !
But they were NOT! ... it happens like this : read Deuteronomy 32:15/ Hosea 11:1,2...5,7,
Therefore Jehovah God decided to punish them - it is a manifestation of His RIGHTEOUSNESS! - see: Isaiah 66:18 / Jeremiah 5:29 /Deut. 32:19-21...
2) Are you saying that Russell and Rutherford were true sons of the Kingdom ?
the answer :
-- Russel and Rutherford had a heart that loved God, and they never taught others to sin wilfully , in spite of having many weaknesses , specially Rutherford .
Jehovah God speaks right: Isaiah 43:27,28 !
The main sin that God charges the two is : Jeremiah 2:12,13. Yes , they did not wait for Jehovah in giving the "food", but they mixed the teaching received by Holy Spirit with their own conclusions...
So , a lot of teachings such as "the chronology" (the way to find these years like 1914, 1925, 1975 etc.), piramydology , natural Israel as God's people , God's earthly organization , etc,etc,... are NOT biblically and NOT from God !
But because Jehovah God uses them to give food and warnings to His people, and they have not broken the covenant, He shows us they are forgiven through Christ sacrifice./YHWH considered they had a good/clean heart before Him .
3) Are you saying that 2 Thess 2 was then fulfilled when a group took control of the bible students and stood in the holy place?
the answer:
-- While Christ was sowing wheat , when "everybody was sleeping" the enemy sowed the weeds!
Starting exactly with Russel , the shepherds of Israel were sleeping regarding to ... what is written in Hebrews 12:16,17.
So, persons like Esau were "born" into christian congregation.
They got numerous and became the "opposite side" of truth --the weeds. Because even the wheat sinned against God , He decided "a day" or a period of time to punish His people (the holy ones)
That punishment meant to be : the holy ones had to lose the leadership over God's house and "the Esau house" gained it !
the "7 persons-heads" that took control after Rutherford's death belonged to Edom.. they taught (indirectly) that Christ ransom covers the wilfully sin , that means they took away the continual offering ...see Dan 8:11.
The "holy place: does not mean "the society WT", but refers to the spiritual Temple and the (kind of) worship there.
So , the weeds were already entered or "sown" in the Temple , but when they took control of Society , and so , over God's people , they in fact elevated themselves to the position of "god" according to 2 Tess. 2:4 !
4) Are you saying that they tampered with the word of God by creating the NWT to mislead the sheep?
the answer :
-- Yes they "adapted" the bible to their purposes !
5) Are you saying that this group is in fact the "seven headed wild beast" ?
the answer :
-- Yes ,they were 7 "anointed" which proved that have lost their anointment (or have broken the covenant) because of their works , and they became "the 7 heads"....of the beast, but the entire beast include all human - organizational structure that was imposed over God's people all over the earth .
In fact , only people who obeyed and subjected themselves under the leadership of those 7 heads were allowed to be in "positions" in this organization !
they all together are "the body" of the beast.
6) Are you saying that all those within the WTO have received the mark of the beast by being baptised into the WTO?
the answer :
-- Not by baptism... but by receiving, believing and living according to the erroneous teachings proliferated by this "man of lawlessness" they have received the "mark of the beast"
the worst thing (worse than changing the baptismal vow) the beast did, is removing the Christ sacrifice's meaning, ( "and the continual burnt offering was taken away from him" Dan 8:11 ) , saying and teaching that the wilfully sin is covered by His sacrifice !
All persons believing that , loving that teaching , while they love to play with wilfully sin (and to practice it ) , are those with beast's mark..consciently .
7) Are you saying that the two annointed witnesess were russell and rutherford and their preaching truth works were stopped by the beast ?
the answer :
-- I don't ! The two witness are two class/groups that compound the body of Christ: the "prophet" and the "priest". both being "wheat".
Geremiah 23:11.
8 ) Are you saying that the two witnesses (the holy ones) will be soon given the kingdom when they are re-established and the beast is killed ?
the answer :
-- Yes ! the holy ones HAVE (need) first to be cleansed !
and then the kingdom will be done to them! Dan 7:21,22,25,26,27.
they have to be gathered ! Isaiah 11:11 / Ezekiel 36:24,25,...32!
9) Are you saying that the only people who have any connection with this work are within the WTO ?
the answer :
-- Not only!
But the most of them (the gross number) are there ... at the daughter of Babylon Zech.2:7.
Also there are (some of)Bible Students and others , but it is surely about those who have "eaten" from Heavenly Bread ! (they are those who rightly appreciate what means "be saints because I am saint" as God says.
10) Do you believe that the wild beast only dominates Gods household rather than the whole of the human race?
the answer :
-- Yes ! They dominate God's house , while deceiving the whole earth saying that they are God's people or chosen ones and Jehovah's unique channel on earth !
They "interposed" themselves between God, His kingdom , and the rest of all humankind , and that happened in a time permitted by God ...
this way they dominated all persons on earth who wanted to approach God and his Kingdom ...
of course , those of humankind who were not interested in serving God , are not part of this picture..
Dear , here is a "body" or a "building" of teaching ! There is a full bible and events to prove it ! Here I used only a few arguments ...
See: Jesus did not tell historical tales to his contemporanes about Egypt , Babilon , or Rome etc,etc, as beying part of the seven world's Powers ... and much history...
but He told them words that implied directly their hearts and their way to worship God , implying their responsibility before God !
Each prophetical part He quoted, He applied it to them, revealing their state of heart before the Father and himself
Today God's people like to tale about political beasts...because that not discover what's inside their heart !
But today is a time to seek God's righteousness, by returning to Christ's teaching, to obey it ! Matthew 17:5.
God's people until now were composed of two "nations": the holy ones or "wheat" , and the "weeds" or wicked ones ... Jeremiah 5:26 / Deut. 32:21.
Jesus said (Matt 24:34) "that nation will not pass till... "
He referred not to "generation" , but to the bad "nation" , the weeds . The wheat will not be able to escape from them (the weeds) until Jehovah will come through His Messenger , (at the second coming) , while all signs will happen! Matthew 24:32.33.
He comes to do the judgement at The Temple and all his people , to refine Jacob's sons , to deliver them from under all Babylonysh slavery and then to give to them the Kingdom !
The wicked nation is that: see Matt 16:4,
the sign of Jonah is , they ( "the evil and adulterous generation") will see when God's spirit comes over the two dead witnesses and they stay up again ! Rev 11:11.
While the wicked nation will be ready for destruction (even named themselves as Jehovah's witness), for the righteous nation today Jehovah is preparing something good ! see Isaiah 26:2 .
" Open the gates, that the [uncompromisingly] righteous nation which keeps her faith and her troth [with God] may enter in." ...
(where ? see Rev 22: 14,15 )
Hope this help a little,
wanting truth
growing up in scotland in the 1970s in scotland the anointed were few and far between, but we had one old dude in our cong who claimed to be one of the anointed.
in the days when it was taken seriously.. i'd be curious how you viewed them.
thing is, he wasn't an elder, or even a ministerial servant, just a plain old publisher.. but he was revered like he had a hotline to jesus.. the other week i was talking to a friend of similar age to me but who hung around the wt a lot longer than i did, and he just commented "oh him... he was a doddery old fool who used to just sit and piss himself.
I met one about twenty years ago
was interested in what he had to say from the anointing he received
(as I knew that each anointed is taught by spirit - 1John 2:27 - As for you, the anointing you received from him remains in you, and you don’t need anyone to teach you. Instead, his anointing teaches you about all things ...)
and I heard as it is written here