The last time they made any plans was back in the 1920's (Beth Sarim). Since that time they have shyed away from that sort of thing.
JoinedPosts by apocryphal22
How is the WTS preparing for the new system?
by heyfea inif anyone has any knowledge regarding this, please tell me.
however, i do wish that someone in the watchtower is reading this and think about it for a moment.
how is the watchtower preparing for the new system?
Privacy Rights of Ex-JWs
by Scott77 iniam writting to ask how do the wts tracks ex-jw's members who have moved from place to place or moved to out of state locations?
in tracking them, is not this a violation of individual right to privacy?
i know of an individual who have been tracked after he moved out of state after he was severally 'persecuted' for deciding to cut of himself off from the congregation only to find wts groups tracking him once again to his new location.
The WTS does not track ex-JW's. Your friend probably has personal problems that go beyond being being ex-JW.
The Memorial is a fraud
by truthseeker ini received my memorial invite this weekend.. the title of this tract is "keep doing this in remembrance of me".
those who are used to celebrating mass and partaking of the bread and wine could be forgiven for imagining that the same thing would happen if they accepted an invite to the memorial.. the memorial speaker tells the audience all that jesus has done for us.. this is where the fraud comes in.
he describes two flocks with two different hopes, the great crowd has the earthly hope and those of the little flock have the heavenly hope.. many of those interested ones who accepted the invitation to attend the memorial may already have the heavenly hope, but the memorial talk shuts the "kingdom of heaven" to these ones.. there is also nothing in the scriptures to indicate that jesus only allowed the little flock to partake of the emblems.. and so the audience engages in a kind of pass the parcel game, with the bread and the wine, not knowing who, if anyone is actually going to partake.
by The Berean insince there appears to be no eye=witness testimoney of sin or defect within the governing body of the wbts, could we be dealing with superhumans such as the bible's nephalim?
would this not explain the powerful control this org seems to weild over common folks?.
anyone care to comment?.
I think your streching things a bit. The GB has never claimed somethng like "papal infallibility". They are just normal people, or as normal as circumstance allows. If you ever meet them its apparent they are prone to defect like everyone else.
question on memorial for Research Lady
by isaacaustin inhi rick and inez.... i was just curious if you guys and the gang ever thought about peacefully and quietly attending the memorial, (with the intent of partaking) have a pretty sizeable group.
would the elders ask you all to leave and call the police if you did not leave?
bear in mind there could be visitors so this could be sticky and undesireable to have to call in the police.. thoughts?.
At one memorial a guy walked in from off the street. No one knew him but he partook and then promptly passed out on the floor. I ended up carrying him outside. When he came to I asked him if he needed an ambulance, he said no. He said the emblems had caused him to be overtaken by Holy Spirit and that had forced all of the demons to be expelled from his body. He then said "Don't worry, it happens all the time."
He walked away and we never saw him again.
Why do we say " I believe in evolution"?
by Anti-Christ ini hear this and read this a lot, "i don't believe in evolution" or " this person does not believe in evolution".
when we say this we a perpetuating the myth that evolution is a belief, when in reality it is a fact.
we should say " this person does not accept evolution as a fact".
I dislike the theory of evolution for the mere fact that so much time, money, research, books and human effort is spent on proving or disproving it. That time would be better spent on more immediate problems like cancer research. Evolution ranks up there with "Big Bang Theory". Is it interresting? Yes. Is it going to solve any problems within my lifetime? Probably not.
One day realized all my Pioneer and Bethel friends had disappeared. That was the day my car broke down.
by african GB Member inall of us on this forum know that jw org is just another cultic group..... we all know how confident and sure they feel about their org being the only one recognised by god (jehovah).. can anyone tell us what's behind their arrogance?....holy spirit?
( well i know that will be their answer) i don't believe that because it can't be proven.. don't tell us it's jehovah...... what gives the gb so much power to deceive so many people?.
sometimes i just wonder if maybe jw org is the truth, perhaps i should just swallow my pride and go to the elders and ask them to pray for me and get jehovah's forgiveness and undeserved kindness...... am i being naive or what?.
Sales of Bethel premises and transfer of millions to Brooklyn ?
by Nick! insales of bethel premises and transfer of millions to brooklyn ?.
just heard a very surprising and unbelievable news which i want to share with you and ask whoever has the right connections higher up in the borg, if this kind of news can be double checked for reliability.. .
the source of the information is believed to be reliable as it seems to be intimately related to some officials of the branch.
I have some interest in this topic but it's hard to find information.
As for "Brother X", he turned those properties over to the Society a while back. The purpose of Co-Hi was to circumvent any BHA legal opposition. The vast majority of the money came from him. This was at most devious, but not illegal.
Except for having no charities, the other items you list could equally apply to most any other tax exempt organization.
I would be interested in any money flowing out of the WTS Corps in the past 10 years if you have any information.
Is this an Apostate website?
by apocryphal22 ini've been reading several of the comments and many of you appear to be out-of-step with the faithful and discreet slave..
Homerovah, I posted this under Jokes & Humor. But your not to far from the truth.
" Apocryphal22 is a disingenuous hypocrite, he's posted 20 times since joining and he asks just now if this is an apostate web site.
Just another passing TROLL / JW folks."
The phrase "your out-of-step" used to bother me allot, now I find the statement to be humorous.