Thank you Oompa (Eric), you helped me exit the JW / WTBTS cult. Your humor and witty precise insights helped me to think for myself to recognize and see clearly the true nature of the organization. It is a carefully crafted mind numbing, intoxicating, debilitating entity that ruins lives and families and deprives us of the human right to embrace neighbours and family fully and have their support when we need it most. Your humor and words of assistance to people such as I who have been suffering greatly, have been immeasurable except that your good heart and kindness have proved greater and far more lasting than the damage done by the "Borg". I no longer scream out repeatedly in mental anguish, pain and anger through a stream of tears till my throat is raw. Love shall overcome. God bless you, your work on earth is done. It is time to rise up on the wings of an eagle and rest in a higher place.
Thank you again,
Kurt Littlewood (Jeandeau)
PS I took the spiritual name of jeandeau from the french "Jean d' eau" which translates "John of water" which reflects my affinity to John the baptist, his recognition of Jesus, and the water that washes away the sins and pain of the past, refreshes, sustains life and is clear, clear, clear.