Recognise the JW's are offering something you need or at least appears to be the something you need, else you wouldn't be attracted to that scene. You must find a different place to satisfy those needs and sooner the better. we need friends hope and happiness but the WT is not a true place. You have doubts and for good reason. Likely you have noticed the arguments presented by the WT are partial, leveraged and never give respectful coverage of opposing views. There is no place for your views or reasoned conscience within this society. In the end it is entirely about power, authority structure and exercising dominion over you. Jesus died to set you free, not for you to be a slave of men again. Jesus died and nailed the law to the torture stake he died on . The watchtower organization now prides itself in having built up a new and immense body of law they call "new law" saying this is the law of God and impell you to follow it unquestioningly on threat of expulsion and shunning by family and former friends. They say that Christians must now go through them as mediators to Jesus and Jehovah. The WTBTS has aattempted to nullify the blood and sacrifice of Jesus, setting themselves up as a new priestly class and restoring the mosaic law in a new form with it's dependance on works for salvation.
Read the book "The gentile times revisited", an outstanding work of research that utterly disproves the 1914 calculation. The author who was a pioneer JW was disfellowshiped for his work when he asked the governing body to read the research and consider it. Read the two books "Crisis of Conscience" and "In search of Christian Freedom" by Ray Franz who was a member of the governig body untill he was disfellowshipped after he spoke to a few friends about personal doubts and reservations about certain dogma of the church. doubt is scorned and speaking about the substance of arguments counter to WT policy and dogma will get you disfellowshiped for certain. They WILL find a way because the absolutely most important thing of all to the watchtower society beyond any doubt is THE AUTHORITY STRUCTURE THEY ARE INVESTED IN.
Good luck, We all care about you.