I did my first study with an elder from the Woodville congregation in Australia in 74/75 and I don't agree that it was the weak or ones being too keen to teach the 75 armaggeddon story for when Ipushed the elder for when would the end come ,he said around October 75.
Though there was a bit of timidity to say this date (perhaps by some who knew of the failed WTS predictions before) but generally many were keen to agree with what my bible study conductor told me with enthusiasm.
I challenged him with the little knowlege I had at that time which my soon to be mother-in-law (a weak witness) shared with me that " nobody knows the hour ,not even the son " and this troubled him a bit and soon after I stopped my first study.
It was a time of high expectation in Adelaide South Australia at the time and the expectations were actually promulgated more so by the "spiritually mature " more than anyone by my observation.
When years later I started another study many tried to say that was'nt the expectations of the WTS at all but then I met many that had radically changed thier lives to pioneer in 74/75 ,borrowed money to buy cars and houses ,as they thought they would never have to pay it back ,amongst those were pioneers and elders. It seems different people handled the 75 fiasco in different ways.