JoinedTopics Started by joelingeorgia
What is the Truth? How do you Define it?
by Amazing injws teach that 'accurate knowledge' is the definition of truth.
they add to this by saying that the 'conduct' of average church goers also identifies them as not being in the 'truth.
' and, they define their 'organization' as being the truth, because they are a clean people who are doing right works, and teaching accurately.
I took the '1914 Generation' prophecy seriously, did you? Do you even remember it?!
by nicolaou ini was born in 1964, 50 years after 1914. even in my teens i was doing the sums.
i had a worse case scenario figured out - if the 1914 generation could apply to babies and even if they lived to be a 120, i would still only be about 70 years old after they'd all died!
i figured i was part of the first wave of 'jehovah's people' that really would live to see the new order - guaranteed!!
I just lost my job.
by JeffT ini was starting to hate working there, but it's still a drag.
i'm hoping to do some sort of free-lance technical writing, in particular writing accounting procedures.
if any of you have any advice, wisdom etc, i would love to hear it.
What Were Your Consequences For Leaving The "Truth"???
by minimus inwas it as bad as everyone says, that if you leave the organization, you'll go back to the world, get into trouble and suffer?.
Top 10 Memorial Excuses
by rebel8 ingood excuses.
(highly contagious, and you aren't supposed to touch other people's dishes and glasses.)tuberculosis.
End of Preaching Work?
by joelingeorgia inmy brother who has recently started attending meetings again sent me an audio clip of a guy.
named rayford saying that the governing body had announced that that matthew 24:14 has.
been fulfilled.
Gerrit Loesh (Bro. Deletion) on what the GB doesn't know but assumes, and you know what happens when they assume.
by neverendingjourney ini saw losch at two assemblies and he struck me as the quintessential hardline prick.
i don't know anything about internal gb politics (who does?
), but if this guy were to assume an informal leadership role, the watchtower would swiftly take a swift turn down hardline road.
What Its Like To Be A Gay Ex JW....
by str8?so is spaghetti..until you heat it up ini guess its time to throw my little story out there.
i keep reading everyones stories and thinking how brave you have all been, coming out of the organisation and facing all the repercussions of doing so.. .
i only last august disassociated myself.
My JW mom refuses to attend my wedding!?!?!?
by d_yell inok...i just don't understand this.
i am getting married in a few months and i thought this would be the happiest part of my life.
right now it is the most agonizing!
JW strangers say mean things to you at assemblies?
by jwbot injw's can be rotten, but what about the "brutally honest" jw strangers at assemblies?
i have had some issues with the general meaness jw's are to people that they do not even know, and are jw's.. example 1: i was maybe 13 years old and i was a fast developer, i had big boobs basically.
well a dress i had was really parents would not have let me wear something that was not apprepriate for me, but i guess the dress was low (i didn't think so) and when i was in the bathroom at the assembly at the mirror, a woman just came up to me and was like "you are showing all the assets you have to offer" or something to that effect.