you can fool some people sometimes. some people all of the time but not all people all of the time.
JoinedPosts by dingo1
Watchtower explains why it's NOT a Cult
by JWOP inhere is a youtube video showing a wt article trying to explain how it is not a cult, but contradicts itself and undoes their own reasoning:.
Was There Anything You Actually Enjoyed About Being A JW?
by MrFreeze ini'm sure this question has been raised a lot but it is always good to look back.
the last 5 or 6 years of me being a jw, i did not have a very good go of it.
one thing i actually did enjoy was going to the international convention.
being better than the heathens. what poor judgment.
Circumcision banned in Germany - it's about time.
by Joey Jo-Jo in
jewish and muslim groups in germany have condemned a court ruling that deemed circumcision to be equivalent to grievous bodily harm.. the court, in cologne, declared this week that the procedure violated a child's ''fundamental right to bodily integrity''.
religious groups said the ruling trampled on freedom of belief and could lead to ''circumcision tourism''.. the ruling said: ''the body of the child is irreparably and permanently changed by a circumcision.
i wish i would have sliceed one of moms tits off for chopping my ladie killer. " you mean you have too much cock"? jack black. Year one.
Josephus says the temple lay desolate for 50 years
by JWB injosephus says the temple lay desolate for 50 years.
"these accounts agree with the true history in our books; for in them it is written that nebuchadnezzar, in the eighteenth year of his reign, laid our temple desolate, and so it lay in that state of obscurity for fifty years; but that in the second year of the reign of cyrus, its foundations were laid, and it was finished again in the second year of darius.
" - extract from "flavius josephus against apion" 1.21. .
tell a jew you repoed his land. good luck!
Who did you want to meet in Paradise?
by Flat_Accent instep right up!
take your pick of any of the 100 billion or so people that ever lived.
who did you want to meet?
John Lennon, we could get high together and discuss shit
omg. good call
Things that were supposedly demonized
by freshstart ini was just thinking about all the fear i had when i was a kid that i would be attacked by demons if i wasn't careful.
i mean i lived in absolute terror over it, so i'm going to reminisce about the things i was told were demonized and you can add to the list if you'd like:.
lucky charms cerealcount dracula cerealitems bought at garage sales where there was a cross or anything religious present"hotel california" by the eagles (now one of my favorite songs)wwjd braceletsscooby dooi remember being so scared of every little noise that whenever i would turn off my light to go to bed, i would say "jehovah, jehovah!
to those with skanked underdrawers, should they not be conscidered HOLY?... a loophole is a loophole. im bet jesus had skidmarks.
playing the game
by dingo1 inso my situation is still salvagable.
and maybe a few of you are in the same boat.
is it shady/ dishonest / taking advantage of believers, let me clairify.
intrested one ... exactly
by MrFreeze indoes anybody know the jw reasoning why using mind-altering depression and schizophrenia medication are okay but marijuana is not?
okay i could see saying not to use marijuana because it is currently illegal in the us but what if it were legal?
there are lots of health benefits for marijuana.
Even something like alcohol and weed, two of the safest psychiatric drugs, can create problems with your brain and your liver.
sorry tal, as a partaker... not memorial... alchohol and tobbaco are the worst. if you partook,; i challenge you to find anything more addictive than those. i respect ur self control. but legel does not = safe.
playing the game
by dingo1 inso my situation is still salvagable.
and maybe a few of you are in the same boat.
is it shady/ dishonest / taking advantage of believers, let me clairify.
true lost, but the real point in general, is it scum to get my ends on others ignorance...and you answered my question, if they mind funk me, fuk u it is huntin season. thanks but im still a bit principaled. i hate taking advantage knowing i have more education.
Who did you want to meet in Paradise?
by Flat_Accent instep right up!
take your pick of any of the 100 billion or so people that ever lived.
who did you want to meet?
Just would like to be around to hear what Uriah has to say to David
kik ars. that is creative." i could be trusted with your kids and you did WHAT? where is the crown now bitch? bible verse those lowly will be kings and those haughty will be slaves... i hope we have reality tv in the new world.