i couldnt sleep tonight, i mean i just went to bed and tryed, but something inside of me forced me back up to write this post, and im dead tired.. i guess i always knew that i did it, even though it fell deep deep into the pits of my mind.. at times ( like now ) when i look back and think " did i really do that " at times i almost convince myself that it wasnt me, it was a story someone had related to me, a scene in a movie that i somehow integrated into my memory and now wasnt sure if it is real or not etc etc.. friggin damb it though, as much as i find relief in toying with the forced denials of it all, and then wondering onto a different thought line without ever coming to a conclusion or facing my actions and dealing with it in an appropriate way......i guess thats what im attempting to do here at 2:20 in the bloody morning !.
i think i remember touching a girl ( she was 12 ) in an inappropriate way.
she was the young daughter of the family that were studying with my parents, and during the study i would play with the kids and anyhow.. im sorry if this sounds weird, its late, im tired and with all this talk lately i guess it has surfaced out from the latent annals of my deepest memory.. .
I meant, if it's true he needs help dealing with his shame..It's not healthy for him to beat himself up over these things. Or if he would start a thread like this to torment some souls here then he needs help too. He can't lose on this!
Remember he can't sleep over this!
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ "The only good elite are dead elite!!"-Naeblis (Ok! He borrowed it)
i couldnt sleep tonight, i mean i just went to bed and tryed, but something inside of me forced me back up to write this post, and im dead tired.. i guess i always knew that i did it, even though it fell deep deep into the pits of my mind.. at times ( like now ) when i look back and think " did i really do that " at times i almost convince myself that it wasnt me, it was a story someone had related to me, a scene in a movie that i somehow integrated into my memory and now wasnt sure if it is real or not etc etc.. friggin damb it though, as much as i find relief in toying with the forced denials of it all, and then wondering onto a different thought line without ever coming to a conclusion or facing my actions and dealing with it in an appropriate way......i guess thats what im attempting to do here at 2:20 in the bloody morning !.
i think i remember touching a girl ( she was 12 ) in an inappropriate way.
she was the young daughter of the family that were studying with my parents, and during the study i would play with the kids and anyhow.. im sorry if this sounds weird, its late, im tired and with all this talk lately i guess it has surfaced out from the latent annals of my deepest memory.. .
Bathory: You need a psych eval ASAP! No doubt...I'm not ridiculing you just giving you some advice. If it's true then you need psych help and if it's not true then you need psych help. Please consider this advice because you can't lose...
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ "The only good elite are dead elite!!"-Naeblis (Ok! He borrowed it)
ok chrissystar434 is my best friend christine.. she was never a jw- she studied with me for awhile just to hang out.. anyways- she is really shy- so go ahead and talk to her first.. welcome chrissy!!!!!!.
hi everyone.. as i think about all the conversations and laughs i've had here over the last six months, it makes me smile.
there are some very genuine, loving people here and i wish you all a wonderful future no matter what you choose to do.. although i have had some terrible experiences with the witnesses, i can't ignore what i feel.
i love jehovah and if i have to associate with the wtbts so be it!
Violet..I wish you well. The JW life works for some people and they are happy in their existence with in mental walls of the WT. I hope you find happiness and peace.
If it doesn't work out you know where to find us! we'll talk!
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ "The only good elite are dead elite!!"-Naeblis (Ok! He borrowed it)
okay folks major news here.. dateline won its time slot with a 9.2 rating and a 16 percent share.. there are an estimated 102.2 million television households in the usa.
a single ratings point represents 1%, or 1,022,000 households.
during the course of the dateline segment, it was said that manuel beliz denied "molesting and raping" erica, but admitted to "inappropriate touching".. what, if any, is the difference between molesting and touching inappropriately??.
The WT encourages the use of threatening slander charges to silence victims on a regular basis. Perhaps you haven't known persons affected by this practice but I have. You need to wake up to reality your still living in LA LA land!
The story on this link: is an example of how I witnesses the elders victimizing the victim. Although it wasn't sexual abuse. When the elders silence dubs for anything it's a shame. When someone lies I tend to believe them. When someone shows a pattern of abuse; I tend to believe they are abusers. The elders tend to show a pattern of abuse by victimizing the victim. So I believe the silentlambs.