You have a reprieve??? I'm, so glad you back
"The only good elite are dead elite!!"-Naeblis
(Ok! He borrowed it)
You have a reprieve??? I'm, so glad you back
"The only good elite are dead elite!!"-Naeblis
(Ok! He borrowed it)
i remember a popular idea that often surfaced in informal discussions among the jws in my congregation, especially back in the 70ies:.
(this was in norway, and please remind that the evangelical-lutheran church is a national church and that ca 95% of population are members.).
"the priests know that we have the truth!".
Hi Atreyu,
I love your posts here and in other places.
This is a very common misconception of many JWs. It is interesting that I have known some clergy to utilize WT literature and this may reinforce this concept for some JWs. My husband once studied with a Catholic Monk and this Monk used The Greatest Man book for classes he taught at the Monastery. I also know a Baptist minister that openly admitted he "gleaned" ideas from the WT. So, these little incidence of individuals using WT literature develop into urban legends. The Jws then say, "They ALL know we have the TRUTH."
"The only good elite are dead elite!!"-Naeblis
(Ok! He borrowed it)
on your way out, did you have the 'talk' with an elder?
(or elders?
) the kind of, 'excuse me, brother only-elder-who-i-really-trust, i've been having serious doubts about such-and-such and i would really appreciate it if you could help me see if i'm missing something, i sincerely want to know...'.
If that were a realistic option for many they may never have totally left the org for family reasons. Since one can't ask questions about their doubts it becomes a factor for many leaving in the first place. It provides a spring board for leaving.
The fact that you can't ask reasonable questions, without consequences, only demonstrates how they are a cult. Since expressing doubts only leaves one open to apostasy accusations and extreme shunning.
WB Moxy
"The only good elite are dead elite!!"-Naeblis
(Ok! He borrowed it)
was reading zenpunk's thread about how it seems ex jw's go over the deep end and i tend to agree.
i think that is normal after being repressed for so long.. however, it would sure be nice if we had more than one chat room here.
i have visited the chat several times and it seems that usually (not always) it is about who was the drunkest, who had sex with someone, who is a lesbian, etc etc etc.
It's a good thing you can't read the IM IN going on...hehehe
"The only good elite are dead elite!!"-Naeblis
(Ok! He borrowed it)
as many of you know, i have difficulty at times forming the words to encapsulate completely my entire experience with the jehovah's witnesses.. there will follow some of the observations i have personally made down through the years.
my involvement with the wt.
the effects this had on my psychological development.
Thanks for sharing! I didn't know you lost your family...
"The only good elite are dead elite!!"-Naeblis
(Ok! He borrowed it)
this article was in today's desert and pass edition of the press-enterprise (riverside, ca, usa).
it doesn't appear on their website.
i typed the article verbatim.
This is so very sad that the fear of being shamed would bring a person to murder. Then it's a shame that people shame one another over something as natural as pregnancy.
I actually know a Dub that murdered a baby she was baby sitting. The baby died from shaken baby syndrome. Initially she lied about shaking the baby so they couldn't even help the baby. She was sentenced with manslaughter 4-10 yrs.
I can't post articles because it could give my identity away to lurkers. Besides it was never mentioned in the newspapers that she was a JW.
She was repentant and even the parents noted that they didn't believe she intended to kill their baby. However, they understandably want her to serve the maximum time. The elders only reproved her and she is basically not visited in prison by anyone from the cong.
"The only good elite are dead elite!!"-Naeblis
(Ok! He borrowed it)
there are times when ilook back fondly on my days in the witnesses, especially when i think on the congregation get togethers we would have every once in awhile (not too often) people from our hall and sometimes others would show up (not too many) and good times were had by all.
this is how the schedule usually went.. 8pm: arrive at the community centre.
8:05pm: scope the room.
I miss all the stimulating conversations...[8>]
the excellent search engine google not only indexes a significant part of the www, it also contains a massive archive of usenet discussions.
some of the old timers here participated on usenet while the world wide web was just a glimmer in the imagination of tim berners-lee.
i actually participated on both sides of the jw/exjw wars from late 92 onwards.
Thanks for the information Jan...
"The only good elite are dead elite!!"-Naeblis
(Ok! He borrowed it)
mystified people wear a frozen trancelike mask, which often confuses others.
the mystified tend to overreact and underreact.
more often than not their responses are inappropriate their vocabularies are parrot like, and since they are not really present, they do not listen well.
Jan I'm so glad you picked up on that...
The conformist follows others' suggestions like orders to be obeyed.~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
mystified people wear a frozen trancelike mask, which often confuses others.
the mystified tend to overreact and underreact.
more often than not their responses are inappropriate their vocabularies are parrot like, and since they are not really present, they do not listen well.
Teejay I wasn't taking credit for anything. I said it's part of the recovery process to read and then write about many subjects and personalize it. This is not John Bradshaw's personal term it's a common term utilized by many individuals in recovery. Frankly these concept's are not just John Bradshaw's and he is not the only one to write about them. They are a part of the 12 Step program. They come form the reading in 12 step books. I think Larc would agree that one rarely teaches their own ideas.
In my field we talk about these issues so much we really don't think about crediting because no one really knows where all the terms originated from. Essentially because most of the writings are anonymous. Noone cares where they came from they just utilizes the tools available for them and work toward recovery. I can see so many on this thread aren't interested in recovery.
If we all gave credit for every term discussed we would be at it all day long. Since there isn't an original thought to be found.
I never claimed that the concept of demystification or that soulfulness leads to spirituality, was mine. No more than the concept of God or religion as an addiction. I didn't think a general term needed to be credited. It was just my reaction to the term that I wished to discuss. In how I apply it to my WT experience.
I never said these were my original ideas. This is something I wish to discuss with adults interested in recovery. Teejay: You are not interested in recover so go away!
Cassline, if you don't agree that religion can be an addiction then just don't agree. I don't care what you think. However you may have your opinion as anyone else.
Thank you all for providing such a safe place for sharing.
"The only good elite are dead elite!!"-Naeblis
(Ok! He borrowed it)