sorry double post!
"Not part of the inner circle class"-Larc
ok, the obvious choice is the writing department.
but, my hands down favorite is the lame-ass "art department.
" perhaps if they had allowed their members to explore the world of the arts, they wouldn't have been stuck with people who basically draw nothing but stick figures.. my daughter is 12 and her drawings have more depth than most of what appears in the magazines and publications.. any other nominees, or is the art department gonna run away with it?.
sorry double post!
"Not part of the inner circle class"-Larc
ok, the obvious choice is the writing department.
but, my hands down favorite is the lame-ass "art department.
" perhaps if they had allowed their members to explore the world of the arts, they wouldn't have been stuck with people who basically draw nothing but stick figures.. my daughter is 12 and her drawings have more depth than most of what appears in the magazines and publications.. any other nominees, or is the art department gonna run away with it?.
Yes, you are right *er* Mike is it? They cal it the hopper.
"Not part of the inner circle class"-Larc
these past few weeks i've spent a lot of time trying to decide how i want to proceed with the rest of my life.
one of my first decisions to carry out is to break free from the wts.
even though i've been a life long witness i feel no guilt or hesistation in leaving the only religion i've ever known.
I would suggest that you don't make any decisions until you have at least tried to live some of your dreams of being creative with your marraige intact. You can't be creative and remain in your marriage? You won't find many people that understand the creative needs of artists. You will need to accept that no matter where you go. The grass insn't always greener else where!
"Not part of the inner circle class"-Larc
ok, the obvious choice is the writing department.
but, my hands down favorite is the lame-ass "art department.
" perhaps if they had allowed their members to explore the world of the arts, they wouldn't have been stuck with people who basically draw nothing but stick figures.. my daughter is 12 and her drawings have more depth than most of what appears in the magazines and publications.. any other nominees, or is the art department gonna run away with it?.
Yes,they do have a tailoring dept. I forget what they call it but they also have a dept where one can look through old donated clothing and many utilize this *arrangement*.
"Not part of the inner circle class"-Larc
ok, the obvious choice is the writing department.
but, my hands down favorite is the lame-ass "art department.
" perhaps if they had allowed their members to explore the world of the arts, they wouldn't have been stuck with people who basically draw nothing but stick figures.. my daughter is 12 and her drawings have more depth than most of what appears in the magazines and publications.. any other nominees, or is the art department gonna run away with it?.
Well, depends on what you mean by worse and for whom? If you mean to work in? I'd have to say the pig sty at WT farms or on the assembly lines for book making and packaging.
I know people at Paterson in all the departments, including the legal, art and service departments. There graphic skills are poor in the art department I will give you that. I have criticized them for it in person...LOL I can find errors in their typographic work and the layout doesn't flow and it lacks creativity. The solution to all photos is to have an ugly border or blur the edges, it's very unprofessional. Anybody can use filters in
"Not part of the inner circle class"-Larc
amnesty int'l, along with other human rights groups, are frequently.
called upon to defend jehovah's witnesses.
for example, a witness.
Thank you for stating what your reference is to human rights violations. However, can you be more specific as to the exact violations and of what bill?
Although "secret keeping" behavior is clearly dysfunctional. I don't know if it violates any actual laws. Until there are laws in place what can be done. And as far as the man in Canada he is in court now over it, right? Are you saying that the Canadian courts are violating his human rights? If so please be more specific.
Although, I can understand why some are emotional about these subjects. If you want to advocate with AI you will have to be able to argue your case with reason, logic and the UN bill of Human Rights. So what human rights in the bill have actually been violated?
"Not part of the inner circle class"-Larc
..........oh yes, i have a plan!
it involves many different ideas and stradegies.
it may involve dirty acts of flirtation, fornification, and naughty pleasures of necessary needs.......i am looking for volunteers to help me....any one interested?
LOL @ skally... have to agree Bee's suggested methods aren't the way to go. Maybe she hasn't seen some of those fat ugly brothers in the congs!...LOL
Bee have you seen some of those brothers? Yuk!
"Not part of the inner circle class"-Larc
amnesty int'l, along with other human rights groups, are frequently.
called upon to defend jehovah's witnesses.
for example, a witness.
OK Dino,
What human rights violations are you talking about? Really, here you are talking here about the WT and your not dead or in prison for it! I don't think AI cares if your parents or old friends won't speak to you anymore because they believe you've been influenced by Satan. They are more interested in helping people who are being tortured and imprisoned for their religious and or political ideas.
The fact is the WT has been changing policies to suit the UN bill of human rights. The WT has been trying to fit UN's description of an acceptable religious org. They are very clever about it all and it's just the word of a few dissenters against their documentation.
What you consider a violation of human right may not be what AI considers a real violation of human rights. What the WT does is nothing compared to what some governments are doing to people.
"Not part of the inner circle class"-Larc
amnesty int'l, along with other human rights groups, are frequently.
called upon to defend jehovah's witnesses.
for example, a witness.
You don't get what Amnesty Int'l is about. The WT doesn't torture, murder and put people in prison. I still believe JWs should have the right to worship as they believe. Now, in some countries people like YOUR mother are put in prison for preaching or refusing to take sides politicly. Do you hate the WT so much that you would work against the an individuals right to worship as they choose.
"Not part of the inner circle class"-Larc
well i had a visit today from an elder (related through marriage) about my non-meeting attendance.
he let me know that the circuit overseer is due in for a visit in 2 weeks and the elders in my congregation felt that it would be good for them to pay me a visit.
i have already declined other such offers.. he asked me why i was not attending the meetings (didn't reply to that) and that if i had a problem that i could talk about it.
What I meant by "apple pie and french fries" was when speaking with the elders change the subject. Mulan wrote some interesting points on how to turn the conversation around on the elders. She said she would answer there questions with a question and this seemed to work for her.
"Not part of the inner circle class"-Larc