Rose is a very nasty piece of work. He's drunk on his own perceived power. He tried to remove several elders at a local congregation and then got the total arse when they didn't agree to step down. Not only that, he is dumb as a box of rocks. Him and his wife are a perfectly poisonous pair.
JoinedPosts by Sapphy
Plymouth / Hull UK
by stan livedeath incopied from a facebook post :.
"heard on a youtube channel that " a purge " is taking place disfellowshipping quite a lot of witnesses in both hull and plymouth area,s ?".
anything to add ?.
JW related collective nouns
by Simon inenglish is a great language, especially when it comes to collective nouns.
a "murder" of crows is just fantastic as is a "mob" of meerkats.
a "colony" of ants, a "pride" of lions.
A schmooze of COs.
A desperation of ministerial servants.
A mendacity of hours.
Brave New W0rld of Education - The Regressive Left
by cofty ini found this to be a thought-provoking film on the trend in higher education.. oubliette drew my attention to a brilliant article recently called "the coddling of the american mind".
please have a look at the film, click the link and check out the links in the article.
i would love to hear your thoughts.. ...
I did laugh when I saw this
The real reason Chelmsford hasn't been stopped
by Saltheart Foamfollower ini haven't seen this mentioned yet.
last year in the uk, shortly after the money grab that everyone had, we had a video and letter (both probably still available from atlantis) appealing for money for the new bethel and slips were handed out etc.
this means that most uk congregations are sending a regular donation specifically for the chelmsford build.
Not to mention the sale of the current bethel in expensive and desirable north London will more than likely pay for the new Bethel in Chelmsford twice over. They're also getting the contributions to pay for the new Bethel outright.
They'll end up making a nice profit on this project.
Did I imagine a brief thaw in the Watchtower injunction against going to university?
by slimboyfat inokay i was talking to an elder and he said me going to university was a bad idea and i should have listened to the society and not gone.
but i said that when i went to university the watchtower was saying it might not be a bad idea to go to, as long as you do it for the "right reasons", don't associate with worldly people, and keep clear of "damaging ideas".
but basically they said it was okay, in this "changing world" and job market to go to university.
This quote from JWFACTS was the first I remember of the articles that eased up a bit. Of course they cracked down again after a few years
Watchtower 1992 Nov 1 p.20 Education With a Purpose
"If Christian parents responsibly decide to provide their children with further education after high school, that is their prerogative. The period of these studies would vary according to the type of trade or occupation selected. For financial reasons and in order to enable their children to get into the full-time service as quickly as possible, many Christian parents have chosen for them short-term study programs in vocational or technical schools. In some cases youths have needed to be apprenticed to some trade but always with a full life of service to Jehovah as the goal. If additional courses are taken, certainly the motive should not be to shine scholastically or to carve out a prestigious worldly career. Courses should be chosen with care. This magazine has placed emphasis on the dangers of higher learning, and justifiably so, for much higher education opposes the "healthful teaching" of the Bible. (Titus 2:1; 1 Timothy 6:20, 21) Further, since the 1960's, many schools of advanced learning have become hotbeds of lawlessness and immorality. "The faithful and discreet slave" has strongly discouraged entering that kind of environment. (Matthew 24:12, 45) It must be admitted, however, that nowadays youngsters meet up with these same dangers in high schools and technical colleges and even in the workplace.-1 John 5:19." -
The Ransom Sacrifice -- Simplified Suggestion
by FusionTheism inthe sacrifice of jesus simplified suggestion.
many christians have different theories about exactly how the ransom sacrifice (also called the atonement or the passion) of christ worked.. just how did jesus death on the cross 2,000 years ago provide us with salvation, forgiveness, and eternal life?.
some christians believe that jesus somehow mystically experienced the full pain and suffering of eternal torment in hell (for every persons sin who has ever lived), during the 3 hours of darkness when he was hanging upon the cross.
best explanation of the history of the ransom doctrine
BOE May 27, 2015 Re: Kingdom Hall and Assembly Hall Construction Worldwide
by wifibandit inthanks stayedaliveafter75 !.
pdf download from google or mega..
Very Offensive Statement Directed To JW Parents-Watchtower 4/15/2015 Page 11 Paragraph 9
by JW GoneBad inwt is insinuating, worse yet, blaming senior jw parents for there not being more younger brothers reaching out to be ministerial servants and elders.
page 11 paragraph 9 reads as follows: .
"elders in affluent lands may face an added challenge: how to motivate baptized brothers in their 20s or 30s to get involved in congregation activities.
Being a lowly woman, of course 'reaching out' in anything other than preaching, toilet cleaning and the occasional quick build was not an option. However being in an elders family, my dad & my brother are both COBEs or POs or whatever they call them, I saw the unbearable strain put on our family due to these responsibilities.
Phone calls at 4 in the morning from distraught sisters whose husbands were drunk, couples who needed marriage guidance counselling weekly, for months, never ending judicial committees and appeal committees, elders meetings that went on for hours, not to mention the normal business of eldering, talks & counsel and so on. Add to that COs on a power trip, divisions, rivalries and politics in the elder body.
I think the question should have been, how have we managed to get so many to do much for so long for nothing!
Why I remain one of Jehovah's Witnesses
by Brother Jeramy inallow me to begin with a clarification: when i say i am one of jehovah's witnesses, i don't mean that i am an advocate of the watchtower society or a devotee of some of its more controversial false teachings.
i mean that i am a christian, a disciple of jesus christ dedicated to jehovah god, and who remains in union with my brothers and sisters who make up the family of faith that globally refers to itself as jehovah's witnesses.
some totally understand the distinction between the family of brothers and sisters and the corporate organization known as the watchtower society (wts).
Brother Jeramy, you present the opinions I held a few years ago.
What can I say. "Living in the tension" as a Christian with a JW identity is extremely stressful. The more you remove WT blinkers the more you realise Christianity is different to Watchtowerism.
Ray Franz's lesser read book "In search of Christian Freedom" is basically a rationale of how to stay associated with JWs and be a Christian, you might find it helpful if you haven't read it already.
I couldn't take the soul splitting life, it drove me to research more and more and more. I'm now a happy agnostic.
Good luck on your journey.
Seven Shepherds Eight Dukes
by Ish Elon inwho is the assyrian?.
the article entitled seven shepherds, eight dukesawhat they mean for us today in the watchtower of the 15th november 2013 contained this important warning in paragraph 16: ain the near future, jehovahas apparently vulnerable people will come under attack from the modern-day aassyrian,a whose intent will be to wipe them out.a it goes on to say: awhat asecret weapona does micahas prophecy indicate jehovah would raise up against that implacable foeaathe assyriana?
a very unlikely oneaaseven shepherds, yes, eight dukesa!
Eight dukes a-lording,
Seven shepherds preaching,
Six elders teaching,
Five betheliiiiiiiiiiitesssssssss,
Four not-at-homes,
Three tracts placed,
Two new thoughts,
And a sister cleaning the hall...