"Some may have left God’s flock because they did not agree with some Scriptural teaching..."
Actually the rest left because they did not agree with some unscriptural teaching
just thought i would share what the borg is dispensing as "spiritual food at the proper time" .. .
tuesday, may 11. quickly.
they forgot his works; they did not wait for his counsel.ps.106:13.. some may have left gods flock because they did not agree with some scriptural teaching.
"Some may have left God’s flock because they did not agree with some Scriptural teaching..."
Actually the rest left because they did not agree with some unscriptural teaching
if anyone has this book, could you please quote or scan whatever section covers jeremiah 25 and the 70 years issue in that chapter?.
some in my family thought that a new jeremiah release would answer my 'questions' about the 70 years interpretation.
now, i am sure they will be happy to hear about this book, thinking that 'jehovah has provided the food at the proper time.
I very much doubt the Jeremiah book will address the 70 year issue at all. If it does it will be cursory. Thinking about it I believe the focus of the book will be "How can we learn humility from Baruch?" and "what can we learn from Jeremiah's obedience".
Happy to be wrong if it is an actual prophecy commentary.
so, will the jw's be ridiculing the people who believe the world will end in 2012 and at the same time be proclaiming that the world will end at any time real soon, possibly even during 2012?.
is the new "generation overlap" thing designed to get members focused on imminence yet also get them past 2012 and 2014, the one-hundred year anniversary of the birth of the last days?.
Loz "...they sit down with conseqences and think up beginnings"
That's brilliant, describes it perfectly.
This overlapping generation doctrine is great. The anointed generation of 1914 could have included a 10 year old who lives until 2004 (say), then a baby who is born in 2004, before old brother anointed dies, could become anointed later (because they got rid of 1935), and live until he is 100 in 2104!
Overlapping generation of annointed has just bought them another 90 odd years, by which time the current GB will be long dead and it will be someone elses problem.
i actually had to do this twice in the past 2 weeks - and it's really shaken things up!
the first time was last week.
my aunt (who lives out of state) asked me how my parents were doing (her brother and my mom)?
When you try and explain df'ing it seems like most people liken it to excommunication, so they think the consequences are things like not being able to get married in a church, or not being allowed to go into the church.
When you actually explain about the shunning part, parents / children cutting each other off the shock and disbelief is palpable!
theme was something about "loyalty to jehovah's visible organization".. i have neither the time nor inclination to summarize the whole thing, but a few points stood out:.
even if it causes you personal hardship.
example: joshua & caleb returned from spy trip to promised land with good report, but were "outvoted" by the other 10 spies.
.2...Example 1: 1st century "governing body" told Paul to ceremonially cleanse self before talking to Jews. He must have known it wouldn't work, and in fact it didn't work, as they tried to kill him & he had to appeal to Caesar. But that opened the way for him to give a witness in Rome. The 1st century "governing body" weren't thinking "what's the best way to get Paul to Rome", but it worked out that way - Jehovah used them to accomplish his will..."
This makes no sense - I'm surprised I'm surprised.
Jehovah told the Governing Body to tell Paul to ceremonially cleanse himself to talk to the Jews, which he knew wouldn't work so Paul would have to appeal to Casear and would be transported to Rome and imprisioned for 2 years and probably killed.
Couldn't He just have have given him the camel fare or something?
sorry i have been very busy and forgot.
as promised.
friday afternoon.
192 page book - God's word for us through Jeremiah
Oh fantasic, because the Isaiah books were so popular...
Actually if they do another everything means 1918/9 book I'll cry. - I bet this book will follow the format of the minor prophets book:
Q) Amos was a nipper of figs, what does this teach us?
A) Jehovahs servants should support themselves through humble yet honorable work and not go to university.
Q) Joel said the Lord's day is hurrying very much, what does this teach us?
A) Don't go to university or look at porn.
in his new spirituality book, "the plans of our enemy have been revealed", stephen haastrup exposes satan's army and the myriad tactics he uses to influence people's lives.
an accomplished pastor at the redeemed christian church of god in temple, texas, haastrup looks closely at satan's strategies and then details the counter-tactics god wants christians to implement in the fight against wicked spirits, principalities of power and all other entities that fight against righteousness.. "the plans of our enemy have been revealed" discusses all aspects of life that affect churches and its faithful constituents.
haastrup addresses the subject of debt and god's teachings regarding debt.
Weeping - you sound a lot like a group of people I investigated - on my way out of borg, (somewhere between Robert King and here) Do you get your inspiration from Russ Dizdar, Chris White, Joe Jordon - the Salvation Revelation gang?
i am still presently 'active' because of family and have recently been hounded by the elder due to low hours in the ministry.
i have decided though that i now feel that i can lie on my service report because fds has set the perfect example for me to follow.
yesterday in the watchtower study they were misleading in refering to millions now living may never die, and also used two scriptures to support the need to witness day and night but the scriptures were completly unrealated and taken out of context.
It's not lying, it's creative accounting. They're always banging on about making use of every opportunity, so you start counting your time from when you put your service clothes on and stop the clock when you get back into your normal clothes. Rationalise that you are 'available to give a witness' and 15 mins of actual first call can easily beome 3 hrs when you add up the time taken to go to the group, chat with 'the friends', have a coffee break and go to the store on your way back.
what is the jw's explanation for how all the animals got to australia after the flood?.
they bang on about carbon dating being flawed, using the usual creationist mis-information and lies but are they even aware of all the other dating methods and the fact that multiple independent methods are used and results only taken as true when they agree?.
I may be paraphrasing a bit, but the society's explanation of unique Australian wildlife is that as soon as the ark landed, the Kangaroo, duck-billed platypus and koala bear (and friends) immediately ran and stood on the bit of land that was to become australia, and didn't move from there while it floated down to the south.
Or, and I'm not sure I've seen this in print but this is how it was explained to me, kangaroos and koalas were everywhere but they died out everywhere else, apart from Australia.
i remember when i first started questioning the wts/jws.
there were so many scandals and teachings and history to explore and research.
i needed to learn everything i could about every little inconsistency, every mistake, every scandal in order to convince myself that i was on the correct path to freedom from this false religion.
Undercover, your post mirrors exactly what I think and feel. I wish I'd realised this all back in 1995 rther than wasting another 15 years 'waiting on Jehovah'.