Not slammin' you designs becuase you're a lovely fluffy apostate now but
When I was School Overseer I use to tell Sisters to wear a loose skirtdoesn't that just illuminate the WT attitude towards women.
in 1979 my mum was studying and came to the meeting in a womens suit with pants/slacks.
she was told by her teacher not to wear pants to the meetings only dresses.
well, my mother never wore pants again....ever!
Not slammin' you designs becuase you're a lovely fluffy apostate now but
When I was School Overseer I use to tell Sisters to wear a loose skirtdoesn't that just illuminate the WT attitude towards women.
in 1979 my mum was studying and came to the meeting in a womens suit with pants/slacks.
she was told by her teacher not to wear pants to the meetings only dresses.
well, my mother never wore pants again....ever!
It is a chauvanist control thing. The WT ideal is 1950s morality, attitude and fashion.
It's not about modesty - one sister I know was counciled that her skirts were too long and that "people might think she was a hippy or a goth".
misgivings, to be sure, .
another pursued her .
with real intent, a burning zeal.
If current WT policy was applied in Bible times, Queen Esther would have been marked for marrying an unbeliever and Mordechai would have lost his privledges for going to the wedding.
for prayers from the platform.. i've "said my own" for a few years now if i find i cant agree with what the brother is praying about.
i'm constantly amazed by the same old repetitive ramblings and just nonsense that some brothers feel is an acceptable way to pray for a congregation.. once i've finished saying my own i'll listen again to what they are going on about, and round and round they go.
the worse ones are those who can hardly speak english and i cant understand a word thats said apart from the "...feffull slive... bless bruders sis not here..." blah blah.. and everyone has gone through the public talk prayer.
Couldn't say Amen to the 'Thankyou for the FDS who provide for us blah blah' prayers while I was first learning TTATT.
The prayers that always annoyed me were the 'let's recap the whole meeting prayers'
For any lurkers who are doubting what the org is about, just take note of how many times Jehovah is thanked for the faithful & discrete slave versus how many times he is thanked for Jesus' sacrifice.
i've recently been reunited with some close family and friends having been away from them for some time in another country.
to begin with, i was a little apprehensive as to how they would treat me.
they don't know the extent of my feelings or knowledge (or what i've been up to!
They seem to live vicariously through their new inductees and draw energy from that process.
That's so true Sab. It's like every new publisher validates their own life choices for them again.
i've recently been reunited with some close family and friends having been away from them for some time in another country.
to begin with, i was a little apprehensive as to how they would treat me.
they don't know the extent of my feelings or knowledge (or what i've been up to!
It's horrible. As a born in / still in any conversation around pioneering, general ministry, calls & placements is really difficult to sustain. When a particularly zealous friend comes bounding up to relate an "upbuilding experience" I find it hard to give the expected ego boost to said friend.
i live in the pacific northwest and in the last week i have started to see bill boards popping up all over the city with pictures of people who are doctors, stay at home mom's, lawyers, plumbers, etc.
they all look very normal just living life and below their picture it says i am a mormon.. i have also started in just the last few days to see commercials on tv showing a soccer mom running her kids to games and she stops to look at the camera and says i am a mormon, or they showed a doctor who stops and says i am a mormon.. i think this campaign with the mormons has to do with mitt romney.. has anyone else noticed this?
i wonder what the gb would do to make the jw's look normal, as our kids do not do school sports, we do not go to college so we do not have many doctors or lawyers, or even plumbers and electricians, etc for that matter.
Lol wontleave! LMAO
last week wednesday at about 11:40 pm, on a cold and rainy night, my uncle breathed his last breath.
he was at hospice and he was alone.
alone because the whole family was there the previous night saying their goodbyes.
I'm so sorry for your loss Loubelle and Yellow.
I've been reading your blog Loubelle & you are an inspiration.
is it me or is the un no longer the enemy?
when i was studying all i heard about was the un banning religions.
do any current articles discuss this anymore?.
They'll hold back until everyone who was stumbled by the society joining the UN has left. Give it another few years, then they'll recycle the old prophetic interpretations, they've got nothing else.
There's a certain lack of freddie franzesq inspiration in the society's publications these days. The Isaiah books I & II were absolutely useless.
man oh man, .
i use my iphone, everywhere.
at work, in field service, at home, when i'm outside doing my walk.
I surf here during the meetings. It's a great use of otherwise dead time.