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JoinedPosts by mraimondi
Of all known religious beliefs which one seems most reasonable?
by The Berean inbuddhism would be my choice ....
"We are not hear to change your religion"....why do Witnesses lie?
by Witness 007 inthe truth = yes we are!!
ive said this in the past but really why am i at the door...not to sell vaccum cleaners!
we dont "force" people to change religions.....we just force them to stay in with disfellowshiping......."we don't hate gays".......we are just waiting for them to be burnt to death at armagedon..
semantics semantics
Your children are worthless. Get rid of them.
by easyreader1970 inlast night the co came to visit.
he gave a talk that centered around a christian's ability to function well within the organization.
there are many christians who are having problems in their personal lives and this can be traced to one thing.
if this was actually said from a platform, i doubt the CO would last anymore.
this is either interpretation or a flat out lie, jesus. you jump on african gb member but you let this go?
...Jehovah`s Witness`s have the most Stable Marriages...
by OUTLAW injehovah`s witness`s have the most stable marriages..very few jehovah`s witness`s cheat on thier mates..most jehovah`s witness`s stay married for thier entire lifes to the same person..jehovah`s witness`s have the happiest marriages!..becoming jehovah`s witness`s,has saved many experience has taught me none of that is true.................what is your experience?............................outlaw.
i have no other experience but to agree with the witnesses in this case.
maybe its cause im in a rural area though? The marriages here seemed to be rock solid from what i saw. One divorce over a 10 year period in this hall, from one guy who was a recent convert and went back to his ex wife (they are back together now, the guy is reinstated). lol...
otherwise, this congregation hasnt seeen any other. The people i associated with seemed to have really good marriages... maybe i just didnt see it?
Why why why do ex witlesses?
by hamsterbait inwhy is it that ex jdubs always export what the witchtower says about the trinity and argue against that.. anybody who has read the trinity brochure must know how it distorts the quotes, often turning them right around.
the wt thinks the trinity means a three headed god, or makes up other such nonsense.. instead of attacking those whose faith leads them to believe in a triune godhead, maybe these people should find out what the real teaching on the trinity is rather than tub thumping against what the wtbts claims these christians believe.. whatever your opinion, all that really matters is that a christian calls on the name of jesus and looks to him for salvation.
it is the wt that claims you have to have every doctrine in line with their views or you will die.
never heard that one before.
i just hate the trinity cause its f**king ridiculous, there's no evidence for it in the Bible, and the christians stole it from the pagans (this is pretty much fact, dont bother).
f**k jehovah anyway.
sorry, edited. wasnt sure if this was a G rated forum considering the topics that get discussed here at times
Of all known religious beliefs which one seems most reasonable?
by The Berean inbuddhism would be my choice ....
id say the jdubs have most of it right (core beliefs and SOME of the lesser ones - trinity, hellfire, soul, etc), it's the people that get in the way.
in reality, no organized religion knows anything.
umm let me clarify... the jdubs have it right as regards THE BIBLE. i misread the question. I really dont know what i believe atm, but as it stands, i am appreciating eastern philosophies.
Did you Observe Medical Emergencies Occur While Meetings Continued On?
by flipper ini've thought a lot about this over the years .
bonafide's thread reminded me of this and how unethical and insensitive it was for jehovah's witnesses meetings to go on without stopping while some rank and file members were having medical emergencies right in the kingdom hall.
my experience i will never forget.. in 1983 i was among some pioneers who were giving experiences at a circuit assembly in front of a crowd of about 2,000. this 83 year old sister was standing at the microphone and when she got done with her part - she sat next to me in her chair on the stage.
yup, sad to say but ive seen it once.
"You have a good point, but of course we still have the Truth"
by BonaFide inthat is the bottom line for a witness.
i have tried so many times to reason with witnesses, and they react the same as i did almost all my life.
the only success i am having is hopefully planting some seeds, because that worked with me, over a period of time.. many threads on here describe reasonings and great points designed to "wake up" witnesses.
i think the line"waiting on jehovah" is ok - i mean, if they truly were searching for the truth, it would probably come gradually. However, they dont wait for new light when it comes to things that can possibly KILL people or seperate them from their families and friends!!! that is the problem.
if you dont know a particular thing 100 percent, dont risk peoples lives on it you bastards!
ive been in this situation, on the flipside before.
its not fun for EITHER side.
Were you afraid to go to a bar?
by rebel8 insomeone who shall remain nameless (*cough*snowbird*cough) mentioned she has never been to a bar.. this shocks me.. i was remembering how terrified i was of going to a bar when i was exiting the mother ship.
i was looking for the lightning bolts to get me.
and it was a big nothing really.
nope, went to bars all the time as a witness, in a band. no problem. At least i got to see how boring and useless they were from that perspective.
Now, "even" the "worldly" friends i have mostly think bars are a waste of time.