this moron needs to learn how to use a camera. so far he has a 2/3 failure rate for filming JWs.
either that, or he is a fucking liar. then again, anyone who believes in the tripe he does...
6 videospt.1 of 6 (#2 bible jim dismantles jehovah witnesses)6 videos(watch and learn as bible jim dismantles the false belief system of jehovah witnesses)play allshare
there have been a number of developments over the past few months and they paint an interesting picture.. witnesses can keep dragging themselves to meetings ad infinitum however, the future of the watchtower itself is another story.
the evidence of continuing cash flow problems is now overwhelming.
if you talk to well placed witnesses, most won't deny it but simply blame it on the publishers financial problems.. they have cut off loans to congregations many of whom genuinely need new kingdom halls.
ever have one of those days..when you go outside,and part of your dogs throat has been ripped out?...
that was the begining of my day... i have no idea what attacked him..whatever it was,was f*cking vicious!
!..there was a 2 inch hole of missing fur and skin on his neck.....and a severed artery......also a 2 inch hole of missing fur and skin on his leg.....and..another severed artery.....there was blood everywhere... the nearest vet is 1 1/2 hours away..i phoned in and told the doctor to be ready for me... i tied the dogs wounds up with tee-shirts to try to minimilize the bleeding..then put a 100 lb bleeding dog,in the back of the truck..........poor dog tried to stand up in the truck..his neck started to gush with blood..i got him to lie down..the bleeding slowed.....i jumped in the truck and drove..that was one long hour and a half... the doctor came out..looked at the dog,ran back in and brought out a took three of us to bring him in so he would`nt move around..that dog has spunk!!!.
dang, there's some names i didn't know died.. click above to catch up what some of you may have missed.. yiz.
i was at high school 1989 telling everyone....."yeah, harrison ford in "the last crusade"....he says jehovah!
" even though the movie really was not reccomended for die hard witnesses...anyone else remember?
was it a big deal?.
article by zen habits contributor jonathan mead; follow him on twitter.if we really want to be happy, why do we act like such babies?.
we can claim to be proactive in our life by settings goals and going after what we want.
ever hold a peaceful protest outside a convention, kingdom hall, or otherwise, that had any serious positive outcome?.
what have you found effective in reaching your former brothers and sisters, without coming off as a nafarious 'opposer of jehovah'?.
this is asked in all seriousness, as my opinion is that most efforts fail nearly 100%.
i am not talking about doctrines..
sydney (afp) - people who live on vegetarian diets have slightly weaker bones than their meat-eating counterparts, australian researchers said thursday.. a joint australian-vietnamese study of links between the bones and diet of more than 2,700 people found that vegetarians had bones five percent less dense than meat-eaters, said lead researcher tuan nguyen.. the issue was most pronounced in vegans, who excluded all animal products from their diet and whose bones were six percent weaker, nguyen said.. there was "practically no difference" between the bones of meat-eaters and ovolactovegetarians, who excluded meat and seafood but ate eggs and dairy products, he said.. "the results suggest that vegetarian diets, particularly vegan diets, are associated with lower bone mineral density," nguyen wrote in the study, which was published thursday in the american journal of clinical nutrition.
"but the magnitude of the association is clinically insignificant," he added.. nguyen, who is from sydney's garvan institute for medical research and collaborated on the project with the pham ngoc thach university of medicine in ho chi minh city, said the question of whether the lower density bones translated to increased fracture risk was yet to be answered.. "given the rising number of vegetarians, roughly five percent (of people) in western countries, and the widespread incidence of osteoporosis, the issue is worth resolving," he said.. .
article taken from yahoo news ...........................outlaw.
is it me or have there been several new jw apologists join in recent weeks?.
the place to discuss anything relating to jehovah's witnesses and the watchtower bible and tract society... or just make new friends!.