JoinedTopics Started by ssn587
Depression in the Org.
by ssn587 init never seems to be brought up in jah's so wonderful org.
but depression seems rampant, i can name 7-10 people right now on antidepreswsant drugs.
when a religion
by ssn587 ini am wanting to know when the ibs became a religion, it my thought that up until awhile in the 1920s, the society was just a publishing company not hiding behind the idea of being a religion.
so when did they become one in actuality?
i know they claim that when jesus came in 1918 to judge all the religons he found them and appointed them as his fds in 1919. but really all nonsense aside, just when did they officially become a religion?.
sacrifices to rome and caesar
by ssn587 injosephus makes allusion to the fact that sacrifices to rome and caesar were made in the temple.
i have tried looking this up but so far no real info on it at all.
does anyone out there possess any?
Sacrifices in the Temple
by ssn587 inread in the book the "jesus papers"pg 44 something to the that rome had judes paying 40 talents of silver a year into their treasurry and that non-jews gave offering at the temple for just such.
and it alludes to daily sacrifices done or performed for caesar and rome.
does anyone have any information on this?.
OSCE and UN?
by ssn587 insent email to un on this and this is what i got in return:.
greetings from the un reference team.. the organization for security and cooperation in europe is an [i]nternational organization[] having received a standing.
invitation to participate as observers in the sessions and the work of the general assembly and maintaining permanent.
left in lurch
by ssn587 inrecently talked with a brother who had the following experience.. he and wife had been on a trip out of town, and they started rehashing old wrongs, he had mentioned that she wasn't very nice to him lately in fact the last several years.
she wanted to know why he had felt that way.
when he told me that right then and there i mentioned that they or at least he shouldn't have brought up old or current wrongs.
Bible Book of Hebrews
by ssn587 inwho was it written by and why or in other words who, what, when, where, why.. wanted to know for the upcoming wt recital.. another question was just what was happening in and around jerusalem from 45 ce up to its destruction.
how was everday life?
what factions were vieing for dominance etc.. .
Need help
by ssn587 inin the service meeting a part having to do with "make good use of our publication" in paragraph 5: placement of publications it reads:.
we strive to place our publicationso only with those who show genuine interest.
keep in mind that we are the ones primarily responsible for the financial coverage of these valuable tools in our ministry.
princess party
by ssn587 indaughter and spouse have been invited to a princess party.
but none of us know what that is any ideas help out there?.