Hello Broken Promises. The Six Screens website was deliberately made creepy by design. The graphic presentations, as well as the sound enhancements, on the site creates intrigue. The Jehovah's Witnesses visiting the site are already aware of the sinister and evil tricks that the Watchtower Society is hiding behind. They are having doubts about "God's only channel on earth". The Six Screens of the Watchtower website was purposely developed to be dark, disturbing, eerie, no fluff, just shock! The reason this site was developed was to attract Jehovah's Witnesses and help them to see what the Watchtower org. is hiding behind. Amazingly this format is working. Broken Promises private mail me and I will be glad to send you data, statistics, and the Google analytics report on the volume of traffic and the hits this website is getting.
JoinedPosts by koolaid-man
Shunned to death!
by koolaid-man inthousands of jehovah's witnesses, and the number could be as high as 100,000, are being disfellowshipped each year in the watchtower org.
their religious policy on disfellowshipping is not biblical, and the punishment is cruel and inhumane.
the punishment of being shunned has many consequences.
Shunned to death!
by koolaid-man inthousands of jehovah's witnesses, and the number could be as high as 100,000, are being disfellowshipped each year in the watchtower org.
their religious policy on disfellowshipping is not biblical, and the punishment is cruel and inhumane.
the punishment of being shunned has many consequences.
To listen to past recored calls www.sixscreensofthewatchtower.com
Shunned to death!
by koolaid-man inthousands of jehovah's witnesses, and the number could be as high as 100,000, are being disfellowshipped each year in the watchtower org.
their religious policy on disfellowshipping is not biblical, and the punishment is cruel and inhumane.
the punishment of being shunned has many consequences.
Thousands of Jehovah's Witnesses, and the number could be as high as 100,000, are being disfellowshipped each year in the Watchtower Org. Their religious policy on disfellowshipping is not Biblical, and the punishment is cruel and inhumane. The punishment of being shunned has many consequences. This harsh doctrinal policy is extreme. It shatters families, relationships, and leaves the victims emotionally and in many cases spiritually devastated. Suicides and attempted suicides are not uncommon. The very mechanism of this cruel, unrelentingly severe policy accomplishes something for the Organization. By evil, deliberate design, shunning creates fear. The J.W.s emotions are aroused. They feel uneasy, terror, fright, panic, and trepidation. The thought of shunning and the actual punishment itself is a painfully, emotional experience. No person feels comfortable when confronted by threatening danger or evil. Our guest on the Six Screens of the Watchtower conference call is former Jehovah's Witness pioneer Daniel Duron. His whole family has been hurt and seperated by the shameful policy of shunning. He is now going public in hoping to expose the WAtchtower org. and bring light to this cruel practice of shunning. Our program will be on Saturday April 10,2010 at 7p.m.EST. It's easy to get on the call, no computer is necessary, just dial (712)432-8710 and when asked for pin use 9925. Our phone lines open at 6:30p.m.EST, so come in early and talk with all of those who have been Touched by The Tentacles of the Watchtower.
Free signs for Memorial night protesters!
by koolaid-man inisn't it time to speak up?
take the giant step!
on tuesday, march 30,2010, after sundown, is the biggest event in the jehovah's witness world.
This forum used to be a discussion board but comments like the above have the potential to turn this into a disgusting board.
Free signs for Memorial night protesters!
by koolaid-man inisn't it time to speak up?
take the giant step!
on tuesday, march 30,2010, after sundown, is the biggest event in the jehovah's witness world.
It is so disappointing to see so many fearful, coward former Witnesses lacking courage on this discussion board. You hide behind fictitious names and cartoon like phony avatars and are still being controlled by the Watchtower org. What are you afraid of ? Stop being cowards. Come out from hiding in cyberspace and show real courage. Stand up, let people know who you are. You know the harm the Watchtower org. has caused in peoples lives. Stand tall and protest. It's been said, "a man who stands for nothing will fall for anything". anon The Watchtower org. would be out of business tomorrow if all their critics stood up and spoke out and let the org. know where you personally stand. Abraham Lincoln said "to sin by silence when they should protest makes cowards of men".
Dr. Jerry Bergman and Joe Anderson on Dialogue Saturday March 20,2010
by koolaid-man injoin former jehovah's witness and watchtower historian richard rawe on his telephone conference call.
his special guest tonight will be dr. jerry bergman, author of the book "jehovah's witnesses and the problem of mental illness".
and former bethelite, joe anderson, barbara anderson's husband.
Join former Jehovah's Witness and Watchtower historian Richard Rawe on his telephone conference call. His special guest tonight will be Dr. Jerry Bergman, author of the book "Jehovah's Witnesses and the problem of mental illness". and former Bethelite, Joe Anderson, Barbara Anderson's husband. Richard's program is like a radio talk show. The listening audience will be able to ask questions and involve themselves in Dialogue. The program starts at 6:45 p.m.EST. It's easy to get on the call, just dial (712)432-8710 and when asked for pin use 9925. For more information. go to www.sixscreensofthewatchtower.com
Free signs for Memorial night protesters!
by koolaid-man inisn't it time to speak up?
take the giant step!
on tuesday, march 30,2010, after sundown, is the biggest event in the jehovah's witness world.
Isn't it time to speak up? Take the giant step! On Tuesday, March 30,2010, after sundown, is the biggest event in the Jehovah's Witness world. Over 17 million people are invited to attend their memorial. This is an ideal time to speak up to those attending by standing in front of Kingdom Halls with eye catching signage. Protesting has proved to be a positive force in exposing the Watchtower Org. Granted most loyal Witnesses will totally ignore the signs, but their relatives, friends, return visits, Bible studies, and those having doubts will be inquisitive and will ask the Witnesses questions. If you want to protest in front of a Kingdom Hall private mail me and I will send you free signs. You just have to pay shipping. You will experience and unexpected pleasure in exposing the evils of the Watchtower Org. If you can join us in Wilmington Mass. we would like to hear from you. "what happens when you do nothing...nothing".
Randall Watters and Joe Mason on V.S.O. tonight, Tuesday March 16
by koolaid-man intonight, tuesday march 16,2010, at 7:30 pm est.
on v.s.o., victims speak out, teleconference program hosted by former jehovah's witness mary aguilar.
mary will be interviewing two former jehovah's witnesses who are making a huge difference in helping jehovah's witnesses to see what the watchtower is hiding behind.
We will discuss that in part Randy, but the subject we will be going into depth over is the tunnels. Now that Watchtower is selling of everything in Brooklyn, will they keep their secret tunnels? Only kidding of course Randy. Looking forward to tonight's program.
Randall Watters and Joe Mason on V.S.O. tonight, Tuesday March 16
by koolaid-man intonight, tuesday march 16,2010, at 7:30 pm est.
on v.s.o., victims speak out, teleconference program hosted by former jehovah's witness mary aguilar.
mary will be interviewing two former jehovah's witnesses who are making a huge difference in helping jehovah's witnesses to see what the watchtower is hiding behind.
Tonight, Tuesday March 16,2010, at 7:30 pm est. on V.S.O., Victims Speak Out, teleconference program hosted by former Jehovah's Witness Mary Aguilar. Mary will be interviewing two former Jehovah's Witnesses who are making a huge difference in helping Jehovah's Witnesses to see what the Watchtower is hiding behind. Randall Watters , former Bethelite and now webmaster of www.freeminds.org, and former Jehovah's Witness Joe Mason of www.christianwitnesses.com will be her guests. What an opportunity it will be to talk with these two men and ask them questions when we open up the lines. Make the time for this captivating and colorful, special program! It's easy to get on the call, just dial 712-432-8710 and when asked for pin use 9925. Click link for more info.
Barbara Anderson on the conference call tonight.
by koolaid-man intonight, saturday march 13,2010, the six screens of the watchtower conference calls guest will be barbara anderson.
barbara was a former bethelite and wrote articles for the watchtower org.
barbara is going to let us know what goes on in one of the most powerful departments in the watchtower society, the writing department.
Tonight, Saturday March 13,2010, The Six Screens of the Watchtower conference calls guest will be Barbara Anderson. Barbara was a former Bethelite and wrote articles for the Watchtower org. Barbara is going to let us know what goes on in one of the most powerful departments in the Watchtower Society, the writing department. It's easy to get on the call, just dial 712-432-8710 and when asked for pin use 9925. By all means join us tonight. Our lines open at 6:30 p.m.EST, and the program starts at 7p.m.EST. So, come in early and talked to all of those who have been "touched by the tentacles of the Watchtower".