I sometimes think that JW behavior appeals to the potential addict in all of us .
I sometimes wonder if you don't have to have some sort of mild to severe emotional insecurity or neuroticism to be a JW in the first place, not that that's not fixable...it is...I admit I'm neurotic as hell, or was until I got a boatload of professional help, and so is my mother, who dragged the whole family into it..she's like a poster child for OCD and all sorts of neurotic behavior, and was an emotionally and physically abused child who will rarely if ever admit it...her parents were saints in her view even though her siblings tell me otherwise....she's got the perfect mentality to be a JW if you ask me.
You get "loved in" like a drug pusher giving free samples to get you hooked, then they make you pay for it with "good works" and if you don't do everything prescribed, love and approval is withheld, so you'll do anything to get it back, or you just sit there jonesing for it all the time.
It's also rather reminiscent of abusive spouses or signficant other relationships. You're romanced in, then the abuse starts, but it's your fault, and then they're sorry they were mean and you get flowers if you behave as expected again.
It's all pretty sick stuff, when you think about it, but everything about it is designed for you to think everything that's wrong is wrong with you, not them.
One of the best mechanisms I found to cope with the ex Witness thing was to attend Adult Children of Alcoholics meetings. Being raised by a nutbar JW is scarily similar to being raised by an alcoholic...and for some people I'm sure that overlaps.