I've always admitted whatever beliefs I have are purely subjective and emotional. But, that is how the human mind works, you see.
Emotions are an integral part of our thinking processes, although they are not evidence of anything, but we cannot separate them from the thinking, creative and physiological process.
Some people are by inclination or training or both more rationalist, but believe me, they are not able to be totally subjective, either. No one is, not humanly possible, unless you know a way to shut down the emotional centers of the brain, the nervous system and all the intricate chemical responses involved in emotion.
We rely upon our emotions for a positive or negative feedback as they're part of the reward system that keeps us alive, and your head doesn't exist separately a foot above your body in a jar. In spite of watching scifi TV shows that might make you think an intelligent being can be totally emotionless, it wouldn't be possible if they were even the slightest like humans mentally and neurologically.
(Which is why when the Star Trek writers found that out because of advancements in psychological research, they changed the Vulcans from "emotionless" to just able to control their emotions and bodily responses through various disciplines, akin to what some Buddhist monks and yogis do, actually..now, that IS possible, albeit not easy to learn.)
People who try to tell me that their arguments on any subject are "purely objective" are full of it. There is no such thing as pure objectivity for human beings, it's psychologically impossible, because it's never in our best interests to be purely objective. We have to be subjective to survive.