I think I love you!
I tried this sort of thing for years, and it did me more good than anyone. I did get one particularly annoying elder's wife to quit preaching at me constantly, though.
The last time I went out in FS, I was with a Mexican sister who I dearly loved. She's been through a lot, including living with an alcoholic abusive husband for years, who thankfully, finally is sober and non violent.
But, there were two really "Bertha Than You" sisters with us, both have elder husbands who are well off, and they were dressed to the nines, thin and tanned.
We were in the Mexican sister's car and she and I became the target of the other two sister's catty comments on everything from our weight to our clothes, and then about how we could fix all that about ourselves and be wonderful and perfect like they were.
The sister whose car were were in started to get visibly upset, then to cry, and she had to pull over. I lit into Bitch and Witch and told them off. It was the most unspiritual, unkind and just plain old IGNORANT experience ever.
I'd love to say it was isolated, but this happened to me dozens of times of the years, sisters turning car groups into catty picking sessions.
It could be about anything from how you were raising your kids to your clothes or your housekeeping, but it was almost ALWAYS initiated by pioneers or elder's wives.
I got to where the very idea of FS was enough to give me a panic attack. I quit going.Now, I'm a very extroverted person who has no trouble talking to ANYONE. I've done substitute teaching and a little stage acting. I have no stage fright. It wasn't the people in the field that I was afraid of, it was my fellow JWs and their criticism!
I finally got my nerve up to go out a few years later, showed up to the appointed place for FS, and was told TO GO HOME AS I DID NOT make prior arrangements with the pioneers or anyone else going out that morning and they could not put me in a car group. So, I went home.
No brothers there, just the elderettes.
That was 8 years ago...I only went out once after that, and it was to deliver a few tracts with a sister. I did it an hour and had to go home. I couldn't stomach it anymore.