Thanks for the responses. It didn't sound right to me, but I thought I would ask. When I was an elder I would say and do things that were "right" instead of WT policy. Probably what he was doing. I am probably facing DFing in the next 2 weeks because the BOE got a letter from the Branch pressuring them to do something about me. I have had 2 brothers "slip" and let me know that, but then backtrack a little to cover their A**.
I know the "truth" about the "truth", but I don't stop my wife from going to meetings or try to work against them in any way. For me I could not give a crap what they think of me or if they want me disfellowshipped. However I have 2 step-sons whom I love as much as my own blood who are MS. They come to my house every weekend we watch football, play board games, drink, etc.. They are the best people I know and my best friends other than my wife ... but I know they will comply with the shunning when they are ordered to. No one to blame but myself for that one, since I taught them that was right. Even tho I was misled I should have realized long ago the "truth" about the "truth". I am looking for ways to delay the decision or change the mind of the BOE. .... let me fade instead.
If things go down the way I think they will I'll post all the recordings of my meetings with the elders.