oompa,did you ever think it was because while you are trying to convince others, that you are still trying to convince yourself? It reminds me of what a psycologist said once about when people that are going through a divorce, there is great anger because there was still alot of unresolved feelings of love. I read how people talk about being in bondage for years with th Jw's, funny thing is I've never in all my years been forced to do anything. Ah but wouldn't life be so much easier if you weren't one of JW's. by all means be true to yourself, but in the process don't forget to admit that you were simply going through the motions when you were involved wth the wittnesses. Most of the time I hear people say this ,I can't help but think that they were only trying to do what they thought would save their own butt. I guess I would be bitter too if I spent years going out in the ministry and to all those meetings and didn't do it for the right reasons. You couldn't pay me to do what JW's do if I didn't do for love of my fellow man and love for Jehovah God. I have a whole lot more respect for people that just stop coming and say they couldn't live up to the high moral standards that God requires of them, just because they are usually the one's that are being true to themselves.
JoinedPosts by bam55
some leave & stay quiet...why do some rant/obsess like me/us?
by oompa ini recently posted "why do we do this?
".....good answers btw.......but now.......i so want/need to let go......my wife will not change...and it has been nightmare awful lately.....i will never go back......i have hurt her soooooooo bad for over two years.........why cant i stop?...she is a great woman..........we might could make it if i could just shut up......get bye not just to her but my friends as well....... do i need meds for obsessive thoughts/behavior?..........damm i am obsessed over this cult........why cant i just not be a religious person....just shut up and be non vocal.........i just keep outing myself.......like a deathwish.......i do not really want to lose my family....i have lost most friends already.......but am scared to lose my family too......i know many here have......i just wish i could be a more silent fader....... if we shut up.......we are not really apostate in there eyes......but uh-oh.........if you keep on like me.......you are one.......and since i am even more non-judgemental now........she has a right to her own beliefs...... an old friend of mine just went back to jw.......he is now sober due to this decision...it helps him.....some just need structure.........plus......he has a chick in jw that loves him........and he will get wicked good poontang from her as soon as he marries this goddess.....so that is good too...oompa.
good luck poontang bound jw friend.......
The person above that stated that we were praying for millions to die, you are very mistaken. Why do you think we go out and knock on peoples doors? alot of times we are cursed at, insulted even have guns pulled on us and things thrown in our face. Do you really think that we are doing this because we want people to die? I have read the comments of so many former wittnesses on this site about being made to go knock on doors pushing the Watch Tower, You were not doing it out of love for the people and love for Jehovah. If I did not do it for those two reasons, you couldn't pay me a blue million to do it. No wonder you were miserable. Are you using it perhaps as an excuse because you wanted to do things your way and so you've decided to criticize us? Well never fear you seem to have plenty of support on this site and in the world. Remember, the world loves its own but it hates Jehovahs people because we are not of this worldly system.
I don't know who did the survey, but I do know that some of you are so miss informed about our belief in Jesus Christ.We believe that Jesus was in heaven with his father as they did the creation work and when Adam and eve sinned that God set a plan in place to redeem mankind namely all those that would. Then he sent his willing son down in the form of a child in the womb of a virgin maiden, lived a spotless sinless life and sacrificed himself for all mankind and that there is no way to get to the father except through him, and that every knee should bow and every tongue confess that Jesus Christ is lord to the glory of God the father. The Watch Towers are simply indepth studies of different subjects according to the Bible. As far as who prays the most it doesn't matter about quantity as much as quality and making sure that our prayers are acceptable to God. The person above that has anxiety attacks when he thinks about the supposedly cruel God we serve, how about the whole of christiandom that believes that God is going to burn us in an eternal fiery hell and we will pray to die and can't? have any anxieties about that? Our first parents decided they wanted to rule themselves, Jehovah is simply allowing his disobediant children time to see that we need our heavenly father to guide us. You don't burn in a fiery hell when you die. I believe that anyone who will benefit in Jehovahs perfect world will be ressurected. By the way, we are the ones that don't believe in violence and war, now does that sound like a cruel God to you?
Has it changed? How are they suppose to treat disassociated ones?
by megaflower insituation: offically da in sept 2008. jw elder and wife lives up the street from me and they give dirty looks, etc.
i get shunnd everytime i have run .
into one of them until today.
actually, it is not wrong for a JW to speak to a da person only to a df one.The reason for this is because if someone has been dissfellowshipped it was because they were a baptized wittness and were committing an unrepented sin. The key word there being unrepentive. How many times have you heard people comment on ones who went to religious services (no matter what denomination they were) being a hypocrite, and almost eveytime they use that as an excuse to not go? Read the Bible and find out how God feels about uncleaness in his house. It serves as a protection for the congregation as well as helping the one that is unrepentive to see that what they were doing was against Jehovahs laws and would keep them from being ressurected.It is out of love for that person and for Jehovah. I am alot older and I have seen alot of changes that I thought I never would.When I was in High school ,Homosexuality was taught as a perversion and not a preference,no one thinks anything now of living with their boyfriend or girlfriend and being a member of the church. You may be thinking what a narrow minded old fart I am for saying this,but if you believe there is a God in the heavens that created us all and you believe the Bible is the instructions that God left for us to go by, then don't get mad at me because he was the one who said it and if he did create everything, does he not have the right to decide what is right and wrong. Don't think that he wants us to be mean to them, I was an Interior Designer so you know how many gay people I must of worked around. They loved me because I loved them, but they also knew what I believed. It was brought up only one time and they stated that they knew how I felt about it and I stated that it didn't matter how I felt about it but what God thought about it and because I loved them I wanted them to do research and find out what he said about it. none of us is any better than anyone. we all fall short, but instead of so much criticism, think about the fact that we don' want to lead anyone down the rosey path of destruction. If anyone calling themselves a JW and was unloving or unkind don't worry Jehovah will set matters straight he has a way of bringing people down a knotch or two, but if it was because they were dissfellowshipped, then it was for their own good.