That is great news Lady Lee! You and Razor must be relieved... celebrations are in order here... sending cyber martinis your way...
I'm havin one too...
wooheee .
i'm cancer free.
i am so relieved.
That is great news Lady Lee! You and Razor must be relieved... celebrations are in order here... sending cyber martinis your way...
I'm havin one too...
i have talked to peanuts...and was caught!!!
one time when i was living in san diego county, california....i was in a ralph's grocery have a habit of discussing prices and such while i'm shopping....out loud....there doesn't hafta be anyone else there....i just discuss 'em with myself, since i'm gonna be the one payin'.....when i got to the nuts aisle.....and it was at the end of the aisle closest to the checkout lines, naturally....i began berrating the peanuts over their outrageous prices.....there was a loudspeaker for the store in the ceiling...directly over my head.....just as i finished my oratory to the peanuts, an employee bellowed something totally incomprehensible through the store speakers.....i'm extremely easily startled.....and as luck would have it, the store manager was just passing the end of the aisle where i stood doing my spastic, throwing my jerking hands up and jumping through my skin dance, because i thought at first the peanuts had answered me......the man bent over double laughing....i woulda kicked his arse if he hadn't peed his pants right there....harrumph!
so tell me....have yall ever done anything that turned your face red?
LOL @ Frannie... Shamus (donuts showing....ahahahahahahahha)...
Well, I've been totally embarrassed a few times...
One time, It was 7 am, and I was on my way to work waiting for the bus on the corner of Younge and Sheppard in Toronto, and as the cars would come up, they would slow down... and people were stopping and having a look and giggling... I could not figure out what was going on... there was quite a wind and when I turned my head to flick the hair outta my face, the back of my highland queen skirt waved at me from behind... Yep... that was my ass on the corner of Younge and Sheppard that day! At least I made some people smile....
Another one happened when I was living in Calgary... I was all dolled up as I usually was to go to work, got on the bus to go to work, and there was this terrible smell, it was awful.. I worked right downtown, and I had to stay on the bus... but people were getting quite disgusted and getting off the bus... then it was me and this hobo looking guy... just the two of us and the driver who was quite annoyed at the hobo for stinkin... then the hobo got off the bus... and I realized that the stinker was me! ... AAAAHHHHHHHH! I was sprayed in the back by a cat before I got on the bus, as I walked past him... LOL... talk about embarrassing!!! I tried to wash the smell outta my really nice blazer, but no go... I had to throw it away... Next day, I got on the bus... and some people recognized me... but I smelled much better....
well i think i have done it all now, for the first time i have placed a political sign on my lawn depicting my stand for a political party.
as we are having a provincial election on october 2nd and people in my neck of the woods generally do not place signs on there lawn as in the big city i am very proud to stand up for what i believe will be better for this province!.
Good on ya Beans!!!!!
Do you have your membership yet? Got mine.. I'm ready to VOTE!
this is pretty cool.. .
these are the forecasts for todays matches with the expected results expressed as a percentage.
you can also tour the site and see how, for example, scunthorpe would probably fare if they were ever matched against liverpool fc.
LOL @ Eman and Simon.... and that's from an American... hahaahahahahhahah
I think the illustration dept. at bethel won some war over the photography dept... roflmao... is that really the cover??????
Heads will roll....
LOL @ Stacy and Six...
Yes I get involved in politics and vote...
would you change the way you made your exit from the org and if so, how?
Hi Frannie! there's my little sidestep... lol
Nope, I wouldn't change the way I left.. Though I didn't know it at the time, it worked to my advantage. I also learned a lot in a short period of time because of the way I left. So no, I wouldn't change it.
remembering 9-11-01:.
i encourage everyone who wants to, just to post their own personal memories and experiences of 9-11-01 here.. also, here are a few things you may want to look at:.
I remember the shock and sadness. I remember struggling with the reality of it. It took so long to actually beleive it was real. A painful day... a painful memory. I will never forget the horror of it or what I saw. How it changed me, my country...and the world. We lost something very dear that day.
mission creep .
bush's perversion of the "war on terror.
by william saletan.
Thanks Phantom...
I found the second article quite well balanced... it articilated America's problem with it's allies very well, and it's a problem that will come back and bite us on our butts, time and time again... For a very short time, America, through a horrific attack was embraced and loved by many... not just Americans... and it was an OPPORTUNITY that those who are acustomed to leadership should not have missed... I mean really, we were just off the heels of an election... a very gritty, divisive election....what the heck happened to all those brilliant opportunists? Apparently.... they can prove their mettle in an election, but can't do a damn thing when it comes to real world problems...
Our problems now have increased in the middle east and our friends are few... it's going to become an issue of economics, because we simply can't afford to keep it up... and we are going to pay dearly for the war deficit in the future... the not too distant future... and trust me... the $300 cheques... aren't going to be so forthcoming and taxes will have to go back up... that's what happens when you have huge deficits... This growing deficit can and probably will cripple an already very humbled economy... that much is obvious... George Bush and his policies are going to haunt us for many years after he has left office. We had problems before, but he's made them much worse. I for one, as an American, don't appreciate that legacy.
Hi Stinky....
Yep... drinking at 8 am could be a problem... if your using alcohol to medicate... that's a problem... maybe talking about it would be better than having that drink... what's got you depressed?