What I do find interesting is... you sign NO written contract with the WTBTS at the time of baptism (as far as I know), you pay no actually membership fees (the cover this by calling it a donation), so if no written contract is legally signed, then it can not be broken... (still following here? )....
If your not a 'legal' member, then legally, the statement is a 'false statement'- as you must first be 'legally' a member to get booted out.... the fact that they are 'publicly' booting you out if you are not first a 'legal member' is public defamation by way of 'slander', and that inturn insites the other members (the public) to treat you in such a way, that is defaming your personal reputation, it is a form of 'false light' that causes undue emotional stress and further slander from the other members (the public)...
or do you have to sign a form before you get baptised????