Email Sky, I'll do the same.
Celtic Mark
fellow uk posters and lurkers, .
it is possible to recieve dateline over here.
it is on at the weekends (on sky digital) at around midnight saturday or was it sunday, anyway............. .
Email Sky, I'll do the same.
Celtic Mark
Serves em ruddy well right, bout time, hahahahahahahahaha
Celtic Mark
hello sleepy .
celtic mark here deep down sw of westcountry.
i'm sure that the damage inflicted on those ones brought up in the trooth is perhaps greater than those who did not experience being brought up in it.
Hello Sleepy
Celtic Mark here deep down sw of westcountry.
I'm sure that the damage inflicted on those ones brought up in the trooth is perhaps greater than those who did not experience being brought up in it.
We were not allowed to question anything. It was always expected of us to just follow orders from either parents or members of the congregation. Adult brothers and sisters, unaware of their own shortcomings would often blame these kids as an excuse against their own inadequate system, in other words, it must have made them feel more spiritual by off loading their own blame onto the next available target, an avenue by which they might justify their own position.
I call this spiritual raping. Unable to make any imformed choices for ourselves, what should have been a perfected upbringing, turned into a hellish day and living nightmare. For those not brought up in the trooth, I think many of you cannot understand or have true empathy for the feelings that we went through.
To teach a young child all the crafty ways of satan with such frightening pictures in all the books, telling us that if we did not do as we were told, our lives would be lost at Armegeddon, I believe belongs to the realms of the criminally insane. Is it normal I ask them now, for a 14 year old to repeatedly smash his head into brick walls in a fruitless attempt to commit suicide, to block out the internal anguish within?
Isn't a God supposed to be about love and the next quality - joy? What happened to these positive attributes in the congregation? Why the hell does a child of 4 or 5 need to know about sacrificial sacrifice and children being passed through the fire? Why did I know what beastiality was at that age? Would this model in todays modern world, anywhere outside of the Witnesses be considered a fine outstanding model?
The facts upon this site speak for themselves.
Reprogramming? Yes, it is possible. But to face your demons, takes enormous courage and the experience of a qualified therapist. I went the whole hog, 5 psychologists in total for a period in excess of 12 months when it all came pouring out. Pleased to say, that as of earlier this year, from the medical profession, I was given the all clear, no signs of any imbalance and/or depression remaining. Hard work, ruthless honesty, but ruddy well worth it.
Peace to everyone attempting this. I can offer you whatever support you feel is needed.
'Celtic' Mark
Edited for 2 spelling errors
Edited by - invisible on 12 June 2002 15:3:29
any outstanding prayers that you can remember / recall?.
we had one brother here who was renowned for his very long prayers, sometimes running to as much as 15 minutes in length.
congregational members would have to leave halfway through to catch taxi's etc, he was a dear old soul though, in his younger days before he kicked the bucket, he was a wheelwright, probaly one of the last of his particular craft, repairing horse drawn carriages.. another brother at the convention was known for the shortest prayer, he just said thankyou 3 times and that was it.. once we had the co visiting, george hilton his name was, cheerful old sod from yorkshire, it was the aux pio and reg pio meeting.
Any outstanding prayers that you can remember / recall?
We had one brother here who was renowned for his very long prayers, sometimes running to as much as 15 minutes in length. Congregational members would have to leave halfway through to catch taxi's etc, he was a dear old soul though, in his younger days before he kicked the bucket, he was a wheelwright, probaly one of the last of his particular craft, repairing horse drawn carriages.
Another brother at the convention was known for the shortest prayer, he just said thankyou 3 times and that was it.
Once we had the CO visiting, George Hilton his name was, cheerful old sod from Yorkshire, it was the aux pio and reg pio meeting. I remember squeezing the buttocks of my cheeks tighter and tighter, but still an enormous fart managed to burst forth right in the middle of his prayer, how much I wished for a hole to just swallow me up on that occassion, a ruddy great beaut of a thumper it was, great resonance!!
Do you have any funny stories to do with prayers?
Share them here.
'Celtic' Mark
anybody have jb's email address?.
if so, please send it to [email protected].. i now return you to your idle chatter.
Cheers for posting these links to Jerry Bergman, I too have been intending to mail him for some time so thankyou very much.
Btw, how is Amazing, not heard from you in a while?
'Celtic' Mark
) but i sure know that you made me sick!.
it was a very clever way of trying to get me 'off air' i guess, but, although it's cost me plenty, i'm still standing!.
for the sake of my friends here, i guess i was caught off-guard, and in that split moment i got caught with a savage virus in my computer that's infected all my data files.
That Mailwasher looks good, will try that.
Anti-virus products can be found here:
Hope this helps.
Celtic Mark
sometimes i don't know why the hec i feel the need to explain my story, at least, this is the feeling today, however, there are a few matters that i am absolutely furious with the society and the elders for instigating.
maybe i have lost the belief that putting my story across will do a blind bit of good, who know's, but still i take that chance that it may benefit even one or two.
in many ways, my life has moved on so far beyond jw issues that no longer do they impinge upon my thinking processes, i just want to leave all the issues behind, rather than reliving painful memories, which in turn, give rise to feelings of anger inside me, an emotion which i have struggled to come to terms with and feel that by now, i have dealt with successfully.
Sometimes I don't know why the hec I feel the need to explain my story, at least, this is the feeling today, however, there are a few matters that I am absolutely furious with the Society and the elders for instigating. More upon this later perhaps. Maybe I have lost the belief that putting my story across will do a blind bit of good, who know's, but still I take that chance that it may benefit even one or two. In many ways, my life has moved on so far beyond JW issues that no longer do they impinge upon my thinking processes, I just want to leave all the issues behind, rather than reliving painful memories, which in turn, give rise to feelings of anger inside me, an emotion which I have struggled to come to terms with and feel that by now, I have dealt with successfully. I just want to be getting on with my life now.
However, today I'll continue as best I can. Falmouth Congregation was looking back particularly loopy, a congregation, which, because of my naiveity as a child, I probaly in my own way deciphered what was going on around me as being completely normal, even if as far as groups of people go, you might have been hard pushed to find a more dysfunctional bunch anywhere.
Do not get me wrong. Falmouth was wonderful in many respects. Perhaps my vision was blurred by the fact that it only took a minority to make my early life years as miserable as hell. Years I spent in isolation. Singled out as bad association from a very early age, instead I took pride in knowing what my true qualities were underneath, that other more stupid adults could not see my inner potential was their problem. I particularly have always enjoyed looking after people, especially the older brothers and sisters in the congregation, who I would visit with great regularity, going out for them on errands, visiting them, reading out loud for the sight impaired, offering lifts when nessarsary etc.
In writing this as I speak, I am trying to identify the contributing common denominators of those who, rather than looking at my potential, sought every opportunity to belittle and humiliate me, grass me up for things I didn't do or to get me into trouble with my dad. OK so I was full of myself too, I already thought (and knew rightly so, that I knew it all, at least better than their interpretation), and wasn't afraid of speaking my mind, sometimes with disastrous consequences.
Of those who took a particular dislike to me, especially does that soddin old bat Joan Barber come to mind, looking back now and knowing what I do about psychology etc, a very disturbed individual, who would seek every opportunity possible to get me into trouble, along with Joy Bearman and Ron Brazier (still an elder). Ron Brazier was and still is an absolute bastard, if it wasn't for the fact that he is in a wheelchair I could quite happily batter him to kingdom come for the utter misery he often caused me, continually, year in, year out. These were just a few of them, very psychologically disturbed individuals.
So, on the one hand, there was in my child like mind, this wonderful prospect of paradise, perfection and on the other, this sheer hell that made no sense to me whatsoever. I grew up to believe I must truly be a very bad person, which looking back was absolutely rediculous.
Thats about all I can manage for today, I'm in such a stable and darn good mood, that for now, I've got better things to do with my time than to relive those painful days. Part 4 of this exceptionally long and complicated true life story will follow shortly.
Hope you're having an excellent day everyone!!
Celtic Mark
when i was a young kid of approximately 7 years old, i seem to recollect memories of 'encouragement' by the society for jw's to sell their properties, their homesteads, am i right in thinking this?
and if so, how many here were affected adversely by such decisions either on the part of their parents or who directly sold their houses thinking that the end was imminently nigh?
can anyone refresh my memory?
When I was a young kid of approximately 7 years old, I seem to recollect memories of 'encouragement' by the Society for JW's to sell their properties, their homesteads, am I right in thinking this? And if so, how many here were affected adversely by such decisions either on the part of their parents or who directly sold their houses thinking that the end was imminently nigh?
Can anyone refresh my memory?
Celtic Mark
francois said in another thread: this will take some organization and some money.
he was talking about this need in order to start an effort aimed toward holding conventions.
he called them apost-0-conventions.
I have always stated that I am willing to help in any regard that is deemed nessarsary.
Ex Jehovahs Witnesses are often acutely aware of the lack of coordinated effort and this only further feelings of social exclusion or put another way, getting their lives back together again, where they feel a part of the wider local community relevant to the area within which they live.
If it would assist Sam, I would suggest an online conference to thrash out the specific issues, the gaps and plugs in the social welfare system and practical measures by which to align our collective concerted effort forwards in a more meaningful, effective manner.
This will though require EFFORT on the part of the participants involved.
Please feel free to let me know how further I might prove of assistance in these matters.
Celtic Mark
Two more, colleagues in CAN reccomend this site too:
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Hope this assists some here.