I don't know if it's because of the yeast and/or carbonation but yeah, beer kicks me in the head and wine is just fine.
JoinedPosts by recapitated
Is the effect of beer different from that of wine?
by compound complex indear drinkers:.
beer buzzes me but wine does not speak to me .... can you speak from personal experience?.
scientif studies welcomes if you have no epxperience.. cocoo.
Missionaries in Tiawan asked to give salaries back to bethel...one resigned!!
by Witness 007 ina friend from australia's first "ministerial training school" was excited to go to asia as a missionary....only to return in disgrace!!!
the government lets them stay if they become "english teachers" and except a part-time job for a salary {which is generous}.
bethel told him that the money he earns on the side while a missionary belongs to them!!
They represent their monstrous god perfectly. If 'it' was real 'it' would be quite pleased with them.
Watchtower $
by outsmartthesystem indoes anyone else get the sneaking idea that perhaps the borg is worth a lot more $ than even we suspect?
do you think it is possible that over the past 100 + years they have managed to hord tens upon tens upon tens of billions of dollars?
i wonder that because.....they aren't completely retarded.
If you truly believe that is what I said then YES you are playing the victim card. Whether or not you are evil I don't know.
My girlfriend is Jewish and nothing I said applies to common Jewish people because you are just as dumbed-down and brainwashed as the rest of us. To the elite class of Jews that occupy key positions of power in the world (and run the show over at WT), you are no better than a Gentile.
Why ask me? The information is out there for anyone to research, and I have nothing more to say about it.
Watchtower $
by outsmartthesystem indoes anyone else get the sneaking idea that perhaps the borg is worth a lot more $ than even we suspect?
do you think it is possible that over the past 100 + years they have managed to hord tens upon tens upon tens of billions of dollars?
i wonder that because.....they aren't completely retarded.
We have all been conditioned to classify just about any statement with the word Jew in it as anti-semitic. They've played the victim card for so long that we're all too afraid of looking at the man with the funny little hat behind the curtain. Follow the money trail and look at the names that come up... the game has not changed in thousands of years and neither have the players. But it's OK because they are afterall Jewhovah's chosen ones.
I am not anti-semitic because that would not be Kosher!
I just hate Evil and will call it out everytime regardless of who it offends.
Watchtower $
by outsmartthesystem indoes anyone else get the sneaking idea that perhaps the borg is worth a lot more $ than even we suspect?
do you think it is possible that over the past 100 + years they have managed to hord tens upon tens upon tens of billions of dollars?
i wonder that because.....they aren't completely retarded.
Do all money trails lead to Isreal? Christians are little more than defacto Jews anyway.
Why not fire the god who bears a grudge and hire a better one?
by Terry inthis is a competitive universe.
well, here on earth, anyway.... none of us has to settle for less than the very best unless we are cheap.. why hire a cheap god when you can get a better one?.
what the heck am i talking about?.
I flush Jehovah away every morning
Jehovah the Narcissist
by recapitated inwhy the wts is the way it is:.
"the being in the bible was a soul murderer!!!".
Why the WTS is the way it is:
"The being in the bible was a soul murderer!!!"
Are JWs Environmentalists?
by cameo-d inhas the coming population reduction at "the hand of god" ever been trumped up as a necessary thing for the health of the planet or as a positive environmental cleansing?
(rather than just as a judgement of wicked?).
i just wonder if wt uses those platforms to justify what could possibly be some kind of deliberate anihilation of a great many people.. will jws align with the agenda 21 program?
The WTS may very well at some point, if it hasn't already, use environmentalist ideologies as counterfeit evidence for the wisdom of God's blood bath because it can blame the wicked for environmental issues, although the JWs will probably not directly align themselves with any such movements as these would be perceived as "worldly" solutions to problems only God can resolve, and would thus constitute a lack of faith. Of course the WTS could easily spin it by stating that even though the end is near it is important to show love and respect for God's creation in the meantime, and since God will destroy those who destroy the earth JWs should take extra precaution to avoid falling into that category. By that simple tactic JWs can be programmed into self-righteous environmentalists and retain their religious label. Besides, by poluting less now they will have less to clean up after Armageddon!
Jordan Maxwell mentions JWs
by cameo-d ini am not a fan of this guy.
i see many half-truths in his ramblings.. however, i did think it might be of interest to know that in this newly released video, he mentions the jws briefly.
he does not say watchtower; he specifically says jehovah's witnesses.. because this guy is so self consumed, i wouldn't put anyone through the torture of listening to the long winded video, so i will cut to the chase.. at 38:20 the interviewer asks a question....and you should start from there.
The Watchtower will not crumble until it has served it's purpose.
I have not watched the Maxwell clip as I am not a fan of him either, however being somewhat of an insider he does have some truths to convey behind the disinformation. His work on the difference between common English and legal English, for example, is an extremely important field of study, although some of his etymology is simply absurd.
It is painfully obvious that the Watchtower has an important role to play in the implementation of the final stages of the NWO. One only has to research the UN project "Agenda 21" and compare that with the Watchtower's teachings regarding the New System and the picture becomes quite clear. Agenda 21 is a global depopualtion program justified as an environmental cause which will involve establishing large areas of natural, unpopulated regions. A work force will be needed to clear the rubble and build these vast parks... can you guess who that might be? Do you understand why the Watchtower does not lie when it says that the 3 to 4 milllion zombies registered on their membership roster will be spared from "God's wrath", and be put in charge of establishing paradise on earth? If you do not already live in one of the predesignated urban centers, you will eventually. Quoted from the Agenda 21 Wikipedia entry: "The people implementing this plan are a lot smarter than you. It is for your own good, go along with it." Sound familiar?
If you wish to dismiss what is openly admitted by the establishment as "conspiracy theory", then by all means return to your SUN-day morning meetings and continue to give away your spiritual energy to the Usurper and the establishment of The Holy Masonic Empire.
The two men on the left are displaying their masonic rings which are typically worn on the right hand. Jaracz's clenched fist is a symbol of secrecy.