You done good, HB. You've got the control, now hang onto it.
JoinedPosts by bluecanary
Email sent, I did it
by Heartbreaker ini sent an email detailing why i am not ok with my kids being with my (in the past) abuser father, and in turn mother (forgiver, hider, fascilitator).
i also touched on the fact that we do not consider ourselves to be jws, or held to the laws and rules of such, nor do we view the elders or congregation as an authority on us.
that she could print the email and give it to the elders if she wanted, but it would surely hasten the announcement of our disfellowshipping if she did.
How would you respond (RESPECTFULLY)?
by AwSnap inif a witness brought up the example of lazarus, how jesus said he was "asleep" (which really meant dead)....and then he resurrected him and more people than ever had faith in jesus.. as part of the argument that most don't go to heaven when they die, suppose a jw said "most people believe we go live it up in heaven when we die.
but wouldn't that be cruel on god's part to let lazarus' soul come to heaven and then have jesus bring him back to the crummy earth?
how would you respond to that?.
If it was God's will for Jesus to make more converts by resurrecting Lazarus, he may have chosen not to bring him to heaven at that time. Or he could have gone to heaven where God told him he would have another opportunity to live longer on earth, before returning to heaven at a later time. I doubt many people would have a problem with that. The Bible's silence on this matter proves nothing.
Or the entire thing could be fiction. But I understand that your audience will not respond positively to that idea.
Thanksgiving shouldn't be a problem. Lots of witnesses do a turkey dinner that day. If for no other reason that they have the day off from work and turkeys are on sale. Just have a private dinner. Decorate your house using lots of fall items: leaves, pumpkins, dried corn, hay, etc.
For Christmas: Will any JWs see the inside of your house? If not, you can decorate how you like, but I wouldn't have a tree visible in the window. Exchange gifts with your wife and any non-JW friends or family whom you can be sure won't rat you out. Do an act of charity.
Have fun!
Please help!!
by mamashel6 ini am brand new here and i am heartbroken looking for answers.
i have been married for 18 yrs.
yes 18 years.
Welcome mamashel First, you need counseling. If you can convince your husband into couple's counseling, great. If not, go yourself.
Your primary focus here is your kids. Share with them what you've learned about the JWs teachings. They are getting closer to being out of the house and out of Dad's control. Help them prepare to make this transition (preferably into college). Keep on doing whatever you can to keep them involved in normal activities.
If I were in your shoes I would tell my husband that I respected his right to choose his religious beliefs. If he wanted to be a good JW I would accept that and support it. But I would not share in it. And I would point out how ridiculous it is to expect our children to conform to his strict religious beliefs when he's proven that he can't even make up his mind to keep living by them! I would let him know that I have as much right to train the kids in my beliefs, and that includes celebrating holidays. The kids can make up their own minds. They are the ones who have to live with their choice.
Organ Transplants...HELP!
by AwSnap ini am doing research on this and have found many, many references.
wasn't there an article from the wtbs that speaks of organ transplanting as 'on of our modern marvels of this time'?
it would be before they changed their minds and called it cannabalism (prior to 1967).
"Let's say someone from the 60's died as a result of refusing an organ transplant. What's most important to Jehovah is that they followed the faithful and discreet slave and they have the hope of being resurrected."
My question in response to that is, regardless of whether Jehovah resurrects the person later, whom does he hold accountable for the loss of life? Let's agree that life is sacred to Jehovah and he commands us to respect it and take utmost care of it. Obviously if the new light is true, Jehovah never commanded people to reject organ transplants; that was a command of men. If someone's conscience would allow them to receive this transplant, yet the governing body prohibited them from receiving a life saving treatment by threat of expulsion from God's congregation, and that person died, in what way is the governing body not accountable for that death? What does Jehovah do to a person or body of persons who are responsible for causing deaths?
Circuit Assembly This Past Weekend "Safeguard Your Spirituality" -Everyone Please Enter-
by tryingtoexit inso we had our circuit assembly this past weekend, and it was the first one in my life that i told my wife i would not be attending.
we had a brief conversation on why, and she said well just go to this last one with me, and then when we can discuss what we learn and compare it to why you've been expressing your "new" feelings towards the wts.. i love my wife, and as much as i thought i was gonna hate it i decided to go.
now that i no longer want to be a jehovah's witness it really didnt bother me that nobody hardly talked to me despite me living in this same area for 4 1/2 years, everybody views me as spiritually weak because i dont go out in service, rarely attend meetings, dont comment, lesson is never underlined, so the "friends" never interact with me anyway and i'm use to it, actually that's the way i prefer it.
If we visit apostate websites, read thoughts outside of what the governing body says then we are eating at the table of demons. "Sure it's food" he says, "But it is rotten and will poison you"- Once again my wife is looking at me with the evil eye now, whispering: "the knowledge you have is from the table of the demons"
This makes me so angry. Declarative statements are NOT FOOD. They are either TRUE or FALSE. If I say elephants have five legs, that statement can be verified as either true or false. When it comes to religion, statements can be verified as true or false based on internal logic. It doesn't matter who makes a statement. It only matters whether it is true or false.
What costume will you wear for Halloween?
by dissed ini'm looking for ideas.
four years running and dressing like a monk is wearing off.
my wife as the witch wants to change as well.. she won't do elvira, oh rumplestilskin!!.
Bluecanary - That's way too cute. For some reason I always pictured you as some sort of Devil Worshiper, not that there is anything wrong with that. lol
That's funny! I've played Dungeons and Dragons, but Satan never showed up.
You are feeling sleepy...very sleepy...
by highdose init occured to me today that while all of you guys were noticing all the "new light"s and flip flops from the society, i didn't while i was in.
i've asked other dubs that i know and they are not aware of it either.
and i think i figured out a large part of why.
According to Steve Hassain in Combatting Cult Mind Control, this is a typical cult tactic. They speak in monotone and use environmental control to put listeners into a trance-like state. I don't think JW speakers are chosen with that purpose in mind, but the good results they get (indoctrinated drones) is probably enough to keep them as speakers.
Creation - struggling
by wantstoleave ini am in the process of leaving, and those of you who have followed me will know i spoke to my family briefly the other day about my doubts, but not since.
my dad has offered the occasional prayer for various things in the past week, as well as say he wants to study with my preschoolers.
he has also added in the extra tidbits to do with jehovah being the only true god etc.
Here's another question for your wonderings: If God existed alone, with no universe and no other beings, how could he have any concept of himself? We understand ourselves in relation to other beings and our environment. I know I am me because I am not you. I know where I am because my butt is on the chair, not the couch. I know what I am because I understand the difference between humans and animals and rocks and everything else. It may be entirely subjective but I can understand concepts like good/bad, ugly/beautiful, stupid/intelligent because I can discern things that can be described in these ways. If there is nothing else in existence, God cannot be good or loving. Those qualities require an object to act upon. If there is nothing, there is nothing to think about and hence no thought.
Does your JW family exhaust you?
by LucyA inive kind of been lurking on this website for a month and ive decided to introduce myself so a little background.
i was born and raised jw at about the age of sixteen i started to have doubts about my mothers chosen religion (dad is not jw) so started to do some research and decided it wasnt for me.
my mothers still at me about going back though.
Welcome to the board, energy. I'm unfamiliar with Nichiren Buddhism. I've mostly read about Therevada and somewhat about Zen, though I prefer the former. I hope that you're able to work things out with your parents.