Beautiful post ((((((Jack)))))). What more could a mother want than to be loved as you love your Mom! Lucky woman she is to have you as her son, and lucky son you are also.
Take good care of yourself. She may need you now more than ever.
i miss you so much i just cant say how much i hurt inside.
i think back to when i was just a child and how you gave me the food from your plate when there wasnt enough for each of us to have dinner.
you always put me first, your joy in life came from seeing me happy, knowing i was safe and i had everything you could give me.. i miss doing my homework with you, the way you taught me to draw and how much confidence you always had in me and i still remember how you gave and gave until you had nothing more to give me.
Beautiful post ((((((Jack)))))). What more could a mother want than to be loved as you love your Mom! Lucky woman she is to have you as her son, and lucky son you are also.
Take good care of yourself. She may need you now more than ever.
an observation...... recently someone asked "are we the most prolific exjw site on the net?
" from looking about and trawling around, i don't dispute that this site is the biggest, if not the most prolific.
(type in jw on a search and this site will appear) from an inactive point of view, i reckon despite the fact that there are some genuine people "hurting" here from past experiences, the majority of posts seem like some crusade against the wt and jws at whatever expense.
Hi Pettygrudger,
My point was that if the Watchtower had been more Christlike and loving, places like this would be non-existent or at least very small.
It's the Watchtower's hypocrisy and meaness that has produced such a swell of opposition as is found here and on other exJW sites.
an observation...... recently someone asked "are we the most prolific exjw site on the net?
" from looking about and trawling around, i don't dispute that this site is the biggest, if not the most prolific.
(type in jw on a search and this site will appear) from an inactive point of view, i reckon despite the fact that there are some genuine people "hurting" here from past experiences, the majority of posts seem like some crusade against the wt and jws at whatever expense.
What you see here is the result of Watchtower trampling. People here are the children of the Watchtower, children trampled and lost.
Blame the Watchtower for what you see here.
from another thread:where else does the media so vividly show females as equal .
when i read this, i had to wonder: is there something wrong with doing so?
portraying women as equals?
Men and Women are too different to be called equal in any sense except for intelligent human.
We think differently, feel differently and so it goes.
Oaks, Apple trees, Orange trees, Pear trees, Maples, Dogwoods........we all have our place and worth. Women cannot be like men, though in a man's world it is many times required that we adapt and become more man than woman. But in the end, woman is what she is, woman.
Women around the world are the last to be freed and sadly many of us build and mold our sons and daughters to look at life not through a humanity lens but through a man/woman lens.
This must stop. We are humanity, not male and female but fellow builders of our species.
i just heard that the norwegian watchtower apologist, rolf furuli, who esteems himself a biblical scholar of semetic languages, has completed the first of two volumes he plans to publish on the societys chronology, assyrian, babylonian, egyptian and persian chronology compared with the chronology of the bible.. title of this first volume is: persian chronology and the length of the babylonian exile of the jews.. i hear that although carl olof jonsson is not mentioned by name, or reference made to his book "gentile times reconsidered," it is nevertheless apparent that these volumes are an attempt to refute jonssons excellent study which has exposed the watchtowers 1914 date as total folly.. .
the book can be ordered now from furulis new personal website:.
Oh, IW, I could easily prove your claims wrong. But because you're only interested in winning an argument, anything I write would be useless because you'd reject it out of hand, just as you've done with the 95% of my earlier long post.
You seem to think that your posts must be answered point by point otherwise it is disrespectful. Who made this rule? Have you never picked a point out of someones post and called it? Even so, what right do you have to set the rules as to what an appropriate response should be? Or that not to respond to every statement equates with disrespect?
Who are you?
At the beginning of this discussion I asked a simple question, you were the one to insist that I engage you in conversation. I am not interested in winning an argument, no one can win an argument with you Alan.
"hey, james look out!
come on let's go, got your water balloons filled?
yeah, i know they're just too fast for us.
My sincere thanks to all who responded to this thread. This young man was kind, generous and good hearted. He was what every young man should be, he loved.
Thank you again,
are there any teachings from your jw days you still hold to or at the very least have a soft spot for?
I believe in one God.
I believe in life after death, earthly and heavenly.
I believe the times in which we live are significant.
I believe many of the younger anointed are called by God.
"hey, james look out!
come on let's go, got your water balloons filled?
yeah, i know they're just too fast for us.
Thank you Teejay.
this was emailed to me from a friend...
the old testament is a compilation of convenient myth and a history of racial justification and aggrandisement, threaded through with rules of hygiene and behaviour, all devised to convince the children of israel that as god's chosen race, no matter what calamities befell them as victims of babylon and egypt and no matter what calamities they wantonly inflicted on other races and religions, they should strive to increase in number, power and extent.
the new testament, as expressed in the four gospels, is a dispensation from the narrow and proscriptive uncharity of the jews, appealing to the greek and latin temperament.
Island Woman,You're wrong.
LOL, wouldn't be the first time!!!!!!
this was emailed to me from a friend...
the old testament is a compilation of convenient myth and a history of racial justification and aggrandisement, threaded through with rules of hygiene and behaviour, all devised to convince the children of israel that as god's chosen race, no matter what calamities befell them as victims of babylon and egypt and no matter what calamities they wantonly inflicted on other races and religions, they should strive to increase in number, power and extent.
the new testament, as expressed in the four gospels, is a dispensation from the narrow and proscriptive uncharity of the jews, appealing to the greek and latin temperament.
Hi Bradley,
Island Woman,
So, just for my personal record, you believe the Bible has worth (I agree), but do you believe it in any way, shape or form is inspired from "God"?
And, if not, what problem do you have with the definition given at the outset of this thread?
I believe the Bible has worth but I do not believe it is inspired. I said what I did about the definition because I felt it was too one sided and not giving a balanced view of the Bible. There is much more to the Bible than revealed by that definition. Beautiful poetry, insightful proverbs, engaging stories which reveal the hearts and motives, good and bad, of the poorest soul or the richest king. They may not be written in a Shakesperean style but the Bible's stories are by no means less intriguing or worthwhile.
As for Paul, while I agree there are many things he can be faulted for, he was after all only a man who was trying to gather a diverse people into a congregational form of worship. His only "sin" is not really his but those who came later and tried to make everything he wrote a sacred text. He should be relieved of this great burden and responsiblity. He was a man, he made organizational decisions, but his successors used those decisions to build their own thrones of authority. Something he would not have approved of. My only problem with Paul is when Christians claim the NT is inerrant, and therefore all his letters inspired.
Some of the things attributed to Paul are among the most beautiful things ever written, the same can be said of Jesus, King David, Solomon, Deborah and others.