The 1995 generation pissed people off, a lot of jws that thought they would live to see the end, never dying but they stayed. They have too much invested.
Strange now to think that 1995 was fifteen years ago.
a brother i spoke with from bethel to me seemed discouraged and lacking zeal latley...he spoke of leaving which shocked me since he was there for decades...he left to get a full time job!!!
it was his whole reason for living since i've known him!
others have said the new doctrine of "blended generations" of anionted seeing armagedon is "confusing" or "i just don't get it" brother my only close friend is furious and said i qoute..."they seem to be blowing smoke up our ass!
The 1995 generation pissed people off, a lot of jws that thought they would live to see the end, never dying but they stayed. They have too much invested.
Strange now to think that 1995 was fifteen years ago.
a brother i spoke with from bethel to me seemed discouraged and lacking zeal latley...he spoke of leaving which shocked me since he was there for decades...he left to get a full time job!!!
it was his whole reason for living since i've known him!
others have said the new doctrine of "blended generations" of anionted seeing armagedon is "confusing" or "i just don't get it" brother my only close friend is furious and said i qoute..."they seem to be blowing smoke up our ass!
They have historically gotten more conservative and demanding. The Organization allows no liberal views. It's hardline. And the idea is "we'd rather have a small core of true believers than a large number of faithless ones."
Anybody who doubts this has only to read the 9/15/2010 Watchtower.
i understand that the number of people who join the wt is roughly equal to the number of people who leave.
there's a small difference, overall, but in some countries the number of those leaving might even be slightly above the number of those joining.
and this has been a problem for ever.. i would like some insight into the minds of those who stay in, not because of family reasons, not because of fear, old age, parental control, but because they really believe the scam.
I am so glad to learn that JW men will be able to have a moustache in the new world.
i understand that the number of people who join the wt is roughly equal to the number of people who leave.
there's a small difference, overall, but in some countries the number of those leaving might even be slightly above the number of those joining.
and this has been a problem for ever.. i would like some insight into the minds of those who stay in, not because of family reasons, not because of fear, old age, parental control, but because they really believe the scam.
I am so glad to know that there will be accordians in the new world.
a lot of comments that it basically flopped.
it came in only 3rd box office over the release weekend, grossed about 50 million.. it cost 45 million to make, (besides the big promo advertising campaign iirc).. film company execs are covering up by saying "we don't blame tom cruise" --- but ---.
i wonder if the couch-jumping scientology crazie-ness incidents (and some past bad flicks) have finally come home to roost?.
I don't think it's so much the Scientology angle as it is that's he's just kinda gone loopy - unless it was the CoS that caused him to go loopy.
Maybe - but the CoS and the loopy sure seemed to coincide pretty much like one right after the other...
a lot of comments that it basically flopped.
it came in only 3rd box office over the release weekend, grossed about 50 million.. it cost 45 million to make, (besides the big promo advertising campaign iirc).. film company execs are covering up by saying "we don't blame tom cruise" --- but ---.
i wonder if the couch-jumping scientology crazie-ness incidents (and some past bad flicks) have finally come home to roost?.
A lot of comments that it basically flopped. It came in only 3rd box office over the release weekend, grossed about 50 million.
It cost 45 million to make, (besides the big promo advertising campaign IIRC).
Film company execs are covering up by saying "we don't blame Tom Cruise" --- BUT ---
I wonder if the couch-jumping Scientology crazie-ness incidents (and some past bad flicks) have finally come home to roost?
i remember asking a uber dub i was on the fs with " if you were the hh would you want to know more after listening to your presentation?
" she addmitted that no, she wouldn't have wanted to listen further.. so basicly the fs is really quite useless?
the jws doing it mostly have neither the skills nor interest to make a hh want to listen.
I do not think I know of a single convert that was made by strictly from cold via a door to door contact.
It is almost always by incidental contact, friends of relatives, friends of friends, etc.
If they did FIND the convert going door to door - most likely they were already witness aware and/or favorable from some prior contact.
i've been offered the option of working from 8 pm until 4 am.. pay is a little more.. the only drawback is the drive to and fro.. have you ever done something similar?.
Ya know, when I first saw this thread title, when it was still less than half a page long, I knew...just would de-evolve into a discussion about hookers.
Especially since she cleverly pointed it to Ladies only -
i've been offered the option of working from 8 pm until 4 am.. pay is a little more.. the only drawback is the drive to and fro.. have you ever done something similar?.
we were always told to imagine a senario where the paramedics would find our no blood card and cry " thank god!
we almost gave her a blood transfusion!".
thing is: when i worked in emergency medicine we were always stricted told never ever go rifiling through the patients pockets/handbag/ wallet!.
I would think that it might more likely serve as kind of added proof if non-related witness elders came in and asked to not use blood when you were unconscious.
Hard for me to imagine a case where nobody else was present, patient was out cold, and the paramedics found the card, denied blood, and the JW righteously died as the society intended.
I would not want to be that doctor.