I would like to do something to the two of you!
Seriously, Sylvia - in a sudden flash of theocratic insight, I have just realized what went wrong in Mel Gibson's mind -
can you guess?
we have a few mentally ill ones in our congregation, and i don't mean suffering from depression or anxiety.
i'm not even talking mild bipolar.
i'm talking really messed up in the head, schizophrenic types, and bipolar withpsychotic features.
I would like to do something to the two of you!
Seriously, Sylvia - in a sudden flash of theocratic insight, I have just realized what went wrong in Mel Gibson's mind -
can you guess?
what is the shortest timeframe you've seen for one to go from ministerial servant to an elder if he:.
is on good terms with all elders and the circuit overseer.gives the co a green handout to help out with his expenses on each visit.has the co over for a meal each visit.has phone number and email of co and communicates at least every other month - just to chat about how things are going, good service experiences, etc.
(as any other friend would.
Back when they first invented the "elder arrangment" - a general rule of thumb in my area was that you had to be over 30 years of age to be an elder. The only exceptions seemed to be if you were pioneering where the "need was great" and the local congregation needed servants.
Is there still an unwritten 30-years age rule?
we have a few mentally ill ones in our congregation, and i don't mean suffering from depression or anxiety.
i'm not even talking mild bipolar.
i'm talking really messed up in the head, schizophrenic types, and bipolar withpsychotic features.
The elder who took her home said that as soon as she opened the door to her house, pictures began to fall off the wall!
Well, that settles it for sure. Did he help her nail them back up?
we have a few mentally ill ones in our congregation, and i don't mean suffering from depression or anxiety.
i'm not even talking mild bipolar.
i'm talking really messed up in the head, schizophrenic types, and bipolar withpsychotic features.
Tea, Undercover - just tea. But, in retrospect, they were pretty eccentric, even for witnesses.
after being appointed an elder how what is the shortest timeframe you have seen to be accepted as a substitute circuit overseer?.
elder has 2-3 years of regular pioneering and averages 80-140 hours per month.person has been an elder for 1-2 years.elder has completed at least one temporary bethel assignment, or temporary special pioneer assignment.elder has gone to pioneer service school.elder has gone to school for congregation elders.family has written the branch for an assignment in an area of greater need and is currently serving in one of those areas.gives the co a green handout to help out with his expenses on each visit.has the co over for a meal each visit.has phone number and email of co and communicates at least every other month - just to chat about how things are going, good service experiences, etc.
(as any other friend would.
Ex-Bethelite is an important factor in making CO.
I knew a non-bethel couple who were special pioneers for a number of years and desperately wanted to get into the circuit work. The society pretty much eventually sent them a letter that indicated that "they were being used in as great a capacity as the society had for them" as special pioneers.
I felt that they were probably better qualified than a number of actual COs that had been through our circuit - and they had the recommendation of the CO at the time, but the word was that they were not bethel.
we have a few mentally ill ones in our congregation, and i don't mean suffering from depression or anxiety.
i'm not even talking mild bipolar.
i'm talking really messed up in the head, schizophrenic types, and bipolar withpsychotic features.
I actually knew of a JW family - father, mother, adult daughter - who were disfellowshipped for demonism. I would not call them exactly normal, but on the other hand would not necessarily call them stark raving mad either.
Their crime was that they were enamored of a native-american natural holistic healer, and would not back down on it when confronted by two hostile elders. The guy was selling them herbal tea - they were not engaging in midnight satanic rituals. But, they defied the elders with it - so out they went.
we have a few mentally ill ones in our congregation, and i don't mean suffering from depression or anxiety.
i'm not even talking mild bipolar.
i'm talking really messed up in the head, schizophrenic types, and bipolar withpsychotic features.
I knew several that were mentally ill in Bethel, they are currently labeled "Governing Body"!
Seriously, leaving the GB to serve for life practically guarantees that a certain proportion of them are going to be positively senile.
"jw's are an entirely different animal from manson's followers.
they bleed you slowly to death (literally and figuratively), but the biggest harm jw's perpetuate is the lives that are put on hold for "theocratic" activities.
a rich life is denied its members because of their doomsday scenarios' said alltimejeff, a former jehovah's witnesses missionary in west africa.. in view of the recent generation change and interpretation, please, what do you think about that?
You enjoy religious freedom now? this is because of witnesses you know. They pushed through most of our religious freedom laws that we have through the courts.
Calling BS on this. The constitution of the United States guaranteed religious freedom long before the witnesses ever were organized. They would have been wiped out from the start in many countries where religious freedom is not a right.
You bring up the resurrection of christ but it is only the witnesses that preach he was fully resurrected. The rest of Christendom say a god bit of Jesus didn't die and went to heaven and only the man bit got resurrected.
Calling BS on this. There is a wide degree of viewpoints on the resurrection and that explanation is bogus - just another "we are right and you are wrong".
i've been doing research and can find almost nothing on this in the research aids.. my question is this.
at the end of the system, the calamity of the coming destruction will be enough to destroy most of the life on this planet.
The answer is obvious-- "rupture"!
Fixed it for ya, Billy -
The answer is no, and the US would have no moral legitimacy if it DID try to argue human rights, because the US is NOT a signatory to all parts of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights.
BS. The U.S. has as much right as any country to protest manifest denial or abuse of human rights. It is, in fact, a moral obligation for a world power.
Signing or not signing political documents has nothing to do with it.