Marion Dunlap was Ed's brother, and one of my very best friends from the organization days. He and I spent hours privately discussing what was going on with the society during those weird years post 1975 - the rotation of elders, the lame excuses on the dates, the weird treatment Ed, Ray, and others were getting at Bethel, and so on.
They were from Oklahoma City, (previously I think from some smaller surrounding town when they were just boys) and the congregation was Oak Glen. I was disfellowshipped first (wrote my CO a good hot letter), but Marion stayed on for a few months. Finally they got him for association with Ed. Marion's wife Edith never left the WT cult, but he took good care of her up to her death. He lived a few more years, and I talked with him on the phone almost every week until he finally just went through basically old age. Ed, of course, had passed away from a coronary several years before.
These were great, humble, and honest people. Despite all the hate rumors, neither one EVER tried to start their own religion or anything else of that sort. Marion asked that no ceremony be made over him, and had his ashes spread out in his old back yard, as was Edith earlier.