I'm hoping there was some logic in there somewhere
There was - it was what I was trying to post above. People dress to attract or not attract who they wish.
up front and first off....some of my bestest friends on the planet are lesbian and i love them to death so this has nothing to do with acceptance or not of it.
im all over same sex marriage and respecting all human beings' rights to live their lives as they see fit.
i was wondering...and i have wondered this for awhile....why some lesbians, who obviously dont like men, then choose to dress in men's clothes, have men's haircuts, wear men's shoes, flatten their chests, wear no makeup and look and act like men.
I'm hoping there was some logic in there somewhere
There was - it was what I was trying to post above. People dress to attract or not attract who they wish.
we haven't been to meetings for a few months and weren't aware of the co visit until we received a phone call an hour and a half before the meeting letting us know.
no one came to visit us so far this week, not that i'm complaining.
does the co usually stop by in service?
When I was pioneering where the need was great back in the 60s and early 70s, I saw only one CO do this out of about 4. And I worked with them in service every day for the whole week because we were such a small congregation.
I guess it mostly depends on the CO in question. Maybe things are different after all these years.
latin for "jerusalem is destroyed.".
uprisings against jews in germany and other countries during the early 19th century were called hep-hep riots.. burntheships, or others who know latin, can you help me?.
Interesting, Leolaia. I don't know German (despite my ancestry) but remembered in a Sherlock Holmes story he identified the German writer of an English language note because the author put the verb at the end of the sentence -
"Only a German is so unkind to his verbs"
This thread reminds me of how much Sylvia will be missed around here.
up front and first off....some of my bestest friends on the planet are lesbian and i love them to death so this has nothing to do with acceptance or not of it.
im all over same sex marriage and respecting all human beings' rights to live their lives as they see fit.
i was wondering...and i have wondered this for awhile....why some lesbians, who obviously dont like men, then choose to dress in men's clothes, have men's haircuts, wear men's shoes, flatten their chests, wear no makeup and look and act like men.
I always assumed it was because they wanted to NOT be outwardly attractive to men...same with male gays - the effeminate style makes them (usually) unattractive to women. Some homosexuals, male or female, don't worry about it and dress pretty much normally.
Probably too simplistic, but that was my assumption.
just think how religious doctrine would change if we had irrefutable proof of aliens visiting earth.
an even greater mental holocaust would occur if an alien's body was found.. now, 30 years ago i would not have thought too much of it, but the potential reality now is a tad frightening!.
aside from many new jobs created for theologians on staff at major bible colleges, (i have candidates in mind!
If alien beings were so advanced that they could navigate to earth from systems light years away ( so they would be able to break the cosmic speed limit of lightspeed OR be interdimensional ?)
It is plausible that they would f**k up and crash do stupid prank enigmas like crop circles or fly around like drunks with fancy flashing lights or crash?
What's up with them getting shot down with crude WW2 50 cal machine guns at Roswell.
I asked the same thing of a friend who is a "true believer". He told me that we just do not understand the psychology of alien beings because - duh - they are aliens!
Like I said - this is like a religion to many.
just think how religious doctrine would change if we had irrefutable proof of aliens visiting earth.
an even greater mental holocaust would occur if an alien's body was found.. now, 30 years ago i would not have thought too much of it, but the potential reality now is a tad frightening!.
aside from many new jobs created for theologians on staff at major bible colleges, (i have candidates in mind!
A UFO flew by my left ear earlier today. I couldn't tell if it was a wasp, dragonfly, or hummingbird, so it remains unidentified.
Could it possibly have been the beer fairy?
I believe in UFOs. I believe people have seen Flying Objects that they couldn't identify.
Only OUTLAW successfully identified the beer fairy, and provided convincing photographic evidence. I now believe in the beer fairy.
just think how religious doctrine would change if we had irrefutable proof of aliens visiting earth.
an even greater mental holocaust would occur if an alien's body was found.. now, 30 years ago i would not have thought too much of it, but the potential reality now is a tad frightening!.
aside from many new jobs created for theologians on staff at major bible colleges, (i have candidates in mind!
First, you must assume that UFOs exist. (If you didn't begin with this assumption, you are "asserting" something.)
Then, you need to develop faith in the UFO's. Eventually, the UFOs will reveal themselves. To you, they will be real. Nothing anyone can say will refut your personal knowledge of the UFOs.
You know, if you just substitute the name YHWH for UFO, that explains a lot. And still, to an outsider, no real evidence exists.
just think how religious doctrine would change if we had irrefutable proof of aliens visiting earth.
an even greater mental holocaust would occur if an alien's body was found.. now, 30 years ago i would not have thought too much of it, but the potential reality now is a tad frightening!.
aside from many new jobs created for theologians on staff at major bible colleges, (i have candidates in mind!
In my experience, facts are helpless when confronted with the Power of Belief. Allah could descend from Heaven and raise the dead, and Evangelical Christians would still insist that their religion is correct.
Conversely, we could go on for centuries without any proof of UFOs, and the true UFO believers will still insist that they are correct.
This is why I have come to view UFO belief as really being a new-age form of religion. Belief in extra-terrestrials and UFOs are, in fact, fundamental to one fairly significant 20th century new religion - Scientology.
latin for "jerusalem is destroyed.".
uprisings against jews in germany and other countries during the early 19th century were called hep-hep riots.. burntheships, or others who know latin, can you help me?.
Thanks, Leoaia, for looking that up. Middle sentence verb sounds right to me too, but I took Latin in 1962 to 1966 and can barely remember anything now.
Sylvia's original posts seemed to indicate that the initials for the acronym were the other way, but could that be because the Germans seem to like putting verbs at the end of the sentence?
i never even heard of an "apostate" until a jw called me that.....and i'm not even a jw!.
anyway, i am wondering if "apostate" is a term exclusive to cult groups only, like jws, mormons, and scientologists.
i have never heard of a methodist or baptist apostate, but surely, there must be such a thing.. i have seen complaints where "apostate" xtians say they were kicked off websites that promote "mainstream xianity" or denominational religions, so there can never really be any deep discussions or debates on those sites.
Sticking with the title of the thread.........a Baptist who didn't believe in complete water immersion would probably not be very well thought of.
Well, living here in Dallas, I have known plenty of them. They are not as strict as the non-baptist world makes them out to be: for example, one pretty hard-case member I knew drank alchohol regularly. I asked him about that - he said there was a sort of "an understood two groups" - drinking Baptists and non-drinking Baptists. Yet the official doctrine is still no drinking.
I had the impression that you could pretty much do what you wanted, and think what you wanted, so long as you did not rock the boat too much.