Just brought some sheet metal forming equipment to make own body panels for old cars and want to make complete aluminuminuminum front end for some hot rods that I have. Thought maybe I would go by the local KH and do some wheelies and lay some rubber but decided to forget them guys (they aren't worth the powder to blow their a$$e$ up with) and go to some car shows, car races, and make some real friends (ones who enjoy life that the true god had granted us). Amen...
JoinedPosts by trueblue
What Drug Helps You Cope With Your Mentally Diseased Apostate Mind?
by AvocadoJake incollege, exericise, reading, sports, beer, women, men, or drugs?.
What's the most insensitive thing you have been told while grieving?
by 3rdgen ina few years ago my 21 yr old firstborn and only son died in an accident.
i was an active jw at the time.
in fact , i was at the meeting when it happened.
Just found out my sister was very sick and in the hospital from lung cancer and I could hardly speak with out tears and a jw says in a descusted tone of voice "did she smoke" and then when my sister died the same day when I was sitting next to my mother as she was telling my brother (a jw) that my sister had just died I hear my mother with the most horrible cry that I will never forget as my brother had just told my mother that my sister was evil.
How I Know The Assembly Parts Are Made Up
by lovelylil inwe had a co looking for a certain experience for an assembly part coming up and the elders in my hall at the time sent him to see me, since i usually had good experiences out in field service.. anyway, after speaking with the co, i was sorry to inform him that i did not have an experience that suited the type he needed.
he told me that was o.k.
because he could use me anyway for another part.
Before I started going to the meetings I was accused of a crime and it was thrown out of court because it was self defense, then I moved after going to meetings for awhile for work and was in an auto accident and layed up in the hospital and could not go to meetings and an elder give a talk about me stating that I left the org. and went back to a life of crime. I was wondering why everyone always quoted the law to me. Sick bastards.
Which Beliefs and Doctrines Helped Push You Out?
by ilikecheese inokay, so this is my first post, but i've been lurking here for months and months.
i have to say this is a very informative and hilarious site.
you guys are great to read!
Ya, and predicting the end would be here in 1995 was a prediction that makes it a prophecy and did not come true so it was a false prophecy to say the least so there no other way to explain it other than they false prophets period. I have mentioned on this board a couple of times but no one seems to remember the WatchTower that tries to justify the mistake by saying God's chosen people asked Jessus if he come to fulfill the prophecy and Jessus stated "no not at this time" so what the WTS is trying to say is sense God's people were wrong and still were in good standing with God so it is alright for them to be wrong, but it not make sense to me what the WTS trying to say because the ones asking Jesus a question was doing just that, they were asking a question because they did not know witch is different then saying they do know and making prophecies as the WTS had done and that did not come about. Not only did I see this statement about these chosen ones asking Jesus in the WT I also observed it come out in a talk, but anyways looking at the subject only tells me then it does not really matter what you believe weather it be people go to heaven or hell or if there really a hell or if Jesus was pinned to a cross or a stake (really if a person was pinned to a cross they would die just the same as if they were pinned to a stake oe if you had your peter nailed to a tree stump it would sure as " " hurt) I am pretty sure the cross was not adopted by religeon yet at the time Jesus was executed but the cross was used by Mystics as a language meaning two or dualality, but it still does not matter, the scriptures say that God will decide what is right or wrong and he will take care of it. Yoy do not need to know how a car operates to drive a car, you do not need to know how a computer works to use a computer. You do not need to know how your mechanic fixed your car when it was broke down. etc. etc. and you difinately do not need a relationship thats going to argue about religeon. Been there done that just don't remember much...
a jw drug rehab place???
by carla inever hear of this?
does ny approve?.
jehovahs witness drug rehab.
I was going to say the WTS or JW's do not rehabilatate they only shun anyone that needs help.
Is the effect of beer different from that of wine?
by compound complex indear drinkers:.
beer buzzes me but wine does not speak to me .... can you speak from personal experience?.
scientif studies welcomes if you have no epxperience.. cocoo.
Too much of anything that makes you feel good, makes you feel bad in the long run even good tasting food.
You have in your brain cimicals called dopemines and your brain releases this dopemines in moderation that causes you to feel pleasure when your like eating good food, having sex, or anything fun, but drinking alcohaul or taking drugs releases more dopemines in larger quantities and as a result your body runs out of dopemines and you are not able to feel pleasure any more.
Answer: How Wrinkly Old People Can Make Love (And Not Be Grossed Out)
by metatron init suddenly hit me, as i glanced down at a nice lady of many decades.................damn!
i'm standing so close to her that she has fallen out of my depth of focus .............and she looks many years younger because, like a camera pointed at doris day, with vaseline on the lens, i can't see wrinkles, scars, crowsfeet or much else beyond a smiling, angelic appearance.
hey, this isn't too bad!.
This man goes to the bar: says "bartender give me a beer" bartender gives him a beer, the man drinks it, looks in his shirt pocket, and says "bartender give me a beer" bartender gives him a beer, the man drinks it, looks in his shirt pocket, and says "bartender give me a beer" and the bartender gives him a beer and asks him "why do you look in your shirt pocket beforer you order a beer?" and the man replies "I have a picture of my wife in my shirt pocket and when she looks good I go home..."
Answer: How Wrinkly Old People Can Make Love (And Not Be Grossed Out)
by metatron init suddenly hit me, as i glanced down at a nice lady of many decades.................damn!
i'm standing so close to her that she has fallen out of my depth of focus .............and she looks many years younger because, like a camera pointed at doris day, with vaseline on the lens, i can't see wrinkles, scars, crowsfeet or much else beyond a smiling, angelic appearance.
hey, this isn't too bad!.
Do you believe in Miracles?
by Snoozy indo you believe in miracles?
i know a lot of strange healings and such occur but why should it happen to one person and not another?
makes me doubt that real miracles exist... praying for someone..why should one person be prayed for and survive and another one prays and doesn't survive..is god choosey?.
If you worry about stuff, it will only make matters worse. Someone may missunderstand you and treat you badly or you may give yourself an alser.
Success breads Success.
I remember working in an auto body shop working on cars and someone would notice that we been working on the same kind of cars all of a sudden and most guys think there something superstitious about that, it does seem odd all a sudden 7 or 8 cars the same make and model come through all of a sudden but to me it just wouldn't have been noticed if there wasn't 7 or 8 cars the same make and model didn't come through all of a sudden. That is about the best explanation I could come up with except maybe a customer that has a car the same make or model noticed there cars around simular to theirs and it incurages them to go ahead and bring there car in (the same make and model). I don't understand the deal there either except maybe they don't want to be showed up by their neighbor or what but I know working in a shop with no cars in the shop no one brings a car to be worked on. When times are slow I found out to just put a few cars in the shop and act like everything is going great because if you act like there a problem people will try to help you with your problem and keep you in a rut and you will have a harder time getting people out of the way so you can get your work done. (You might get a Jehovah's Witness tailing you HA' HA' them can be some pretty helpful little a$$ets can't they?, pain in the a$$ is more like it, if you pay them any attention that is...)
Stay bussy and don't take any wooden nickles...
What exactly is the difference?
by Terry inwhere am i wrong?.
if the bible says something and we don't understand it correctly.... or.
if the bible doesn't really say anything understandable..... what exactly is the difference?.
What difference does it make weather Jessus died on a stake or a cross. WTS syays other relegeons have some truth to hide the liie, so maybe they have alot of truth to hide more lies then, all I see the WTS doing is bashing everyone else's because their product isn't any good at all. and boy "O" boy don't you talk about their religeon... If they actually have the truth as they say then why would they get so upset if someone doesn't agree.