That's my boy!
JoinedPosts by dudeson
going to wal mart by age
by John Doe instop what you are doing, put on clean shorts and.
check yourself in the mirror.
running the register is your .
I'm 23 and can attest to the 20's part except i'm usually there after a few beers at the local brewery.
Anyone from the upstate New York area? Albany, Saratoga, Glens Falls , Etc.???
by annalice inany new ones here from upstate ny ?.
western NY...
Why were you baptized?
by bluecanary ininspired by another thread.. i was baptized at 12 years old.
i had a cousin, two years older than me, who was prettier, more outgoing and more popular in the hall than i was.
i couldn't beat her at any of that stuff, but i figured i could be a better jw than she was.
I was 15 and after studying every week for about 2 years it seemed like the logical thing to do so I got baptized. Once again there was more pressure to do it from the outside than it was my decision.
Is the artwork on the new creation DVD astrological?
by JerkhovahsWitless inanyone else after opening the dvd case for the wonders of creation reveal god's glory (hole), immediately think of the zodiac when looking at the disc?.
Another epic fail by the WBTS "art committee" or whatever they call it.
They even divided it into 12 separate slices.
Wheee!!! spent a lovely evening with JW family *rolls eyes*
by Odrade inor not, as the case may be.
in-laws' family members were visiting from out of town so we went over for the evening.
my uncle-in-law is extremely religious.
we might as well let out all the murderers, burglars and child molestors out of jail since jehovah's going to take care of them later!
14 you ever dream jw dreams?....a poster here does.....not me.......
by oompa inya today they told me they dreamed about a judicial committee that dfd them.........a very long dream......and that later a letter was read that retracted the that happens often.........but anywoo........ i bet/hope i will dream i am in paradise with 17 concubines could be messy...........oompa.
messy in the dream or in the morning?
Haven't been to a meeting in 3 years...
by dudeson infirst off i'd like to say hello to everyone on this forum, especially those who clicked on my topic.. i was baptized on sept 9, 2000 when i was 15. looking back i only did it because i had been studying with the same brother for 2 years and it seemed like the next logical step.i have 3 half siblings who at one point were all going to the meetings but were never baptized.
none are in any way affiliated with any congregation at all and live a long way from myself and my mom.. my mother and i are the only ones in my family who have been baptized and as of dec. 2008 i moved into my own place because things were just too tense between us.
i figured it would be beneficial for our stress levels if i moved out.. when i became inactive my mom kept asking why.
Thanks for the replies everyone. I truly take it to heart seeing complete strangers caring about this decision.
I took my test today and they gave me my AFQT score only. I scored in the 90th percentile so as far as career options it's looking as if I will have the choice of most if not all of the jobs they offer. The other scores will be available later in the week.
I have weighed all the pro's and con's one could weigh without actually serving for some time. This decision is mine and won't hold anyone account for it but me. Your son's situation sounds a bit like mine. I knew college wasn't right for me but at the time I didn't want to pursue a military career. I too will hopefully be using the resources the army will provide with college.
Word will spread about it very quick i'm sure. The elders will find out whether my mom says anything or not. That doesn't really bother me as i expect everyone will hear about it sooner or later.
A question for guys
by keyser soze inwhen using a public restroom, how do you feel when a complete stranger pulls into the urinal right next to you and starts up a conversation with you?
do you feel indifferent, slightly uncomfortable, or violated?.
or are you one of the weirdos who does this?.
if i'm at a bar i pretty much expect dudes to be talking while i'm going. but if i'm at the mall or wal mart leave me alone please.
Haven't been to a meeting in 3 years...
by dudeson infirst off i'd like to say hello to everyone on this forum, especially those who clicked on my topic.. i was baptized on sept 9, 2000 when i was 15. looking back i only did it because i had been studying with the same brother for 2 years and it seemed like the next logical step.i have 3 half siblings who at one point were all going to the meetings but were never baptized.
none are in any way affiliated with any congregation at all and live a long way from myself and my mom.. my mother and i are the only ones in my family who have been baptized and as of dec. 2008 i moved into my own place because things were just too tense between us.
i figured it would be beneficial for our stress levels if i moved out.. when i became inactive my mom kept asking why.
i have met many people who went into the US military and don't regret that decision. I have met a few that say maybe they should have chosen a different avenue to pursue a career. i understand that going to war may mean dying. does it scare me? i'd be lying if i said it didn't. but it doesn't outweigh my desire to pursue it. we could debate all day what is good and bad about doing it. but let's face it, it's for some people and not for others. the concern you show seems genuine and kinda took me back a bit. it almost seems like people on the internet have feelings!
thanks and it's nice to meet ya. I take the test in about 12 hours (it's 3 am now). i took it in high school and was hounded by the army/marines/air force for several months. my recruiter said that's probably cause i did well on it. but since the score is only valid for 2 years i have to take it again.
i didn't have good study habits when it came to the meetings. since i didn't have a teacher or was being quizzed for a grade i never did any lessons from the WT, bookstudy, etc...