JoinedPosts by finallysomepride
2 Days until possibly an Ex-JW is elected to political office
by Momma-Tossed-Me inthings are looking good for me and my campaign.
so we will see..
Good Luck
you have my vote, sadly it doesn't count LOL
This is for all who remember what a typewriter was!! enjoy
by finallysomepride inhttp://www.youtube.com/watch_popup?v=g4nx0xrn-wo&sns=em.
How did you fare in High School as a JW?
by PaintedToeNail infor me it was rather painful.
it was like pressing your nose against the candy store window, knowing that you can look, but you cannot partake.
at high school I was the only jw there, my class mates from primary/intermediate knew i was & told my new class mates, I was picked on a bit, but I stood up to them, with my fists. however i was already suffering from depression & studies suffered badly & in my 2nd year i dropped out. this was in 1975.
Have the British military invaded your country - see map for details
by besty in.
every schoolboy used to know that at the height of the empire, almost a quarter of the atlas was coloured pink, showing the extent of british rule.. but that oft recited fact dramatically understates the remarkable global reach achieved by this country.. a new study has found that at various times the british have invaded almost 90 per cent of the countries around the globe.. .
so when did the poms invade siberia?
& yes I'm from New Zealand, and still a pommie territory (ops i mean still loyal to the royal family LOL)
A quick Saturday Morning Survey - To believe or not to believe
by likeabird ini don't know about you, but i love saturday mornings...now that crawling out of bed on a cold november morning to go and knock on doors is no longer on the agenda.
does that sense of being free ever grow old?
i hope not any time soon at least.. this week we've had quite a few atheist vs believer threads along with speculation on what the actual numbers are on jwn :.
this ape did it
On the road to becoming a crazy cat person
by wha happened? inok, now that my household has been over-run by two kittens.
two kittens that have me running to the pet shop almost daily, i'm becoming a crazy cat person.
be prepared for a plethora of cat links.
Yeah...still waiting for finallysomeprid to send him here like he promised...
yeah sorry about that, he had problems getting though customs & immigration
So utterly hurt.
by LouBelle intoday something happened that hurt me more than the jwks, more than the shunning, more than my sexual molestation, more than my hellish years at caxton and more than the year i've just had.. the moment i was told this, i felt like my insides had been ripped, torn, shredded and my heart squeezed of it's very life.
i put my head in my hands and for the first time in my life let out a primal gut wrenching wail.. my father had asked my gran why she has been treating me the way she has (which hasn't been very nice).
he though it strange considering how in the past i have helped her and given her so much.
what are the JW rules once baptised??
by Kate82 inon my other post 'thinking of becoming a jw' people mentioned that once i was baptised i would be told / given rules of what i can / cant do, things like: how i act, dress, how i can have sex with my husband??
what i can and cant eat ( according to some research ive done).
i would be really interested to hear as many of these rules now - as i think its too late after one is baptised.. i would be grateful of as many as possible about anything any topic even thouse i havent mentioned.. thanks x.
You shalt not have any FUN whatso ever
Wack Job MIL Thinking Sandy is Another Sign of "THE END"
by LostGeneration ini live nowhere near the east coast, nor does my jw mother in law.
but according to my wife, mommy dearest thinks "sandy" is the latest sign that gawd almighty is about to bring about the end.. so i ask my lovely jw wife what she thinks, amazingly she says its probably just another storm, though it does look bad.
i tell her yes, i agree, and if there is anything we can do to help out, i am willing to help.
another sign