I hope Dateline does another follow up on this issue. If it does, I'd go on to tell what happened to my kids. Still don't know if I'd reveal names, due to fear of reprisal from the father of the family (yes, I've contacted Silentlambs).
Posts by Cacky
Link to see the hundreds of media organizations that carried Candace's story
by AndersonsInfo inhttps://news.google.co.uk/news/story?gl=uk&pz=1&cf=all&ned=uk&hl=en&q=candace+conti&ncl=d3b6euxhmn_rn2myzwhoriuisvdrm&cf=all&scoring=d&start=0.
Excellent news article re Candace Conti's abuse, not for the sensitive or tender-hearted
by yesidid inhttp://www.sfgate.com/cgi-bin/article.cgi?f=/c/a/2012/06/15/bauq1p2ph2.dtl.
sadly there are details which may make you heave or want to commit violence..
OMG on that picture Rebel posted. Is that from the Paradise Lost book. I've never read it, but I had heard only good things aobut it from those who grew up with it when I was in. Those people being destroyed look like really evil people, too, a waitress just trying to get by, and even a cat! Now if that isn't to put fear in a child's heart, I dont' know what is. I know they had some pretty bad stuff that my kids grew up with, too (the 80's) and I'm ashamed I didn't follow my gut and do some research about a religion that thinks it's ok to expose kids to stuff like that. And the org says to not watch R rated movies, one reason, because of the violence!!!
Greetings from Candace Conti
by AndersonsInfo incandace asked me to tell you thank you for all your kind expressions of support.
this really means a lot to her.
she wants you to know that she is coping well with all the stress and excitement, even though she's had years of anger and frustration because of being abused for so long, first by the molester, and then by the wt.
What a brave girl you are! Thank you.
I hate to interrupt this, but I cannot find out on here how to start a new thread! I wanted to post that www.freepress.com, I believe that's the address of the ones who are making Sparlock tees and coffee cups, anyway, they posted that the Watchtower is taking action to stop them using the images from the video, copyright abuse laws, so whatever is left to sell will still sell, but it will be taken down soon. They say those will be collectors items. I don't know them so don't know how reliable they are in what they say, but that's what was posted from them (or someone) on my facebook page.
Momentum Builds
by stuckinamovement inif possible it would be great to send a copy of the new "shepherding" book and the recent confidentiality letter to contacts in the media.
the society will try to paint this as an isolated case and that it is in no way related to their policies.
the documents mentioned above show that this is not the case.. what is next?
I tried to copy the letter you posted but can't. Why don't you send it to MSNBC since they just reported on the other lawsuit case? They should have somewhere on their site where you can submit it to.
Latest Watchtower lays into the United Nations like nothing ever happened...
by cedars infor those of us who are familiar with the watch tower society's 9-year affiliation with the united nations as an ngo (non-governmental organization), a portion of the latest "armageddon article" produced in the september 15th 2012 study edition provides some interesting reading.. for those not familiar with the scandal, i can do no better than point you in the direction of the pertinent article over on jwfacts.com, which you can access via the following link:.
to clarify, here is a letter from the united nations confirming the affiliation:.
Someone could send it to that reporter at the Sun, was it, that exposed the Watchtower's affiliation in the first place.
Letter I am writing to local Newspaper......
by tresdecu instill going back to correct grammer / spelling, but this is basically what i am writing to them.
it probably won't do any good, but you never know:.
thanks for taking the time to read this.
From what I understand, any letters to the editors must contain a name of the persons sending it or they don't use it. I hope they see in this situation that would not be possible and still consder it. If you give them contact information so they can be sure of you, they also might be more likely to do it, so long as they can say they checked out the writer.
JW s in Cali
by criticalwitness inis their a different set of laws for jw in california?
it seems to be so much more lax as opposed to other parts of u.s?
from beiang able to get tats the parties oh mean gatherings lol just seemed dif anyone else notice?.
I'm in the midwest. Years ago we knew a family who had just moved here from Cali. They were surprised that they weren't allowed to attend concerts, even rock concerts. The mom of young adults said she even went to them in Cali. So I guess they do go by different rules there. Oh, as far as the concerts, they just went to Six Flaggs to attend whatever concerts were playing there. I'd overhear the MS sons whispering to each other about going to Six Flaggs about the good seats they had at the concert.
Did You Watch The Waltons?
by snowbird inif so, did you enjoy the show?.
i loved it.
missed quite a few episodes due to attending kh meetings, but i'm making up for that.. the show reminds me so of growing up in a large family, having to share everything, and looking out for each other..
Loved the Walton's, in my early teens. I once brought home the movie The Homecoming, which was the movie that precluded the series. My one jw daughter in particular, I could tell, didn't trust me in that it was ok to watch, because it had Christmas as the background to it, but she absolutely loved it and seemed surprised that it wasn't something they shouldn't have watched after all. I was considered by my kids to be a bad, non-spiritual jw mom and they were pretty brainwashed by the other moms in the cong and what they learned from the pulpit. Poor kids! I wish I had woken up to the what was being done to them in that religion.
JW Longo Story on ABC TV July 11th "Final Witness"
by AndersonsInfo inhttp://www.thefutoncritic.com/listings/20120611abc02/.
final witness*.
air date: wednesday, july 11, 2012. time slot: 10:00 pm-11:00 pm est on abc.
I'll be watching!
Oh, the pain
by Cirkeline init hurts like hell to listen to my 17 yo girl, crying, saying she misses our real relationship.
that she gets depressed every time we talk about spiritual things.
and i really do the utmost to leave it out of our conversations.
I'm going through similar stuff, but my two jw daughters are older and do shun me now that I have turned "apostate." I once heard an interview by the mom of (I forget his name, some famous guy who was always pushing for consumer rights, anyway) his mom was interviewed on Phil Donahue (really giving my age away lol), and the mother said, "Don't expect your children to thank you. Just expect them to respect you." Or maybe she said, don't expect them to love you, either way, it has a similar sentiment. My problem is, I was never a good, spiritual jw mom, so my girls hated me when they grew up, blamed me because we weren't a popular jw family (funny, inactive dad never got the blame), and I found out years later their friend's mom's would criticize me (I was going to college and other things) and they told my kids I had no business doing that, if I loved them I would be concerned for their spiritual welfare. The thing was, I believed a lot of the teachings, but just thought the imminent end just might not be quite as close as they kept saying, and wanted my kids to have more of a life, in case it was much farther away than they thought. I was really pulled between the real me and what I wanted for my kids and the jw teachings and always struggled with that. Anyway, I hate the religion, too, and so wish I had never raised my kids in it. I know for certain things would have been better, different, but better. I could have freely encouraged them to go after whatever their passion was, that kind of thing. I lived through 30 years of cognitive dissonane with that, and tha affected my kids, too. If only we could go back and do things over. All I can do for now is hope and wait. I have actually resorted to sending out mental messages to my kids in the hopes that somehow our mental thoughts do go out there in some sort of brain waves that maybe, just maybe, could get picked up by them. Crazy, I know. But that's what I've had to resort to, since there just is nothing more I can do. Believe me, I've tried. So every night, I sit out on my porch and think some thoughts and mentally send them toward where they live.