Oh, come, now. Since when does a little thing like the Bible get in the way?
22 also, continue showing mercy+ to some who have doubts;+23 save them+ by snatching them out of the fire.
but continue showing mercy to others, doing so with fear, while you hate even the garment that has been stained by the flesh.+24 now to the one who is able to guard you from stumbling and to make you stand unblemished+ in the sight of his glory* with great joy,25 to the only god our savior through jesus christ our lord, be glory, majesty, might, and authority for all past eternity and now and into all eternity.
so, then - why does the gb separate those who become doubtful out of fear they will stumble some?
Oh, come, now. Since when does a little thing like the Bible get in the way?
is the governing body defaming god's name?.
doesn't the claim to be "spirit-directed" and to be "jehovah's organization", to only turn around and spread falsehood (aka old light), actually indirectly call god a liar?.
"Do you accept the resignation of all these liars? Of all the CORRUPT?!"
last night we had our midweek meeting.
the bible reading was from "who is doing jehovah's will....the part where they asked who was the fds.
i thought because of the past sept. wt, every hand would go up....all you heard were crickets.
"It doesn't matter who we are. What matters is our plan."
this is a follow-up from the recent thread from adjustments, addressing the mind control and manipulation the wts uses to threaten the jw's into unquestioning submission.. is there any statemtent they could make, that people would not question?
honestly, if you read their study articles, it is unbelievable what the people will listen to, swallow as "truth," and then regurgitate to others, as if it has always been their belief.
we visited a local kh for the september 8 & 15 lessons on new light.
Maybe not. I used my satire, 'The Beast-Tower', as a way to demonstrate that point:
re: convention service meeting part for week of january 6, 2014. .
instruction: press the 'skip ad' button top right, you should then see the download screen more easily.
Well, I actually rather like the hotel we usually stay at. It's got a fridge and a TV, and free wi-fi. That's kind of all I need.
Actually, why not just stay in the hotel, get some fried shrimp from that seafood place nearby, and watch 'Terminator' again? I find that arrangement highly acceptable. May we rejoice at the bounteous provisions that the slave class, which is rapidly dwindling, I mean look, there used to be almost 10,000 of them and now it's down to 8, how amazing is that, brothers? Let us rejoice at the provisions they have given us. /sarc
has anyone here left jehovah's witnesses to join the churuch of jesus christ of latter-day saints?
what was your motivation for doing so and how has it worked out?.
if you haven't joined the lds or considered it, as an ex-jw, what is your general view of the lds faith?.
Maybe 12 years ago, I had feelings for a Mormon woman and decided to look into her religion. I read the Book of Mormon, Pearl of Great Price, and Doctrine & Covenants pretty quickly. I tried my best to believe it but there was just no way to fake it, really. I was planning to join up with them but my mom put a stop to it, and I pretty much reprogrammed myself with JW stuff.
Honestly, it seemed contrived to me. The only way I could believe it was if I wanted to believe it. The moral code appealed to me, the fact that they seemed to encourage marriage and family and even seemed to have a special sort of interest in young adults--heck, I even studied with two female missionaries at the time. Of course, I think they were just 'love-bombing' me at the time, so it probably seemed cooler than it actually was.
Still, learning about their faith gave me a sort of respect for them. Not knowing the darker side of it all probably helps, too. But they seem less controlling than JWs to me, even though of course they fit much of the same criteria for a group that uses destructive social influence on its members.
On the plus side, it was learning about them that made me start to become more keenly aware of what was wrong with the JWs--mainly their inability to be honest when talking about other groups.
i thought i sent a goodbye message on fb to two jdubs that i used to hang out with.
it sounded like goodbye to me, without saying goodbye.
here's what i wrote:.
If someone asks: "Are you back?"
You might say: "Perhaps you have the wrong number. Mr./Ms. Back does not live here."
well did you notice how these guys on the governing body seems to know such intimate things about jehovah like what he's thinking, what makes him sad/happy and yet they never even personally met the guy, because he is completely invisible except for those that claim to have seen him.
in other words they claim no direct communication with the corporate deity but claim to know his intimate feeling based on the study of an ancient text where writers claim direct inspiration and expression of the deity.. could these just be projections of their own thinking and feeling processes onto the corporate deity?
most likely.. isaiah 42:14-16.
Someone here wisely said that basically, Jehovah is a sock puppet for the Watchtower. They stick their hand in, and he feels, says, and thinks whatever they want him to feel, say, and think.
i have just seen in the flesh , or paper , the new nwt .
my witness friends were delighted with it showing me all the new features like the glossary of terms and explanations of the hows and whys .
i did ask about actual content , acting daft not letting on that i knew anything about it .
Ah. My old thread on BeDuhn's book again. The gift that keeps on giving...
among the inane fb comments i've come across about the agm, this one stood out as more inane than the most enthusiastic jw slobbering:.
"before we start taking about what happened at the agm we must be absolutely certain that all the meetings are over.
make sure that we are obedient in the small things ago that we will be obedient in the big things.
I believe there is some contention about that section. I believe some early church fathers believed that it originally belonged in the text and was edited out to remove the implication that Jesus tolerated adultery. The ones that asserted this believed it belonged in the NT though.
--Ah. Very good, then.