Thanks every one for the help. I am going to do some swatting up on their literature so I am prepared. I have already done some research and am beginning to understand why 607bc and 1914 are so important, and yet so completly wrong.
I am still interested to know why they think humans have only been around for 6000 years. I have found some great links on here from old posts.
Thanks as well for the advise and warning. If I hadn't have had your opinions I would have really put my foot in it. I would hate to loose my family completly. I have spoken to my brother who is a witness (but a rather chilled out one), and he says if I have any questions he would be happy to get someone to discuss them with me, just as a normal "worldly" person. He assures me any discussion would remain private. He thinks I should not try and challenge the family directly as I am already considered bad association and it would be unwise to give my parents amunition to drive a wedge between me and my brothers and sister. This is defeating the point a bit as the issue was really with the family but I understand where he is coming from.
Not sure I know how I feel about having a "discussion". They may consider this an opportunity for conversion, and will probably even put in time for it. I will let you know the out come if and when this happens. Arte