Hello friend! I totally suck at all things essay, so I'll not offer any advice or council. I do want to say I can relate to the feelings you have regarding the family leaving you in the cold, and yes, it IS that way, you did NOT leave them. You are still willing to talk, they are not. They've withdrawn. You cannot fix their thoughts or feelings for them, you can only live your life and raise your beautiful girls the way you and your husband see fit. 20 years from now all that will matter is what THEIR nucleus of a family did, and how you raised them. It won't matter much at that point what their aunts, uncles, or grandparents did or did not do. I know extended family can be comforting, and nice to have, but not at the cost of all that they stand to gain in living a normal life.
Look through all the posts of people "born in" and how they look back and wish who??? THEIR PARENTS hadn't made those choices...hardly ever do you hear about extended family members having a dramatic bearing on their lives regardless of their religions, jw or not, if the parents are in the picture. You are doing well, keep your head up, your goals in sight, and look at the smiles and listen to the giggles, and know you are being true to yourself.