Our writings are true, they are backed up by the bible. Rather than, the bible is true, backed up by our writings.
Isnt that the "truth"?
One of my big awakenings was "Well, it seems like lately it has been more about the WTS than the Bible."
Then, once I stepped back and actually studied everything with a critical eye, I realized it has ALWAYS been that way. They dogmatically push the fact that they are God's voice on this earth. You reject them, you reject God. You disobey them, you disobey God. You don't peddle enough magazines and get enough field service hours, you are not doing enough for God.
The springboard for me was the pedophilia cases - I have seen way too many people in my life deeply affected, and the lack of love and respect for these poor victims by the WTS and their elders made me want to vomit. I resigned as an elder since I refused to handle those cases the way the WTS wants people to - sweep it under the rug. They care more about the organization than the people in it - then use the guise of "well, we dont want to bring dishonor to Jehovah's name." Sorry fellas, but you are already doing a damn fine job in that department!!
I am in the same age bracket (mid to late 30's) and am breaking apart the "strongly entrenched things" day by day.