Six in one hand, and a half dozen in the other. Are they genuinely delusional, or are they only too aware and corrupt? Or maybe some of them are genuinely delusional, and others are corrupt? Maybe they're like typical elder bodies in your average congregation where you have one or two dynamic men who impose their will on the more moderate and weaker elders? As a result the whole congregation is affected by the will of only one or two individuals because the other handful of elders lacked a backbone and didn't have the courage to voice their true opinions? Right after the COBOE says, "all in favor?", its like time stops for a brief moment as you see brother's eyes start darting in different areas throughout the room in an effort to get an idea of what the majority will be. Nobody want's to, or, maybe most lack the courage to outwardly vote with their conscience and as a result, matters that should have reasonable debate and dissent, end up with unanimous decisions. Then the congregation gets an announcement about some matter, sometimes of little importance, but often the opposite, and the congregation thinks the elders unanimously and unitedly made a decision with Jehovah's spirit upon them. Meanwhile the handful of cowardly and moderate elders know the truth of what happened. The one or two bullies on the body continue on with this kind behavior for years until someone finally checks them, or they make a serious mistake.
I wonder if this is what's happening on a higher level in your Branches, and at Bethel when the GB has their weekly meeting, and when the Legal Department has their say in important matters. I'm under the impression that the Writing Department does very little thinking, rather they produce whatever the resident bully heading them decides needs to be delivered to the flock. Jaracz probably bullied his so called constituents who are more of hand picked lackeys more than anything else. Those on the GB now that Jaracz hand a strong hand in appointing, won't be able to shake off his influence so easily. Like him or not, he had a dynamic presense. Even jokingly a poster on this forum has as his avatar a picture of Jaracz with a note that says, "I'll be back!" Thats how much of an impact this man had on our lives, and those he worked with. You know when the director of The Last King of Scotland did a screening for some Ugandans, the people in the audience thought Forrest Whitaker was Idi Amin reincarnated and that he had come back to get them. Thats how much of an impact Idi Amin had on his populace. I think its possible the same kind of fear and hesitation to initiate reform in this organization is present within those currently taking the lead in this organization. They're possibly shell shocked to some degree.
I don't know if they're corrupt, or delusional, or what. I really don't. There's so many mixes signals coming from the literature, and from the COs, and other platforms, that its hard to tell what the hell is going on up there. Who knows man? (shrugs cyber shoulders)