Thanks Stephen,
You're right, it is WT-ism to think that tongue speaking is wholly inspired by the devil, the elder's wife certainly believes this. As for me, I just drew a parallel between those who believe the spirit inspired them to speak in unknown tongues and those who believe that the spirit annoints them into the 144,000 ruling class in how it may be possible that the devil could be inspiring some of those individuals in both cases.
I have been looking at the scriptures that the associated pastor pointed out and it does appear that the scriptures could be interpreted in the way that they have done it where one person speaks in an unknown tongue and another interprets. At the same time, I can also see how the passages could be interpreted so that tongues are really the divine power to speak another language without formally studying it. The Jehovah's Witnesses are not the only people who hold this view of tongues.
However, even if my pastor's interpretation of tongues is correct there are times, I believe, where this gift could be abused and the inspiration may not have come from God. For example:
Tongue speaker: jibberish, jibberish, jibberish, jibberish
Interpreter: Please continue to give your tithes to the Lord. Our church needs your gifts in order to continue to be a light to the world. Remember God wants your full ten percent of your wages, your first fruits. Give, and He will bless you, give because it is God's commandment. YOU DO WANT TO PLEASE GOD, right? But what if you say you barely have enough to support your family? Oh ye of little faith, remember the widow's offering in Luke 21:1-4. Give all you have and the Lord will bless you with abundance. If you are too concerned about your circumstances, you are not concerning yourself enough with serving the Lord.
Laying on the guilt trip just as the Watchtower does. Can you not see the parallel between this inspiration and the 'inspired' preaching of the Watchtower where the witnesses believe that the answers to all of life's problems comes solely from attending more meetings, going out in more field service, pray more, do more for Jehovah, and contribute to the worldwide preaching work? I want to support my church, but not under coercion. Remember, the Lord loves a cheerful giver (2 Corinthians 9:7). Can we be certain that the inspiration for this interpretation is truly from God or maybe it is the pastor's concern about the dwindling funds coming into the church. (By the way, this inspiration to give till it hurts did not come from my church, it is just an illustration.)
Now here is the parallel between the tongue speaker and the Watchtower's teaching of the 144,000 that I pointed out to the elder's wife. Remember, only members of the 'annointed class' can be appointed to the Governing Body. Therefore, what if an individual gets the impression that he or she is of the 'annointed' but, in this case, that impression came not from God but from the devil? If this person climbs the ranks of the Watchtower and someday gets appointed to the governing body, would the devil not be influencing and/or possibly even directing the governing body? When I posed this scenario to the elder's wife, she said that this would not happen because this individual would not be acting in accordance with the Bible.
Please bear in mind that I am not saying that this is what is happening for I am not going to be presumptuous and state that the Watchtower's governing body is under the influence of Satan. I am also not going to be presumptuous and say that the tongue speaker is being inspired by the devil. In short, I don't know in either case however, Raymond Franz's book "Crisis of Consious" is an eye-opener concerning the governing body's 'inspirations.'
We must always continue to test the spirits and hold fast to what is truth because many false prophets have gone out into the world (1 John 4:1). We're quick to call the Watchtower a false prophet, in spite of the fact that they believe they are guided by 'spirit annointed' Christians, because we test them against the Bible. Let's make sure we do the same thing with the tongue speakers and their interpreters. I will continue to consult the Bible and pray and ask for direction from God's Holy Spirit on this for there is a lot of confusion regarding the gift of tongues. Personally, I would rather edify the church by reading or quoting passages from the Bible as the Holy Spirit guides me to rather than speak 50 words in an unknown tongue. This would seem to parallel Paul's remarks in 1 Corinthians 14:19. I believe that the passages concerning orderly worship should be followed very carefully (1 Corinthians 14:26-40).